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Presentation on theme: "假設語氣基本句型練習."— Presentation transcript:

1 假設語氣基本句型練習

2 1.I wish I ______(be) a billionaire.
2.I wish I ________(can/ speak) English as fluently as an American. 3.I wish I_______ (know) how to do it. 4.I wish I _______(be) in Hongkong last year. 5.We wish he ________(lose) it yesterday.

3 6.I wish I _________(study) English well in my youth.
7.The party was awful ; she wished she ________(not/ go) to it. 8.I wish I ___________ able to change stone into gold. 9.How I wish I _______ a bird flying high in the sky! 10.I left very early last night, but I wish I _________(not/ leave) so early.

4 11.Sammy wish she __________(not/ burn) the letter her ex-boyfriend wrote her yesterday.
12.I wish I _________(will/be) an astronaut in the future. 13.Lucy bought a pair of jeans which were a size smaller. She regrets it. →Lucy ___________________________ 14.Frank doesn’t treat the stranger kindly. Mr. Jones doesn’t it. →Mr. Jones ________________________ 15.Ben stayed up all night playing computer games. His mom doesn’t like it. →Ben’s mom _______________________

5 16. If I _____ you, I would go to the party with her.
17. If he _____(come) to the gate last night, I would have given him this letter. 18.If you _____ with George yesterday morning, you would not be so angry now. 19.If he _______(come), tell him the truth. 20.If I ______(know) that you were ill, I ________(go) to see you. 21.If I had studied hard before, I ________(be) a college student now. 22.I am sitting on the riverbank, feeling very unhappy. My wet clothes are in a heap next to me. I’m wrapped in Dad’s warm, dry blanket. But I feel damp. I wish I ______(not/ go) fishing today.

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