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Evaluation of Smaller Learning Communities in LAUSD

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1 Evaluation of Smaller Learning Communities in LAUSD
Presentation to the Los Angeles Board of Education January 25, 2007 Michael Butler Mikala Rahn, Ph.D. Vivian Hsu Scott Phelps Public Works, Inc. (626)

2 Federal Expectations for SLC Schools
Include all students in SLCs by end of grant (wall-to-wall SLC implementation) Implement innovative changes in curriculum and instruction geared to State content standards Implement academic and social support systems for students in SLCs Provide professional development in innovative teaching methods that engage and challenge students in SLCs Include parents, business, higher education, and community-based organizations in SLC redesign

3 LAUSD’s Expectations for SLC Schools
Submit a proposal and school impact report (Bulletin 1600) that outlines how the school will be restructured into SLCs of students Move toward full implementation of eight LAUSD SLC attributes within 3-5 years Implement the Superintendent’s priorities as referenced in Closing the Achievement Gap: Improving Educational Outcomes for Under-Achieving Students

4 LAUSD’s SLC Attributes
Unifying Vision SLC Identity Rigorous Standards-Based Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Equity & Access Personalization Accountability & Distributed Leadership Collaboration, Parent & Community Engagement Professional Development

5 LAUSD Grantee Schools Cohort III Cohort IV Cohort V
Banning Cleveland Monroe Poly Roosevelt Cohort IV Birmingham Carson Fremont Garfield Narbonne N. Hollywood San Fernando Cohort V Canoga Park Huntington Park Lincoln Los Angeles Manual Arts Marshall San Pedro Sylmar Washington Prep Grant

6 Evaluation Methods - Quantitative
Analysis of Student Outcome Data: California High School Exit Exam California Standards Tests Academic GPA Graduation Rate College Entrance Exams A-G eligibility Attendance Rates

7 Evaluation Methods - Surveys
School staff (May) 10th and 12th grade students (May) 12th grade graduate follow-up survey (Sept-Oct)

8 Evaluation Methods - Qualitative
Site Visits (March-May) Interviews with administrators and coordinators Focus groups of counselors, teachers, students, and other stakeholders (SLC and Non-SLC) Extensive review of existing literature and research

9 The key research question
To what extent has LAUSD’s SLC initiative resulted in structures and strategies that… Create personalization? Achieve equity and access? Help students master rigorous academic content? Help students transition to postsecondary education and careers?

10 2004-05 SLC Evaluation Reports
Qualitative Report (February 2006) Findings by LAUSD SLC Attribute (site visits and surveys) Quantitative Report (June 2006) Findings on student achievement and school performance Executive Summary (June 2006) Synthesis of key findings from both reports

11 Student Involvement in SLCs: Cohort III
Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Baseline 75% of SLC students in 9th or 10th grade

12 Student Involvement in SLCs: Cohort IV
Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Baseline 70% of SLC students in 9th or 10th grade Baseline

13 Student Involvement in SLCs: Cohort V
Year 2 Year 1 Baseline

14 Cohort III Student Demographics

15 Cohort III Student Demographics

16 Cohort IV Student Demographics

17 Cohort IV Student Demographics

18 Pupil Attendance N=11,613 N =8,779 N =10,867 N =22,262

19 9th and 10th Grade Dropouts

20 2005 Grade 9 ELA CST - % Basic and Above

21 2005 Grade 10 ELA CST - % Basic and Above

22 2005 Grade 9 Math CST - % Basic and Above

23 2005 Grade 10 Math CST - % Basic and Above

24 2005 CAHSEE ELA Pass Rate (10th Grade - First Time Test Takers)
N=2,335 N=1,998 N=2,138 N=4,227

25 2005 CAHSEE Math Pass Rate (10th Grade - First Time Test Takers)
N=2,364 N=2,002 N=2,159 N=4,217

