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2 St. Kateri Tekakwitha


4 July 14 Mohawk Indian, born in 1656
Had rough childhood (lost her parents) Converted to Jesuit Gathered with other women and decided to live devoutly Died in 1680, suffered to become closer to Jesus Called “Lily of the Mohawks”

5 St. Mary Magdalene


7 July 22 Disciple of Jesus, in all of the 4 Gospels
Jesus cured her of a disease Witnessed Jesus’ death and resurrection Helped bury him Jesus appeared to her 1st after his resurrection Do not know what happened to her

8 St. Monica


10 August 27 Mother of St. Augustine Born in 331
Had a difficult marriage because he was against her Christian faith She had 3 children Prayed to act with patience and love, and to give charity to the poor Turned her prayers to Augustine so he would change is wrong ways She died traveling with St. Augustine in 387

11 St. Frances xavier cabrini


13 November 13 Born in Italy in 1850
School teacher in a orphanage in Italy Founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and with 7 other women cared for poor children in schools and hospitals Pope Leo XIII asker her to go to New York, to work with Italian immigrants For 30 years she continued to travel and founded more than 50 schools, hospitals, and orphanages in England, France, Spain, and North and South America Canonized in 1946 and was the first citizen of the United States to be recognized

14 St. cecilia, martyr


16 November 22 Early Christian martyr living in Rome
Came from a wealthy family Her fiancé and brother were martyred She was arrested and condemned to die She survived her execution, but died 3 days later after received Holy Communion Died while singing praises to God Patron saint of musicians

17 St. john neumann


19 January 5 Born in Bohemia on March 20, 1811
Dedicated his life to missionary work in the United States Ordained a priest in New York in 1836 Worked with German immigrants near Niagara Falls Became the Bishop of Philadelphia in 1853 Increased the number of Catholic Schools Founded the first catholic school system in the United States Started 40 hours devotion Died on January 5, 1860 at the age of 48 when collapsed of a sudden stroke Canonized in June 1977

20 St. Josephine Bakhita


22 February 8 Life began happily in Sudan, Africa in 1869
She was kidnaped when she was just 7 They named her Bakhita, which means “lucky” Spent the next 12 years being sold from owner to owner Eventually was left at a convent in Venice, where she first learned about Jesus She was allowed to stay because Italy did not allow slavery Became a Canossian sister in 1896 Spent her remaining 45 years of life in the convent Her holiness was well known during her life Was thankful for her kidnappers because they brought her to Jesus Died in 1947

23 St. Katherine drexel


25 March 3 Was raised in Philadelphia
Born in 1858 to an extremely wealthy family Their home was opened to the poor 3 days a week From a young age, she was shown what it means to be compassionate and charitable towards the poor The Pope encouraged her to be a missionary In 1891, she took her vows & established the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Worked to change racial attitudes towards African Americans and Native Americans Promoted equal education for all Died in 1955 & was canonized by Pope John Paul II ub 2000

26 St. gianna molla


28 April 28 Mother, wife, and pediatrician who gave her life to protect her unborn child Born in Italy in 1922 Became a doctor in 1949 Got married and had 3 children In 1961, she became pregnant with her 4th child She learned she had a tumor and the doctors advised her to have an abortion or risk loosing her own life She refused the abortion On April 21, 1962 she gave birth to a healthy girl There were complications and she died 7 days later Canonized in 2004 She is the first female physician, and working mother to become a saint She is exalted because of her heroic virtue she demonstrated as a wife and mother

29 St. charles lwanga


31 June 3 Was born in Uganda around 1860
Was a page in the court of King Mwanga II The king began to persecute the Christian missionaries and the people who converted to Catholicism Charles embraced the faith and asked to be baptized In 1886, the King told him to give up his faith and Charles refused He was martyred with 11 other Catholic men and boys

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