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Year 5 Curriculum Sharing Meeting

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1 Year 5 Curriculum Sharing Meeting

2 Expectations and Routines
Homework is set weekly on a Thursday: one piece of literacy and one piece of maths. These are due the following Tuesday. Homework diaries are checked on a Friday morning. Please ensure they are signed. Spellings are set weekly and tested on a Friday. Reading is still important in Upper School. We encourage the children to read to an adult 3-4 times a week and record this in their homework diaries.

3 Being prepared! Children should come to all lessons prepared. This includes having the correct equipment with them. A small pencil case is allowed including a handwriting pen (provided by the school), pencil, ruler and rubber. Children should have their homework diaries in school every day as they are a great way to record messages and notes as well as homework!

4 Literacy Literacy is taught in classes. Our Literacy curriculum covers a range of narrative, non-fiction and poetry. Each text type lasts between 2 – 3 weeks including reading of the text type, spoken language opportunities grammar and punctuation and written tasks.

5 Literacy Guided reading is taught separately to literacy although is based around the text type being studied. Spelling and handwriting skills are also taught separately to the main literacy lesson although opportunities for the skills to be transferred are included.

6 Maths There are 5 Maths sets taught in Year 5.
Set 1 taught by Mrs Coughtrey Set 2 taught by Ms Marshall Set 3a taught by Mr Tweedie Set 3b taught by Mrs Sherwood Set 3a and 3b are parallel

7 Science There are five core units of Science studied in Year 5: Forces
(identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces; recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect Earth and Space (describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system; describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth; use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky) Living things and their habitats (describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird) Animals including humans (describe the changes as humans develop to old age) Materials and their properties (compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, and response to magnets)

8 Geography/ History Geography is taught in the Autumn term and the end of the summer term. History is taught in the Spring and Summer terms. Geography: Plate tectonics Europe: South of France History: Anglo-Saxons and Scots Ancient Mayan Civilisation

9 DT/Art DT and Art are taught in rotation, each unit lasting a half term. DT: Gears, levers, pulleys, cams and linkages Designing and making a buggy Cooking: Ratatouille Art: Water and water colours Anglo Saxon Art French Art including changes through the centuries,

10 PE Children have 2 PE lessons a week. In the Autumn term and early Spring term, all children in Year 5 have a further 10 weeks of swimming lessons (as part of their allocated indoor PE). Indoor PE is taught by Winger Sports coaches including gymnastics, dance and basketball. Outdoor PE includes netball, football, hockey, tag rugby, tennis and kwik cricket. In the summer, all PE takes place outdoors and also includes athletics (taught by Sports coaches)

11 Languages Children will continue their French tuition focusing on three main areas: Weather: weather phrases and compass points A town trail: places in a town and directions A Dark, Dark Tale: identifying furniture and using prepositions

12 Computing Children will cover 3 core topics. Other opportunities are made for children to use computing in other curriculum subjects such as through the use of the ipads. Digital Literacy- Data storage and search engines, advertisements Programming – Games Developers Podcasts and blogs

13 RE The RE curriculum continues to follow the Essex Agreed Syllabus
Christianity Life changing experiences for founders of different religions Judaism Sikhism

14 PSHE PSHE is taught fortnightly. Feelings, friends and friendships
Me and my relationships Anti-bullying Managing risks Drug awareness Political literacy and citizenship

15 Music Music is taught fortnightly by Mrs Cripps following the Music Express scheme. Children continue their recorder tuition as well as developing opportunities to perform together.

16 Further dates and information will be sent home via Parentmail
Important dates Thursday 14th September: Art trip to Lake Meadows Monday 18th September: Science Dome Visit to School Tuesday 26th September: Rev. Fowler Visit to School Friday 6th October: Harvest Festival at Christ Church Monday 30th October: Year 5 test week Thursday 23rd November: Shelterbox Visit to School Tuesday 12th December: Year 5 Christmas Performance - 2pm Wednesday 13th December: Year 5 Christmas Performance - 7pm Tuesday 19th December: Carol Service at Christchurch Further dates and information will be sent home via Parentmail

17 Thank you for coming! Any questions?

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