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Welcome to Year 3 Meet the Teacher

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1 Welcome to Year 3 Meet the Teacher

2 Introducing… Miss Thomas Mrs Wright Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday Teaching Assistant: Mrs Toohill Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! (mornings)

3 Year 3 expectations Greater independence
Focus for longer periods of time Toilet breaks usually at break and lunch time (specific arrangements for some children) Golden rules & Class Charter to be followed at all times. Rewards/Sanctions as throughout the school (Gold Box, Star of the Week, Green leaves, merits, verbal warnings, timeout, strike system)

4 Organisation Reading book and reading record in/out every day
PE kit needed in on a Monday and Wednesday. Children will go home in their PE kits both days. Glasses if needed Asthma records if needed Messages can be given to the office to be passed on (or if urgent please talk to us). No Show & Tell BUT if children want to share something special/topic related, they can prepare a small presentation to give the class (focus on speaking & listening)

5 General Fruit no longer provided – children can bring own fruit snack for morning break. Children can continue to have hot lunches. However, from Year 3 upwards, unless you have applied for and receive free school meals for your child, these now have to be paid for (see pack) Doors are open at and close at 8:40. Late arrivals need to go in through the office. Assemblies/liturgies start promptly at 8:40 four days a week.

6 English (literacy) Spelling - now working on the Year 3 / 4 statutory spellings (see packs) Writing – quantity expected increases with a greater focus on language choices. Reading – this is the first activity every day. We have less time to hear individual readers (due to no afternoon support) so we have to focus this where it is most needed. We will hear all children read on a 1 – 2 weekly basis in guided reading sessions.

7 Reading Records Reading – with an adult at home, at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes at a time. Parent/carer to sign Reading Record each time you hear your child read. Records brought in and out of school each day. They will be checked each week on a Wednesday. Children get merits with a pink sticker for 3 weekly reads at home. Children who reach library level will also have a reading challenge booklet to help focus their reading on different genres.

8 Maths Confidence Times tables Challenge – Independent Maths folders.
Shopping – practise adding/subtracting, rounding to the nearest £ as much as you can. Measure – weighing g/kg; Distance in cm/m/km; Capacity – drinks in cartons ml/litres. Time

9 Homework Monday Weekly Spelling Test Tuesday
Wednesday Children to hand in Reading Records Thursday English and Maths homework due in Weekly Times tables test Friday English and Maths homework handed out Occasional topic based homework may be additionally required but we will give you fair warning!


11 Topics this year

12 Thank you Thank you for taking the time to come and meet us.
You have already shown your children how much you value their time spent at school by being here. Thank you in advance for all your help and support with their home learning and outside interests which bring so much to the classroom. Helpers for trips/reading – list Information Pack – Acceptable Use Agreement to sign and return

13 These slides will be uploaded on the school website for your viewing by the end of the week.
The pack will provide you with more information on homework and spellings etc. Any Questions?

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