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Project Progress Andrew Hamblin, Evan Leong, and Theo Wiersema

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1 DJ Spatial Tracking and Gesture Recognition for Audio Effects and Mixing
Project Progress Andrew Hamblin, Evan Leong, and Theo Wiersema Dr. Jose Sanchez Bradley University ECE November 20, 2015

2 Glove for disc jockeys (DJ)
Objective Glove for disc jockeys (DJ) Gestural control of music effects Fig. 1. System diagram

3 Goals Glove with tri-color light-emitting diodes (LED) Acquire and recognize gesture Seamless communication Real-time dynamic effects

4 Motivation Passion for music Unique product idea

5 Complexity of DJ equipment Lack of natural connection
Significance Disconnect for DJ Complexity of DJ equipment Lack of natural connection Disconnect between DJ and equipment Large board with multiple knobs, sliders, and buttons Not necessarily part of natural movement of DJ natural movement stems from musical passion Connect natural movements with audio effects Fig. 2. DJ board

6 Fig. 3. System block diagram
This is a visual representation of our entire system. As you can see, our glove with LEDs will be input into a camera for gesture acquisition and recognition. The camera will send a signal to the computer which will output an audio effect. Fig. 3. System block diagram

7 Top-Level State Diagram
Figure 2 shows a state diagram of our gesture recognition system. Fig. 4. Top-level state diagram

8 Fig. 5. Glove state diagram

9 Responsibilities Chart
TABLE I. HIGH-LEVEL RESPONSIBILITIES Andrew Hamblin Evan Leong Theo Wiersema Mixxx plugin Glove development Hidden Markov model (HMM) Raspberry Pi-computer communication Pixy-Raspberry Pi communication Trinket code

10 Gantt Sub-Chart: Andrew Hamblin
Fig. 6. Andrew Hamblin Gantt chart

11 Pixy Object Detection: Progress
Fig. 7. Andrew Hamblin Gantt chart (1)

12 Pixy Object Detection: Goals
Identify LED color Track LEDs Perform under various ambient light conditions Fig. 8. System visual diagram

13 Pixy Object Detection: Data
Sends data on every frame (x,y) position of top left corner Height and width of virtual object box Data used for gesture acquisition angle extraction/quantization init. forward/backward → alpha/=beta → gamma/xi update transition/emission

14 Pixy Object Detection: Example
Blue Green Red Blue Green Fig. 9. Pixy LED detection

15 Pixy Object Detection: Reliability
LED detection White light perception False detection LED tracking Grouping Diffusion Fig. 10. Red LED line object detection Fig. 11. Red LED line

16 Pixy Object Detection: Blue
Fig. 12. Blue LED detection

17 Pixy Object Detection: Green
Fig. 13. Green LED detection

18 Pixy Object Detection: Red
Fig. 14. Red LED detection

19 Pixy Object Detection: Next Step
Continue testing with LEDs Determine LED configuration Establish serial peripheral interface (SPI) communication with Raspberry Pi

20 MIDI Mapping: Progress
Fig. 15. Andrew Hamblin Gantt chart (2)

21 Fig. 16. System visual diagram
MIDI Mapping: Goal Map signals to Mixxx DJ effects Fig. 16. System visual diagram

22 MIDI Mapping: Flow Chart
Fig. 17. MIDI mapping flow chart

23 MIDI Mapping: MIDI Scripting
MIDI signals [1] 3 bytes Describes command Status byte Op-code Channel Data bytes Command descriptor Fig. 18. MIDI signal breakdown

24 MIDI Mapping: Extensible Markup Language (XML)
MIDI Learning Wizard [2] Prompts basic effects Designer transmits desired command Generates XML file XML file [2] Describes data for JavaScript use

25 Fig. 19. Learning Wizard window [3]
MIDI Learning Wizard Fig. 19. Learning Wizard window [3]

26 MIDI Mapping: Next Step
Research XML data description JavaScript language Generate code XML file JavaScript plug-in Test/debug MIDI Monitor [4]

