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My Life in a Memoir Project

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1 My Life in a Memoir Project

2 What is a memoir? 1.a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. 2. Usually, memoirs. a. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. b. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society. 3. a biography or biographical sketch.

3 Think about… An event that has impacted or changed your life
Who was involved in this event How this event impacted your life Where were you when the event occurred How old were you when the event occurred What smaller events occurred before, during, and after this event

4 My life in a memoir project
You will be working on a project that will put your life in a memoir. Just like Jeannette documented her life and growing up you will document things in your life. You need to include things from when you were young and then as you became a teenager. You may not think your life is that interesting but there are people and events that have made you the person you are today.

5 What to include Information- you will have to type out events and people that have impacted and/or made and influence on your life Significance- why are these events and people important in your life, why have they impacted you and how have they impacted your life One connection to the book- the book had many large themes in it and you will need to pick one that you can relate back to your life and you will need to include how it connects and why

6 Theme/connections to the book ideas
Forgiveness Loss of innocence Family Turbulence and order Fire Endurance Life struggles Self sufficiency Nonconformity The Glass Castle Stars Desire Family Relationships Poverty and perseverance Instability vs Stability Fearlessness and loyalty Appearance Hardship Hypocrisy Another you think with Hahn’s approval

7 Theme and connection You must identify and explain the theme/connection and it’s relevance to the book and then connect it to your life Explain what role it played in the book and how it effected the plot line, characters, and overall story Connect to your life and explain the significance and role it plays in your life

8 Putting it all together
You will create a memoir over the information You should have at least 5 events that have made and impact on your life and 5 people that have done the same (think outside the box) Connection to the book You can use the writing manner you would like Paper Presentation Poster You need to have pictures and graphics to go along with your memoir. MAKE IT INTERESTING!!!

9 How will I be graded? 10 points per event and person (100 points total) 5 for information 5 for significance 40 points for connection to book 20 for explaining information from reading 20 for connection to your life 10 points for making it look good Pictures, graphics Pre-Writing-25 points Web Brainstorm Notes 175 points total

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