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Institut français India – Embassy of France in India

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1 Institut français India – Embassy of France in India

2 Do the school need to pay registration cost? If yes, how much?
No, the participation in the festival is free of charge. What cost does the school have to bear as a host school? None. The school has to provide the existing infrastructure to host different activities. Auditorium: for songs/theatre Classrooms: for projection of videos/short films Playground: for games, cycle race, other activities Corridors: for paintings/modelling display Home Science lab.: for cuisine related activities

3 What are the dates for Bonjour India Inter-School French Festival?
Is this a contest? No. This a festival bringing schools closer through French language and culture. There is no jury to evaluate any activity. The teachers and other visitors are there to encourage the participants. What are the dates for Bonjour India Inter-School French Festival? The school may choose any one of the following dates to organize in its campus BONJOUR INDIA Inter-School French Festival: 17, 18, 24 or 25 November 2017. Can a school choose any other date? In order to be a part of the Bonjour India Inter-School Festival, the school has to choose one of the proposed dates.

4 Is case the school can not host/participate on the proposed dates?
In case your school decides to organise an event on different dates than the ones proposed by our office, the event cannot be termed as a Bonjour India event. In this case, you may maintain the activities you have already planned but it shall be termed as your school activity and not a Bonjour India activity.

5 Does the host school need to offer refreshments to the participants?
Not obligatory. It is for the school authorities to decide. Else the participants may eat their own lunch or may buy a snack at the school canteen. How does the school prepare the backdrop presentation/ banners? The school may ask IFI for the template to be used for the PPT presentations. There are templates for banners as well. These may be projected in the classrooms/ auditoriums/ other areas where the Bonjour India activities shall taking place.

6 What are the timings of the festival?
It is a half-day festival. 9 am till 12 noon is resaonable. Does the school have to necessarily host another schools? No. The school may decide to participate in the festival hosted by another schools. Or else, the school may decide to organise the festival in its own premises as an activity for the French language students. How does the school register for the festival? Online registration at: ecoles/

7 How can our school participate? What is the eligibility criteria?
You need to register your school through the given registration link in the invitation mail by choosing any of the 3 given formats. Format 30: “Schools for excellence in French language” (your school can host 30 other neighbouring schools) Format 10: “Schools for Indo-French friendship” (your school can host other neighbouring schools) Format 1: “Schools with a global outlook” (your school hosts the event independently) Participate in the festival hosted by another school.

8 How many teams can participate from the same school?
Maximum of three teams per school can participate consisting each team of maximum 10 students. Do we need to choose only one category to participate? No, the school can choose more than one categories mentioned in the registration form. One category per team can be chosen. Where the festival will be held? The festival will be held in all major cities of India and your school can choose to become either a host school or a participant in your city.

9 What support Institut Français India will provide to our school for hosting the festival?
Media coverage will be coordinated with the host schools on the Bonjour India platform. IFI shall provide templates (banners, posters, documents) which can be used by the school for printing and harmonizing the festival with the national BONJOUR INDIA programs. IFI shall coordinate with the network of Embassy of France in India to be a part of this festival. The dignitaries from the network shall be pleased to be a part of this festival hosted by your school: Embassy of France in India, Institut Français India, Alliance Française network in India, Consulates of the Embassy in India

10 Who is the coordinator for this festival at Institut Français India?
For more information, please contact: Jatinder Singh

11 As a HOST SCHOOL How many category of events does the school have to open for the participant schools? As a host school, you have to offer open all the 6 categories. The participant schools will choose any three activities among the 6 categories.

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