27 Andrew Hamblin: Upcoming Work
Fig. 20. Andrew Hamblin upcoming work Gantt chart

28 Gantt Sub-Chart: Evan Leong
Fig. 21. Evan Leong Gantt chart

29 Fig. 22. Evan Leong Gantt chart (1)
LED Circuit: Progress Fig. 22. Evan Leong Gantt chart (1)

30 LED Circuit: Goals LED brightness for object detection by Pixy Switch colors with button

31 LED Circuit: Diode Characteristics
Common cathode design Red, green, and blue leads Turn-on voltages Red: 1.30 V Green: 2.07 V Blue: 2.26 V Fig. 23. Tri-color LED

32 Transistor Circuit: Progress
Fig. 24. Evan Leong Gantt chart (2)

33 Transistor Circuit: Goal
Low power dissipation for safe use

34 Transistor Circuit: 1st Design
Three transistors Saturation and off mode Current draw in both modes Fig. 25. Transistor circuit of one color lead

35 Transistor Circuit: 1st Design Power Dissipation
Collector current and collector-emitter (CE) voltage Saturation mode Red: A and 2.64 V Green: A and 2.77 V Blue: A and 2.83 V Off mode Red: A and 0.55 V Green: A and 0.43 V Blue: A and 0.49 V

36 Transistor Circuit: 1st Design Power Dissipation
Saturation mode Red: W Green: W Blue: W Off mode Red: W Green: W Blue: W Power dissipation is too much

37 Transistor Circuit: 2nd Design
One transistor Saturation mode Always on Fig. 26. Common emitter configuration

38 Transistor Circuit: 2nd Design Power Dissipation
Collector current and CE voltage Red: 27.2 mA and 43.0 mV Green: 11.2 mA and 24.0 mV Blue: 10.7 mA and 23.0 mV Modes are not simultaneous

39 Transistor Circuit: 2nd Design Power Dissipation
Transistor power: Red: 1.17 mW Green: mW Blue: mW Battery life: 4 AAA mAH [5] Min. life mAH / 44 mA (red mode) = hrs

40 Circuit: Next Step Test 5V Trinket Pro Finalize circuit

41 Evan Leong: Upcoming Work
Fig. 27. Evan Leong next step Gantt chart

42 Gantt Sub-Chart: Theo Wiersema
Fig. 28. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart

43 Programming the Trinket
Fig. 29. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart (1)

44 Programming the Trinket: Data
Arduino software State machine Cyclic arduino ide - open source and runs on windows/mac/linux - uses same core chip as arduino UNO and has similar specifications - just smaller - programmed over USB Fig. 30. Trinket button circuit

45 Programming the Trinket: Results
Fig. 31. Changing LED colors

46 HMM: Forward-Backward Algorithm [6]
Fig. 32. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart (2)

47 Forward-Backward: Goals
Find unknown parameters of HMM Adjusts transition and emission matrices based on observations

48 Forward-Backward: Status
Completed Initialization Recursive (forward and backward) steps Results α and β matrix: Probability of observation given a state

49 Forward-Backward: Test [7]
Initial conditions (𝜋) s is 0.85 t is 0.15 States: s,t Observations: A,B Fig. 33. Transition and emission probabilities

Forward: Test Results Observation sequence: ABBA Forward algorithm calculates correct values TABLE II. GIVEN RESULTS TABLE III. SIMULATION RESULTS Iteration s t 1 0.3400 2 0.0660 0.1550 3 0.0212 0.0929 4 0.0063 0.0492 Iteration s t 1 0.3400 0.0750 2 0.0657 0.1528 3 0.0210 0.0917 4 0.0062 0.0486 Total probability = = Total probability = =

