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Welcome to Dragonflies!
Structure 8 Year 5 and 20 Year 6 2x PT Teachers
Monday, Tuesday – Mrs Talia Kelly Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Ms Jo Candlish Support: Mornings - (Mrs) Wendy Dibble Pupils are organised into year groups for Guided Reading (as the reading scheme resources differ). These are differentiated by text level. In all other subjects, including numeracy and literacy, children sit on mixed year group tables, but complete differentiated work.
Timetable Daily literacy, reading and numeracy.
Weekly ICT/PSHE/RE/French/Music Twice-weekly PE (Swimming initially for one of the sessions – this begins Monday 19th September) Child-initiated sessions – once a week if possible!
Homework - set on different days
Monday: Mathletics Tuesday: Reading Wednesday: Writing (Y6 only) Thursday: Spellings All homework will be due one week after it is set. Homework planners should be in school every day.
Expectations Children understand school rules.
Class contract has been written by the children and all have signed. Focus is on areas the class feel they need to address – concentration, supporting each other. This ties in with Winsley’s Key Drivers – a few are selected each term and success celebrated. Pupils’ books are marked quickly and every morning they are expected to correct/improve their work. Much has been done to nurture a growth mindset over the past year.
How you can help Help reinforce the school’s behaviour policy.
Encourage your child to become a resilient learner. Encourage your child to settle friendship issues independently, before calling for an adult to help them. Praise them when they have worked hard. Check and sign the planner on a weekly basis. Ensure appropriate time is spent on each homework. Get in touch if you have a concern, or information it might be useful for us to know. Regularly read with your child.
It’s not just in English where regular reading helps
Explain why there cannot be exactly 9 blue counters in the bag. Write down an alternative view. Design a suitable question for Charles to use in his questionnaire. Give a reason why this may not be a suitable sample. Which of these options should she choose and why? Give evidence to support your idea.
‘The most important skill any child can leave school with is the ability to read independently and effectively for meaning.’ Jim Rose review of the teaching of reading
We cannot: Make one child be friends with another
Keep children separated Solve arguments between parents Do the best for your child without your support
We can: Return your calls and answer your emails quickly
Make appointments to meet parents, but cannot just be available to anyone who comes in Always listen to all sides if something should go wrong, but this takes time Always try to accommodate requests regarding your child, but not if it means disadvantaging another child Always discuss your child’s progress, but not first thing in the morning or without a prior appointment!
I don’t like to try a challenge.
A short animated video: Fixed Mindset I like my work to be easy. I don’t like to try a challenge. I want people to praise me for how clever I am. I believe I cannot change how clever I am. I don’t like to try new things because I won’t be very good at it. I give up easily. Growth Mindset I never give up. I like my work to be difficult – it means I am learning. I love challenges. I want people to praise me for the effort I put into my work. I believe I can get more intelligent by working hard. I feel clever when I’m learning something new. I learn from my mistakes.
How you can help at home Praise the amount of effort your child is putting into things rather than how clever they are. Talk to your children about their brain being like a muscle - the more they use it, the stronger it gets. Encourage your children to not give up if they are finding something difficult. Challenge your children to try something new or challenging.
If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way their children don’t have to be slaves to praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence. Dr. Carol Dweck
Curriculum and planning
Years 5 and 6 follow year group objectives as per the new National Curriculum. SATs meetings and residential meetings in the New Year for Year 6 parents. Children work towards NC objectives on a rolling basis – i.e. topics are revisited to consolidate understanding. Each year has allocated science and foundation (history and geography) coverage. E.g. this year in Science – electricity, light, evolution. Swimming - Monday afternoons Sports coach – Friday mornings (netball).
Contact Children’s log ins: DB Primary (resources, weekly blog etc.) Mathletics Storybird Details of these will be glued into homework books. Winsley operates an open-door policy! Please catch us in the morning if you have an urgent message regarding your child that day. Please book an after school time via the office, if you need to speak with a member of staff about a particular issue concerning your child. Please address s to Parent helpers very welcome!
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