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Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

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Presentation on theme: "Hurricane Recovery Job Connection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hurricane Recovery Job Connection
Friday, September 30, 2005 2:00 pm EDT

2 Virtual Classroom Layout
Presentation Slide Area Participant List Moderator: I’d like to take a moment to show you the layout of the virtual classroom. There are three main areas that I would like to call to your attention: The Participant List on the left of your screen displays a list of all attendees to this webinar. The Chat Room, also at the left of the screen, allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. For those of you who have attended other webinars with us, the format for today’s session is a bit different. We are using a ONE WAY conference for the audio portion of this webinar. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANYTIME throughout the session. We will be monitoring the chat window, recording your questions, and making them available to the Assistant Secretary so she can respond to them at the end of our session today. The Presentation Slide Area is where the main content for the webinar will appear. This area will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Chat Room Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

3 Submitting Questions Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Chat Room Moderator: If you would like to submit a question or comment anytime during the presentation, please enter that question into the chat room. The chat room is located in the lower left portion of the virtual classroom. To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. When you submit a question, your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Note that Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible during the session. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box Arrow Button Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

4 Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

5 Access to Webinar Materials
Materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the Resources & Information section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. All webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Multimedia Information/ Self-Paced Learning section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. Moderator: Please note that all materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the “Resources” section of the Workforce3 One Webspace at Also, all webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Skill Building section of Workforce3 One, and filed under “Self-Paced Learning.” (ADVANCE SLIDE) Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

6 Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA
Speaker Introduction Harvey Ollis Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

7 Harvey Ollis, Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA
Introductions Panelists: Harvey Ollis, Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA Greg Hitchcock, Federal Project Lead, Hurricane Recovery Job Connection, USDOL/ETA Judy Thompson, Manager of Data Processing, America's Job Bank Service Center, New York Department of Labor Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

8 Create a greater awareness/familiarity with the site
Objectives Create a greater awareness/familiarity with the site Discuss ways your state agencies and this resource can work together towards a common goal Identify methods on how states can identify and send jobs to this site Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

9 Hurricane Recovery Job Connection
Formerly known as Katrina Recovery Job Connection ( Refocused for broader approach to hurricane response /katrinajobs links is redirected to new site Can also be reached through Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

10 Hurricane Recovery Job Connection Major Functionality
Jobseekers/General Jobs Search Jobseekers/Recovery Jobs Search Employer Job Posting Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

11 Federal Project Lead, Hurricane Recovery Job Connection, USDOL/ETA
Greg Hitchcock, Federal Project Lead, Hurricane Recovery Job Connection, USDOL/ETA Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

12 Job Seekers/ General Jobs Search
Searches all jobs available on the site Nationwide search where individuals impacted by hurricanes can search jobs employers have posted specifically for them Job seekers can also post resumes for registered employers to search Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

13 Job Seekers/ Recovery Jobs Search
Searches only temporary clean-up, recovery, and reconstruction jobs in hurricane recovery areas States are encouraged to post jobs created through National Emergency Grants Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

14 Employers Can post jobs they want to make available to hurricane impacted individuals Can post jobs that support hurricane recovery efforts Can search resumes of individuals displaced by hurricanes Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

15 Connection to America’s Job Bank
This is an association site, built on AJB infrastructure and processes All data (jobs/resumes) are uploaded to AJB for broader exposure Job data is available for download into state systems to support reemployment efforts of displaced individuals in your state Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

16 Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA
Harvey Ollis Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

17 Working Together to Help Those in Need
Site built to complement state/local resources due to unique circumstances that has resulted in individuals displaced by the hurricanes being dispersed throughout the country This requires a coordinated effort of the Workforce Investment System Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

18 Benefits Affected Individuals One stop shop for re-employment needs
Search in the location they have been evacuated to Search in home city/state for opportunities prior to returning home States Can provide value-added service to employer customers wanting to assist hurricane-impacted individuals Help provide opportunities for individuals displaced by hurricanes to return home, or relocate Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

19 Steps You Can Take to Make the Partnership Work
Link to Hurricane Recovery Job Connection from State Web sites and Job Banks Inform One-Stop staff of this new resource and encourage them to discuss as part of service delivery to employers and dislocated workers Encourage employers to populate the site Submit job openings from your state system Develop ways for NEG grant jobs to be placed on this site (as appropriate) Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