51 Backward: Test Results
Observation sequence: ABBA Backward algorithm calculates correct values TABLE IV. GIVEN RESULTS TABLE V. SIMULATION RESULTS Iteration s t 4 0.1332 0.1273 3 0.2561 0.2487 2 0.4700 0.4900 1 1.0000 Iteration s t 4 0.1331 0.1273 3 0.2561 0.2487 2 0.4700 0.4900 1 1.0000 Total probability = = Total probability = =

52 HMM: Viterbi Algorithm [8]
Fig. 34. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart (3)

53 Viterbi: Goal Identify most probable state at each time interval

54 Viterbi: Status Completed Results Initialization
Recursive computations Results 𝛿 matrix

55 Fig. 35. Transition and emission probabilities
Viterbi: Test [9] Initial conditions (𝜋) s is 0.6 t is 0.4 States: s,t Observations: A,B,C Fig. 35. Transition and emission probabilities

56 Observation sequence: ABC Viterbi algorithm calculates correct values
Viterbi: Test Results Observation sequence: ABC Viterbi algorithm calculates correct values TABLE VI. GIVEN RESULTS TABLE VII. SIMULATION RESULTS Iteration s t 1 0.3 0.004 2 0.084 0.027 3 Iteration s t 1 0.3 0.004 2 0.084 0.027 3 Note that green boxes are the highest number in the row Most probable sequence of states: s,s,t Most probable sequence of states: s,s,t

57 HMM: Next Step Integration of all algorithms Initialization

58 Trajectory Extraction
Fig. 36. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart (4)

59 Trajectory Extraction: Goals
Calculate center of LEDs Calculate angle of hand’s motion Fig. 37. System visual diagram

60 Trajectory Extraction: Simulation
Fig. 38. Trajectory extraction (1)

61 Trajectory Extraction: Simulation (cont.)
Fig. 39. Trajectory extraction (2)

62 Trajectory Extraction: Simulation (cont.)
Fig. 40. Trajectory extraction (3)

63 Trajectory Extraction: Next Step
Assign weights based on size Test/debug with real motion data

64 Theo Wiersema: Upcoming Work
Fig. 41. Theo Wiersema Gantt chart

65 Summary: Pixy Object Detection
Identify LED color Track LEDs Perform under various ambient light conditions Reliability Fig. 42. System visual diagram

66 Summary: Mixxx MIDI Mapping
Map signals to Mixxx DJ effects Fig. 43. System visual diagram

67 Summary: Circuit Design
LED brightness for object detection by Pixy Switch colors with button Low power dissipation for safe use Fig. 44. System visual diagram

68 Summary: Forward-Backward Algorithm
Find unknown parameters of HMM Adjust transition and emission matrices Fig. 45. System visual diagram

69 Summary: Viterbi Algorithm
Identify most probable state at each time interval Fig. 46. System visual diagram

70 Summary: Trajectory Extraction
Find center point of hand Find angle between frames Fig. 47. System visual diagram

71 DJ Spatial Tracking and Gesture Recognition for Audio Effects and Mixing
Project Progress -Our project is titled: Title -I’m Evan, this is Theo, ... Andrew Hamblin, Evan Leong, and Theo Wiersema Dr. Jose Sanchez Bradley University ECE November 20, 2015

72 Fig. 48. Gantt Chart

73 MIDI Mapping: JavaScript
Defines audio effect functions Reads data from XML file Relays command to Mixxx DJ software

74 Op-Amp and Loading Effect
RLOAD < RIN Large voltage drop across RIN Small voltage drop across RLOAD Less load power Solution Unity gain buffer op-amp Fig. 49. Loading effect example Fig. 50. Unity gain follower

75 Transistor Circuit: Design Considerations
Set base current value Calculate collector current Calculate resistor values IC = 100 mA VC = 3.5 V RC = 25 Ω IB = 1.1 mA RB = 2.2 kΩ Fig. 51. Blue lead transistor circuit

