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Introduction CHSCA = Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction CHSCA = Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association 2016Host Family Information Night

2 Introduction CHSCA = Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association
CHSCA Board Members are Chia-ching Lin, Janice Sung, Angela Chen, Penny Peng, Vicky Tsai and Angelo Noguera CHSCA 2016 teacher chaperones are Joanna Johnson and Kimberly Lam

3 Requirements of the Host Families
Information Meeting attendance is required. Complete the application form and sent it to Ms. CC Lin along with your family picture on time Applicants must have at least one child that is currently in Middle/high School, in grades 7-12. Available for Host Family Interview (at host family, approximately 20 minutes in length, all household members need to be present).

4 Host Family Responsibilities
Host one Hsinchu student in your home for up to 9 nights. Meet the Hsinchu delegates at the Welcome Reception at Aloft hotel lobby on Saturday 10/29/16. Provide transportation/carpooling to assist in transporting the Hsinchu delegates to and from their activities. Provide daily meals for the Hsinchu delegates. (Schools will provide their lunches on Tues, Wed, and Thur.) Attend farewell dinner party on Friday 10/30/15 ($10 / per person). Bring Hsinchu delegates to Cupertino City Hall on time on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016 for their departure.

5 The attached program schedule provides information of the activities that the exchange student will be involved in. Please make sure you have a flexible work schedule to accommodate the transportation and entertainment needs of your guests.

6 Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association
2015 Exchange Students Delegation Tentative Itinerary Saturday, October 29 6:00 PM Arrival: Welcome delegates at ALoft Hotel Sunday, October 30 All Day Activities with Host Family Monday, October 31 8:30 AM – 3 PM Activities with Sister City Association Tuesday, November 1 8:30 AM – 3 PM Attend school at Lawson (Middle) and Fremont (High) Wednesday, November 2 Thursday, November 3 Friday, November 4 6:00 PM – 9 PM Farewell Dinner in Community Hall ($10/ per seat) Saturday, November 5 Sunday, November 6 4pm drop off in front of Cupertino City Hall

7 Selection of Host Families
Final selections of host families will be completed by the CHSCA Subcommittee after a home visit, review of the criteria and the family that will best meet the needs of the exchange students in CHSCA 2016 program.

8 Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association 2016 Host Family Application Form
Please make sure you put your information on one of the sign in sheets. Please sign up by filling out the google form Application due date is September 16, 2016. Home visits will be scheduled from September 17 to 25. Notification to the selected families by September 30. There are 2 Monday meetings (1 hour each) in October for selected host families.

9 Please visit our website for information
Q&A Thanks Please visit our website for information

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