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Summer Learning in Year 2
Numeracy This term in Numeracy your child will be learning to: Counting & Understanding Number: Read and write numbers up to 100 and put them in order. Understand the place value of 2-digit numbers. Know addition and subtraction facts to 10 and begin to learn for 20 and 100. Learn the 3 and 4 times table facts whilst consolidating 2,5 and 10x tables. Calculating: Add and subtract a one-digit number to/from a two-digit number. Solve simple number problems and explain how to work them out. Beginning to solve multiplication and division problems. Knowing and Using Number Facts: Know by heart the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Begin to understand the fractions 1/2 and 1/3. Measures- length and height Recognise that metres and centimetres are units of measurement for length/height Become familiar with the approximate size of 1m and 1cm e.g. Which is longer 20cm or 20m? Compare lengths/heights to a metre stick Begin to know that 100cm is 1 metre. Measures- money Find the total of a small set of mixed coins e.g. 20p, 5p, 2p, Combine coins to make amounts e.g. Mary buys a notepad for 37p. What coins could she use to pay exactly for it? Know that £1 is 100p. Literacy This term in Literacy your child will be learning to: Spelling Some children in Year 2 will be continuing and reviewing their phonic letters and sounds to help with their spelling. We will also be learning to spell tricky words and words which have the same sounds but are spelt differently. Handwriting Children in Year 2 will be reviewing letter formation with the Nelson handwriting scheme. Some children will also start learning joins and joined up writing. Sentence work Children will be learning to: Punctuate sentences correctly, using capital letters, full stops and commas. Use descriptive language. Use a range of sentence lengths. Check their writing makes sense. Texts and literacy topics We will be reading a wide range of poems, stories and information texts during the spring term. We will also be continuing to use Talk for Writing to learn how to write instructions. In the second half of the term, Year 2 children will be reading traditional tales, learning about play scripts and rhyming poetry. Reading Children will continue to learn to read with fluency and expression and to answer questions about given texts. Children will be learning to answer questions recalling facts and events and also be inferring and deducing ideas from texts. How can you help? Home readers Your child will be heard reading their home reading book and have their books changed regularly in school. Please read with them at home every day as this makes a huge difference to your child's learning. Talk about the book and ask them questions to support their understanding of the texts they are reading. Library day – Friday afternoon. The children in Year 2 will visit the school library once a week. Please ask your child to find out about their library visit day. This is a good chance to read small chunks of more challenging texts and for children to read books of their own choosing for enjoyment.
Work Outline For Year 2 Science Materials Animals Geography
Local area study Comparing the local area with a non-European country (Canada). Personal , Social & Health Education and Citizenship Excited and scared. Proud and Ashamed. Religious Education *Belonging to different religions. Places of worship. Design Technology Building structures with pulleys. Sculpture in Art- Andy Goldsworthy. Computing *Communication. * Computer networks. Music Singing in a group and individually, led by our music Specialist. Dancing Led by our specialist dance teacher, Year 2 children will be learning a wide range of dances this term. Things to remember! Reading – Please remind your child to bring their book each day. PE-A PE kit of black shorts, white t-shirt and pumps is needed on Wednesday and Thursday. PE is a compulsory lesson, correct kit is essential for freedom of movement and safety. If children do not have their PE kit in school, a letter will be sent home and children will not be able to take part in the lesson as it is not safe. Library - Children will visit the school library each week, children can only choose a new book if they return their last book. Please provide your child with a sun-hat and put sun cream on them as the weather warms up. Homework Alongside home reading books, which should be shared daily wherever possible, Year 2 children will receive numeracy and literacy homework each Friday.
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