20 How to Link to Hurricane Recovery Job Connection
Links and Logos available at: Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

21 Employer Posting Options
Employers offering a small number of positions New and Small Businesses Registered AJB employers already using the Public Interface Employers not registered with AJB that are interested in posting a large number of positions Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

22 Judy Thompson Manager of Data Processing, America's Job Bank Service Center, New York Department of Labor Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

23 1. Employers offering a small number of positions
Must register as an employer with the Hurricane Recovery Job Connection Web site This includes registered AJB employers Job will be posted to both the Hurricane Recovery Job Connection, and AJB Can indicate job as a Hurricane Recovery Job by checking the denotation box in step 2 of the job posting process Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

24 2. Registered AJB Employers already using the Public Interface
Employers can customize existing files they submit to AJB by: Adding KGJ in the region field on the job record for general jobs they want sent to the HRJC site Adding KRJ in the region field on the job record for recovery/reconstruction jobs they want sent to the HRJC site To designate that all jobs sent to AJB should be displayed on the HRJC site immediately, employers should call the help desk at , select option 3 and speak to a Public Interface agent Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

25 These employers should use the batch file process:
3. Employers not registered with AJB that are interested in posting a large number of positions These employers should use the batch file process: Register as an employer on the HRJC site Click on the link from the "My Account" page that says "Are you interested in learning more about posting your jobs using our bulk submission process?" Complete the public interface registration A customer service representative will contact you to begin the job posting process Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

26 References for Helping Employers
These employer posting options are available at: More specifics on how to register for the Public Interface and the technical details involved are available at: Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

27 States Sending Job Orders
Can leverage existing AJB data exchange or create one for this purpose Develop a policy/procedure transmittal to local One-Stop Staff that appropriate openings should be shared The criteria for determining which jobs should be shared is up to the state, but the process has to include front-line staff inserting codes into appropriate job descriptions as they enter them into the state’s system to leverage the existing AJB process. States would then transmit these listings as part of the file the state uploads to AJB Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

28 States Identifying Appropriate Job Orders in the AJB File
KGJ: should be entered as the first four characters in the job description field on the job record for general jobs the state wants sent to the HRJC site KRJ: should be entered as the first four characters in the job description field on the job record for recovery/reconstruction jobs the state wants sent to the HRJC site Using the correct code (and ensuring the colon is part of the code) is important to ensure that the file is processed by AJB correctly, so that the jobs appear on the HRJC site in the appropriate searches Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

29 Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA
Harvey Ollis Manager, E-Tools Group, USDOL/ETA Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

30 National Emergency Grants
$191.1 million in National Emergency Grants (NEG) to create more than 40,000 temporary jobs in the region related to the re-establishment of infrastructure and community services as well as clean-up of communities have been awarded. Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

31 NEG Job Posting Set up a process to have your NEG grantees enter their jobs with the KRJ: code in the beginning of the job description in your state job bank and then transmit a file to AJB; or Issue state guidance asking grantees to register with and directly enter the jobs onto the Hurricane Recovery Job Connection site. Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

32 Judy Thompson Manager of Data Processing, America's Job Bank Service Center, New York Department of Labor Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

33 AJB Service Center is Available to Help
Help for States: (option 3) Learn who your State Coordinator is Get answers to questions regarding uploading/downloading files with hurricane related job openings between the HRJC site and your state system Help for Employers: (option 2) For answers to questions on employer posting options Refer employers interested in using the batch process Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

34 Q&A Open Discussion Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

35 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at: Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

36 Access to Webinar Materials
Materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the Research & Information section of the Workforce3One Webspace. All webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Multimedia Information/ Self-Paced Learning section of the Workforce3One Webspace. Moderator: Please note that all materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the “Resources” section of the Workforce3 One Webspace at Also, all webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Skill Building section of Workforce3 One, and filed under “Self-Paced Learning.” (ADVANCE SLIDE) Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

37 Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of practice Live Web-based events Register for updates! Additional Resources: Visit Call US2-JOBS Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

38 Thanks! Hurricane Recovery Job Connection

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