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Fountain Primary School

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1 Fountain Primary School
New behaviour system Spring Term 2016

2 Why a new system? There were some similarities across school, but not one consistent approach. We felt it was important that the children used one system that would stay with them throughout their time at Fountain. We wanted more opportunities to positively reinforce behaviour as the vast majority of our children are extremely well behaved. We recognised that Time out was not working for the majority of children. Consultation with children, staff and governors.

3 The Golden Rules At Fountain we are respectful to each other and our school by following these golden rules: Be kind and polite. Be honest. Listen to and follow instructions. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. In class the teacher and children will decide upon Silver Rules for their class.


5 Rewards. Postcards home for excellent behaviour or learning.
Fountain Points. Star of the Week. Gold Assembly.

6 Fountain Points. We wanted a reward system that everyone could use.
The children are in Fountain Teams and will remain in those teams throughout their time at Fountain. The children can be given Fountain Points for any excellent behaviour, any excellent learning behaviour and for following Gold and Silver Rules. Each Friday in ‘Star of the Week’ assembly the Fountain Team with the most points will be announced as the winners. Each half term there will be a Fountain Team winner who will win the Fountain Cup (yet to be designed and created!)

7 Atlas

8 Chatsworth

9 Trafalgar

10 Buxton

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