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Welcome to Primary 6! Thursday 17th September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 6! Thursday 17th September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 6! Thursday 17th September 2015

2 Who am I? Mrs Judith Meekin 8th year of teaching
Masters in Education (Equality and Diversity) Supported by Mrs S Lavery

3 Curricular Expectations in Primary 6
Broad range of objectives in line with NIC, delivered using Active Learning and Teaching approaches Emphasis on core subjects of Literacy and Numeracy Thematic approach encompassing WAU, The Arts and PDMU Emphasis on Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

4 Themes for the Year Ahead:
Science, Geography and History remain within all. Blowing your Top Geography/PDMU Unsinkable History/Science Let Go, Let Fly Sciences Raiders or Traders? History/Geography

5 Behavioural Expectations
Class agreement Celebration of achievement using Class Dojo Star of the Week assembly Grudge jar Development of self-management skills

6 Organisational Expectations
PE kits required each Monday and Wednesday Swimming kit/£1.50 each Friday Recorder for Tuesday music sessions Homework/Reading books daily

7 Always follow from activities completed in class
Homework Daily Spelling/Mental Maths Literacy/Numeracy on alternate days Nightly reading commencing next week Always follow from activities completed in class

8 Home-School Connection
School newsletters Weekly tests (Monday evening!) Homework diary Parent/Teacher meetings in October/March

9 Tips and Advice for supporting your child at home…

10 Questions/Evaluations 

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