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Major G. Junior Virgo Industrial Experience Coordinator

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1 Major G. Junior Virgo Industrial Experience Coordinator
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA (UTech) Industrial Work Experience Programme (IWEP) Major G. Junior Virgo Industrial Experience Coordinator

2 Overview Introduction Nature of Placement Student Indemnity
Discrimination and Sexual Discrimination Employers’ Responsibility Evaluation of Students Work Benefits Student Health Insurance Students Identification Industrial Work Experience Student

3 Introduction All employees especially supervisors and process coordinators within each company, institution, or organization are to be made aware of the Industrial Work Experience (IWE ) student and their responsibilities IWE student supervision and evaluating must be clearly communicated

4 Nature of Placement Apprenticeship Law
Employer-student compliance with the law Labour laws Labour act Age requirement for hazardous occupants Occupational health Safety regulation

5 Students Indemnity UTech via the Student Service division and insurance broker work towards producing indemnity letters for each IWE student

6 Procedure The School of Engineering provides the relevant information for the student The IWE coordinator then submits the students’: ID number Programme of study Name and address of organization/institution accommodating the student The date the student will begin the IWE programme

7 Procedure cont’d The information is then sent from student services to the Insurance Agency for the letters to be prepared. The letter will then be hand-delivered to the Administrative Support office for dispatch to the student making the request *NB: The time between request and delivery of the letter will be three (3) working days.

8 Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
All IWE students are entitled to full protection of anti-discrimination laws. UTech/IWEP does not condone any form of discrimination towards students on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, age, nationality. Sexual harassment tolerance is zero towards any IWE student and termination of relationship with any company, organization or institution that has exhibit any discriminatory act will result.

9 Employers’ Responsibility
Interviewing and Selecting students Confidentiality of IWE student records Assist with the development of the student Develop a training/work schedule Provide time to orient, train and give feedback to the student

10 Employers’ Responsibility
Periodically review the students progress Complete evaluation forms and submit to the IWE coordinator Provide continuous corrective feedback during the learning process Supervise the student in a manner that is appropriate for his/her educational level and experience.

11 Evaluation of Students Work
Approximately two weeks before the end of each IWE period, all evaluation forms will be resubmitted to the students, which should be passed on to their supervisor(s) An evaluation discussion should be held with the student and the evaluation form returned a least one week before the due date.

12 Benefits The employer may or may not offer a package to the IWE student Students are often interested in defraying educational cost than in benefit packages, however any benefit will be greatly appreciated

13 Fair Labour Consideration should be given to: 40 hours work week
Overtime work Lunch break * NB Any deviations should be communicated to the students

14 Student Health Insurance
Full-time students are covered by the University’s LOJ indemnity plan; in addition, there is a student health programme provided by the university. The coverage remains in effect during the IWE period. Students who require long term hospitalization need to acquire their own private insurance Whenever an emergency health problem arises with the IWE student the employer/supervisor may contact the University at

15 Co-op Student Identification
All IWE student must provide documentation of the identity This is important for both identification and authorization at work Employers who experience difficulty in obtaining appropriate documentations should contact the IWE coordinator

16 IWE Students on National Duty
Students who participate in national, intercollegiate athletics events during their IWE period may seek time off and letter from the organizers of the event submitted to the immediate supervisor Others events such as : - Debate - Drama - Fellowship - Awards function - Representing country - Scholarship may require similar consideration

17 Job Training IWE intends to prepare work-ready graduates as such the student should be placed in an environment that will achieve the stated objective

18 Students Performance Students are expected to accept IWE positions with a seriousness of purpose and to perform their work accurately and responsible. An employer may terminate the activities of an IWE student if he/she performs below standard and such a case the employer should make the student aware

19 Students Performance cont’d
The coordinator will confer with the employer and student to rectify the problem, however if an acceptable solution cannot be reached the IWE student may be discharged

20 Industrial Work Experience Programme (IWEP)
Major G. Virgo Industrial Work Experience Coordinator

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