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Good morning and welcome to Summer Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning and welcome to Summer Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning and welcome to Summer Class!

2 Staff in Summer Class Teachers Mrs Helen Wickham
(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) Miss Samantha Walkling (Thursday and Friday) Support staff Miss Julia Martin (every morning) Ms Eny Casey (every afternoon) Mrs Sigita Predko Mrs Ewa Pearce (1:1 SEN support)

3 Secure foundations, excellent practice, faith, hope and love.
SLS Vision and Values Secure foundations, excellent practice, faith, hope and love. We will be focusing on a different value each term, chosen by the School Council. This term’s value is courage.

4 SLS Golden Rules “Treat other people as you would like them to treat you” St Luke This applies in the classroom and in the playground. It applies to both children and adults.

5 Our School Day 8:50: Doors open 9:00: Register
Please make sure your child attends every day, and on time. We have a morning and an afternoon playtime.

6 Rewards and Consequences
Rewards include: Stickers, house points, post cards home, whole-class marble jar leading to a class treat. Consequences include: Working outside the classroom for a short amount of time, staying in for part of playtime to reflect or catch up on missed work. Our key policies and procedures, including behaviour, are on the school website.

7 The Creative Curriculum
This term’s topic is ‘Going Underground’. Learning will be topic-based and centred on the National Curriculum. Further details will be available in the Topic Web (handed out on Friday) and long term plans are on the website. As part of our Creative Curriculum, we will take part in an out-of-school trip every term. Please make sure you give permission if you want your child to come along!

8 Reading is Key!

9 Reading Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please write in the yellow Reading Records and we will respond! Make sure your child re-reads his or her book so they can have another go at tricky words. Children who are ‘free reading’ (not on coloured book bands) can either take a book from school or bring one in from home to keep in their tray. All children are very welcome to bring home a non-banded book from school as well …please make sure they come back, though!

10 Homework Homework is sent home every Friday. It should be handed in by the following Tuesday. In KS1, homework will be: one piece of English or Maths every week. reading with an adult for 20 minutes every day regular practice of maths facts (number bonds to 10/20; doubles and halves) Spelling games / investigations will be sent home regularly and spellings will be checked informally at school as part of our English lessons. If we are concerned about your child’s spelling, we will let you know.

11 PE PE is on a Friday. A full PE kit suitable for indoor and outdoor PE is needed in school. Please ask in the office for the full kit list.

12 How you can support your child
Encourage your child to talk about their day. Ensure they go to bed early and start each day with a healthy breakfast. Read to and with them every day. Check book bags for letters, reading records and homework. Keep yourself updated and informed regarding E-safety. Keep in touch with the school about any problems your child is having.

13 Uniform SLS uniform can be ordered directly from Marks and Spencers.
Children are expected to wear full school uniform including the correct footwear. Letters will be sent home if children do not wear school uniform. Labelling Please ensure that your child’s uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with a permanent marker or label. PE kit needs to be in school every day. Jewellery and hair For health and safety reasons, children may not wear jewellery to school (other than small stud earrings or religious jewellery). Please tie up long hair to help us keep KS1 headlice-free!

14 Attendance and Punctuality
Sickness/absence: If your child is sick, please phone the school office on the first day of their absence. Once your child returns to school they should bring in a letter confirming why and when they were away from school. If they have vomited or have had diarrhoea they must stay at home for 48 hours after the bug has passed. If you know your child is going to be absent, e.g. for a medical appointment, please let the office know as soon as possible. Collection: If you want another person to pick up your child regularly, make sure the office knows and it is on our records. For one-off situations, e.g. one child going to another’s house, please send a letter to the class teacher in advance or the office In an emergency, or if you are running late, please ensure you ring the school office.

15 Internet Safety (E-Safety)
We aim to keep children safe whilst using the internet. In school, we use: Assemblies and videos. Termly lessons and discussions. Blocked sites and filters. Visit to see how you can keep your child safe online. Please do not post any of images of children taken in assemblies and school events onto any social networking sites or online forum.

16 And finally... WATER BOTTLES – Please bring in a water bottle clearly labelled with your child’s name. The children need to bring them home to be washed regularly. CONTACT DETAILS– If your contact details change, e.g. mobile phone number, address, etc., please advise the office immediately. Remember to fill in a form if your collection details change. MEDICATION– Please ensure that your child has an in-date asthma pump, epi-pen, or other medication in school if needed. If you want to speak to the class teacher about an individual child, please make an appointment for after school. If you have a concern please report it to a member of staff; do not approach other children or parents/carers directly in the playground. A number of children at the school are allergic to certain foods, and are vegetarian. Therefore please consider birthday treats sent in. For example, some cakes are not “nut-free”. A small packet of gelatin-free sweets (eg. chocolate buttons) , individual cakes or healthy options for each child to take home are appropriate.

17 Thank you for coming today!
We look forward to working together. Please complete an evaluation form before you leave.

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