76 Transistor Circuitry: Calculations
Base IB = 5.00 mA VBatt = 6.0 V RB = 1060 Ω 𝛽 = 5 Collector IC = 25.0 mA VPWM = 3.3 V RB = 29.6 Ω Fig. 52. Blue LED example with values

77 Glove Design Conceptual design Placement of LEDs
Intuitive button location Sheaths to direct light Battery pack placement

78 Fig. 53. Quantized angle bins
Angle Quantization Divided among “bins” [10] Angles are rounded to the nearest bin Fig. 53. Quantized angle bins

79 Training with Test Gestures
Fig. 54. Test gestures

80 Angles of Test Gesture Fig. 55. Gesture angles
go into detail so no confusion Fig. 55. Gesture angles

81 Quantized Gesture Angles
Fig. 56. Quantized gesture angles

82 Forward Algorithm Equations
Initialize (1) Run through gesture forwards (2)

83 Backward Algorithm Equations
Initialize (3) Run through gesture backwards (4)

84 Viterbi Algorithm Equations
Initialize delta (5) Recursive delta (6)

85 Introduction to HMM Dwight Fig. 57. Gumball example
3 giant gumball machines are inside the factory. Each contains 3 different colors of gumballs...purple, green and blue. Each of these giant machines can drop any of these 3 colors of gumball. Each machine has different probabilities for dropping balls of various colors, and each machine has a higher probability for a specific color. Our long lost friend, Dwight, is outside the factory and can’t see inside. However, he can see a line of gumballs rolling out the door. He doesn’t know which machine is dropping a gumball at a certain moment → but we know that each machine sequentially drops gumballs. One out of three machines emits a gumball every second based on a predefined probability. Dwight can make an intelligent guess about the order of the machines that the balls came from, based on the sequence of colors of the balls on the conveyor belt. He can make this guess because he knows the following: Fig. 57. Gumball example

86 Introduction to HMM (Cont.)
Dwight knows a few things about the machines each machine has a certain probability for dropping a certain color ball for example machine 1 has a higher probability of dropping a blue ball than a green ball The size of the arrows represents this emission probabliities Fig. 58. Gumball machine emission probabilities

87 Introduction to HMM Cont.
So here’s where it gets a little more complicated once a machine drops a gumball, there are certain probabilities that the next gumball will come from any one of the 3 machines the next gumball could still come from the same machine or any of the other two let’s call these the transition probabilities defined as the probability of which machine will drop the next gumball Fig. 59. Gumball state diagram

88 Introduction to HMM (Cont.)
So Dwight knows the probability of a particular machine dropping a ball of a certain color AND he knows transition probabilities between the machines Remember he still can’t see the machines BUT he needs to find the most probable sequence of machines that produced the sequence of gumballs in front of him BECAUSE… certain sequences of machines tells him something about an important part of his day. Fig. 60. Gumball example

89 Introduction to HMM Cont.
The sequence of machines tells him what he will be given for lunch that day This is very important because on some machine sequences, he doesn’t get any lunch So how does this tie into the HMM on a more theoretical basis? Fig. 61. Possible outcomes [9][10][11]

90 How do Gumballs Relate to HMM?
Gumballs → observations Gumballs on conveyor belt → observation sequence Gumball machines → states Succession of machines dropping gumballs → sequence of states Food → result of observation NEEDS WORK

91 How HMM Relates to Gesture Recognition
Observations → angles Sequence of observations → trajectory of glove States → hidden, abstract representation of angles Sequence of states → abstract representation of gesture Result of observation → audio effect applied So how do we tie this all together? We have a DJ performing a gesture. Throughout this gesture, we will be collecting trajectory information This information will serve as our observations Based on the observation probabilities, along with transition probabilities… We will determine the most probable sequence of states that corresponds with that string of observations. Once this sequence is determined, we have recognized a gesture. Our system will then be able to send a command to our DJ software to execute a particular effect

92 References [1]
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] Keeping these for use later [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]

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