26 Summary of Quantitative Findings
SLCs have become more demographically representative. With enrollment growth of 200%-400%, SLC students continue to outperform Non-SLC peers on almost all achievement indicators SLC schools show large declines of 9th and 10th grade dropouts SLC students more likely to attend school SLC students more likely to pass CAHSEE as 10th graders

27 Summary of Staff Survey Findings
Majority of staff self-identify with a SLC Staff least satisfied with SLC Vision, SLC Identity, and Parent/Comm. Involvement There is not much difference in staff perceptions based on SLC involvement Adapting the Master Schedule, adequacy of facilities, and staff resistance to change are seen as the primary barriers

28 Summary of Student Survey Findings
SLC students were more positive about the classroom learning environment and personalization. SLC students are likely to be encouraged toward postsecondary education. SLC students more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. The majority of students do not develop a written plan for high school and beyond, nor do they discuss these plans with counselors or teachers. Interaction with counselors is a good predictor of satisfaction with school regardless of SLC participation.

29 Rating SLC Implementation
All Cohort III and IV schools visited and each attribute rated on a six-point rubric: 1=No Evidence of Implementation 2=Planning for Implementation 3=Early Implementation 4=Developmental Implementation 5=Solid Implementation 6=Full Implementation

30 Ratings for Cohort III Status: Early/Developmental Implementation
Y1 Y2 Y3 Vision Identity Instruction Equity & Access Personalization Accountability Parent & Comm Prof Dev Overall Status: Early/Developmental Implementation

31 Ratings for Cohort IV Status: Early Implementation Y1 Y2
Vision Identity Instruction Equity & Access Personalization Accountability Parent & Comm Prof Dev Overall Status: Early Implementation

32 Ratings for Cohort V Status: Planning for Implementation Y1 Vision 1.9
Identity 2.1 Instruction 2.0 Equity & Access 1.9 Personalization 1.9 Accountability 1.8 Parent & Comm. 1.4 Prof Dev 1.5 Overall 1.8 Status: Planning for Implementation

33 Evaluation Conclusions & Recommendations
Key Issues Degree and Pace of SLC Implementation - Are SLCs for all students? Staff buy-in versus Master Schedule coherence? Linking Master Schedule to SLC Vision - Is the tail wagging the dog? Ensuring Equity and Access - How to expand choice based on student interest while also developing strategies and intervention for low achievers? Linking SLCs to Instructional Practices - How do SLCs “add value” to standards-based reforms?

34 Summary Evaluation Findings for Schools
Sites doing best on: Involving more staff and students in SLCs Making new SLCs more demographically representative of their schools Empowering teachers to establish SLCs with clear identity Developing strategies for personalization Reducing 9th and 10th grade dropouts Improving pupil attendance Helping students pass CAHSEE as 10th graders

35 Summary Evaluation Findings for Schools
Sites need to focus on: Clarifying and communicating the school-wide SLC vision Providing a balance of departmental and SLC professional development and collaboration Connecting personalization to counseling & guidance Engaging parents & community Using data to drive school improvement and SLC planning Making sure that there is a plan to have all students enrolled in SLCs Ensuring equity and access among different SLCs at the same site

36 Summary Evaluation Recommendations for LAUSD
LAUSD should enshrine the redesign of schools into SLCs as a key secondary instructional reform. District technical assistance, professional development and support will continue to be most crucial in terms of: Addressing Equity & Access in Master Schedules Integrating SLC Identity with Accountability and Curricular Mandates Helping Schools Extract and Use Data Disaggregated by SLC

37 Summary Evaluation Recommendations for LAUSD
LAUSD must do a better job of monitoring the longitudinal performance of students Too much data is “lost” from year-to-year How much is accounted for by transciency to other LAUSD schools? To other districts? To dropouts? To inconsistent policies for recordkeeping?

38 Summary Evaluation Recommendations for LAUSD
In addition, LAUSD should consider: Specifying annual goals for SLC schools for graduation rate and UC/CSU eligibility Evaluating a sample of individual, school-based SLCs in relation to the eight SLC Attributes

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