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and Succeeding Together

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1 and Succeeding Together
May 2nd 2017 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together

2 ‘It’s Called RESPECT’ by The Fearless Lions

3 A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour
Welcome to our ‘Values’ assembly A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour

4 Let’s reflect on what we have learned about LOVE and COMPASSION
and think about differences in our lives...

5 Did you think about things any differently?
Did you treat others any differently?

6 Year Two Trip to The Heights

7 Values Nomination WINNER!
Nominee: ______________________ Nominated By:__________________ What value has the person shown and how?

8 In May, we will be exploring the value of

9 RESPECT You can have respect for someone because you admire something about them You can have respect for someone’s feelings, their wishes or their rights You can have respect for things other than humans or things that aren’t living

10 Why should we have RESPECT?
Do we like people to be rude to us? Do we like people to ignore us? Do we like people to hurt us? Do we like people to not trust us? Do we like people to take our things? Do we like people to break or spoil our things? Do we like people to mess up our special places? Do we like people to spoil our experiences? We can’t expect to be respected unless we show RESPECT.

11 How can we show RESPECT caring following listening rules trusting
respecting ourselves trusting keeping promises being reliable What else? being punctual being polite being fair

12 Moving Values Forward Understanding Respect within our communities

13 Communities We belong to lots of different communities
Our school, our family, our local communities and our country. To keep our communities safe we have rules

14 The Rule of Law Living in Britain to keep everyone safe we have British Values Democracy Tolerance/ Respect for others Individual Liberty Respecting and Upholding the Rule of Law

15 Respecting the Rule of Law
All people are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. *In some countries they don’t have the Rule of Law. Instead their country is governed by dictators who do not follow the laws*

16 Principle of Rule of Law
Rules are clear and transparent. We know what the law is and we know if we have broken the law The rules (laws) are administered fairly and apply to everyone equally

17 Prime ministers are also accountable to the Rule of Law

18 Laws

19 My Laws If you are wearing socks you have broken the law.
The consequence is detention for a week.

20 My Laws My law doesn’t apply to everyone. If you have brown hair and green eyes you don’t have detention.

21 Reflection How does this make you feel? Did this seem fair to you?
Is this in keeping with the Rule of Law?

22 Making Laws Laws start off as a bill (idea or suggestion)
An MP suggests the law in the House of Common and the House of Lords MPs and Lords check and discuss the law They debate whether it should be the law Make amendments (if majority agree it becomes a law and if they don’t agree the law is abandoned).

23 Making Laws General election
We have a right to vote for an MP to represent us It is important to understand their views and that they are similar to ourselves.

24 The School and Values Council’s Visit

25 Houses of Parliament House of Lords House of Commons

26 New Laws (UK) Raise in minimum wage to £7.50 if 25+
Ban to stop selling packs of 10 cigarettes and having them on display Q: Why do you think these laws were passed? Q:How will they protect the British people?

27 Important Laws It is illegal to steal
It is illegal to assault/ hurt others It is illegal to drive too fast or when someone has been drinking too much alcohol It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on the colour of their skin, their religion and their sexuality

28 Enforcing the Law Police Officers have many roles of responsibility:
Preventing/ deterring people from committing crimes (e.g. being around so people don’t commit crimes) Stop terrorism (e.g. investigating links and protecting people from harm) Investigating and solving crimes Checking people are driving safety Protecting people (e.g. at football matches or protests) Helping vulnerable people (e.g. helping them find their way if they’re lost)

29 Police Officers Respect should be given for police officers:
They keep us safe by enforcing the law They have a dangerous job

30 Police Visit Chance to ask questions about what their jobs are like
Opportunity to thank them for the hard work they do for our community *If you have any questions for the police officers then please pass your questions onto your Values and School Councillors*

31 Rules in School We have school rules that help everyone stay safe and happy They apply to everyone and are enforced the same for everyone e.g. If anyone hurts someone they get the same consequence (it doesn’t matter who you are)


33 What if… What if no-one listened in our school?
What if everyone told lies?


35 What if… What if we didn’t treat our MDS with respect? What if we messed about with our food? What if we had no manners?

36 Golden Rules The School and Values Council reviewed them and were happy with the rules *Reminder to ensure you think about the Golden Rules and try to follow them*

37 A prayer for all of us Here in our school
Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and RESPECT for each other. Let love be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together.

38 A quiet moment of reflection or prayer
As we reflect, think about the importance of Respect and how you will make your communities a better place to be.

39 ‘It’s Called RESPECT’ by The Fearless Lions

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