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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Period 1 warming up & vocabulary

3 How did you spend your summer holiday?
Free talk TV computer air-conditioner How did you spend your summer holiday? plane train car

4 Do you remember them? I put forward the theory about black holes.
I’m the father of super hybrid rice

5 Guessing game Who are they?

6 Who is he? 今日事,今日毕. He has made a famous kite experiment.
He learned a lot from it and invented lightning rod(避雷针). He is … Benjamin Franklin Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today. 今日事,今日毕.

7 Imagination is more important than knowledge
Who is he? He is called the greatest scientist in the 20th century. He is famous for the Theory of Relativity. He is … Albert Einstein Imagination is more important than knowledge "想象力比知识更重要." imaginative

8 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感.
Who is he? He invented electric bulbs. He made more than 1,000 inventions during his life. He is … Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感.

9 Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Who is she? She is a woman scientist. She discovered radium(镭)and polonium(钋). In her life, she won the Nobel Prize twice. She is … Marie Curie Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西.

10 Who is he? He made the first telescope in the world.
His observations show that the earth moves around the sun. He is … Galileo Galilei You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him find it within himself. 你不可能把一切都教给一个人, 你只能帮助他从内心去发现(和了解)事物。

11 Do the quiz and see who knows the most.
Warming up Do the quiz and see who knows the most. What other scientists do you know?

12 Answers 1. 2. 3. Archimedes 4. 5. Charles Darwin 6. 7. Thomas Newcomen
Q Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Archimedes Charles Darwin Thomas Newcomen Gregor Mendel Marie Curie Thomas Edison Leonardo da Vinci Sir Humphry Davy Zhang Heng Stephen Hawking

13 Brainstorming positive common characteristics strict persuasive
Co-operative enthusiastic positive common characteristics bright strict creative cautious persuasive

14 draw a conclusion They all... Brainstorming made a great contribution
made great achievements succeeded in their scientific career overcome many difficulties

15 Pair work What would they talk about?
It’s very pity that these scientists couldn’t get together to have a talk. Now let’s organize a party for them. Because of an advanced machine called Time Machine, all the scientists from all different times can come to attend (join in) the party. What would they talk about?

16 …… They may talk about these 1.I wonder if you’re…
2.I know you because I’ve heard that you… 3.Thank you for knowing so much about me. 4.I’m the one who… 5.I’m really interested in your invention. …… They may ask about these What’s your nationality? (I’m from…) What are you interested in? What conclusion have you drawn? What are you proud of? What leads to your success? (My cautiousness/ creativeness/ determination…leads to…)

17 Homework Tell your partner about the great scientists
and their achievements. 2. Revise the new words and expressions learned in this lesson , and preview those of the reading text. 3. Finish the words practice.

18 Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth.
Archimedes 阿基米德 (ancient Greek) Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth.

19 Charles Darwin 达尔文(British)
“The Origin of Species”

20 Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729) British
托玛斯 ·纽科门 It was he who invented a steam engine. James Watt improved it and turned it into the first modern steam engine used on the railways. Newcomen’s steam engine

21 Gregor Mendel 门德尔( ) Czech (捷克) Inheritance遗传

22 Marie Curie (Polish) Pierre Curie
The Only person ever to receive two Nobel Prizes , one in physics and the other in chemistry. Pierre Curie

23 Thomas Edison Phonograph 留声机 Thomas Edison lightbulb Motion Pictures

24 Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 The Last Supper

25 Humphry Davy (British ) 汉弗莱 戴维
The safety lamp invented by him , also called the Davy lamp

26 seismograhp Zhang Heng

27 Stephen Hawking 斯帝芬· 霍金 The theory about black holes
What is a black hole?


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