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Wastewater Fee Increases

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1 Wastewater Fee Increases
Engineering Department, Utility Division Budget Presentation 5/26/2010 Wastewater Fee Increases Triangle Wastewater Treatment Plant treats wastewater from southeast Durham County, Durham City, and Town of Cary (at least until June 2014, and probably until January 2015). Three primary revenue sources: monthly user charges, capital recovery charges, and Town of Cary charges. Proposed increase of monthly sewer consumption rate of 4.68%. The sewer service charge is not changed.

2 Why are Sewer Rates being Increased?
To minimize large rate percentage increases in FY14– FY15 due to the termination of the Town of Cary wastewater service revenue. To fund loan payments for the Phase III and Reuse Water projects. With the completion of the Phase III project, the FY 13 budget includes the disposal of current sludge production and sludge stored in the lagoon. Funding for sewer corrosion/odor control chemicals. Additional costs for cleaning influent pump station and sand filters, computer replacement cycle, and maintaining aging Wexford STEP systems. Request for two vehicles: a compact van and a small pickup truck.

3 Comparison to Other Sewer Consumption Rates
Community Current Rate (per ccf) Proposed Rate % Increase Durham County $3.63 $3.80 4.68% Durham City (inside/outside) $3.56/$7.12 $3.67/$7.34 3.1% Raleigh $2.91/$5.82 $3.35/$6.69 15% Cary $5.78/$17.35 $6.13/18.39$ 6% OWASA $4.85 0% Italicized Text is based on best available information.

4 Example Monthly Sewer Bill Increases
User Type Monthly Use (gallons) Service Charge Current Bill New Bill Family 5,000 $ $ $ Commercial 30,000 $ $ $ Large Industrial 750,000 $ $3,796.40 $3,966.85

5 Total Monthly Bill Comparison for Family (5000 gallons/month)
User Type Service Charge Sewer Use Total Bill Durham County $ $ $ City of Durham $ $ $

6 Total Monthly Bill Comparison for Commercial (30,000 gallons/month)
User Type Service Charge Sewer Use Total Bill Durham County $ $ $ City of Durham $ $ $

7 Total Monthly Bill Comparison for Large Industrial (750,000 gallons/month)
User Type Service Charge Sewer Use Total Bill Durham County $ $ $ City of Durham $ $ $

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