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Our Lady’s Bishop Eton School Welcome to Year

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Presentation on theme: "Our Lady’s Bishop Eton School Welcome to Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Lady’s Bishop Eton School Welcome to Year 2 2016-2017
Teachers – Mrs McGain, Mr Butland and Mrs Richards. Co-Educators- Mrs Rogers and Mrs McQueen.

2 Curriculum Overview

3 Come and See Collective Worship
Weekly Timetable Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Literacy - GPS Handwriting Guided Reading HOT WRITE 9-10 Literacy Assembly 10-10:30 )Guided Read) Milk and Fruit Playtime Collective Worship PPA (P.E. / music) Singapore Maths Lunch 1:15-1:30 Phonics Phonics Collective worship Spelling test Mental maths 1.30-2:45 Learning Challenge - Topic Science Singapore maths Come and See Collective Worship Come and See 2:45-3:00 Story

4 Working in Class. Within the curriculum we may use many different strategies to develop the children’s learning. We work in groups. Where we develop turn- taking listen to and respond to others. We work in pairs. Develop skills and ideas Communicate them confidently. We work independently. We work as a class. Sharing ideas. Depending on the lesson purpose children will be grouped accordingly- which can be mixed ability and work is differentiated.

5 Home Learning Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Literacy Numeracy Spellings (to be learnt for the following Friday.) News Homework (every 3rd week) Singapore Maths Books. Reading

6 Home Learning Expectations
The children will be given homework books which will contain the homework sheet and we ask that you stick this in. Please use pencil when answering questions. Sometimes the children will be asked to write their answers in their homework books but this will be made clear to them. The children should take care with the presentation of their work. Completed homework should be put in the homework box to be marked.

7 Home Reading Books The children will bring home their reading book every night. Often some of the reading is followed up by comprehension in class- that is why we set pages to read. The focus of this comprehension is to ensure the children understand what they have read and can answer questions in full sentences. If you child is tired after a long day it is okay to read alternate pages with you. Sometimes children might be reluctant readers so suggest to your child that they read to their favourite teddy while you listen in.

8 Reading Comprehension

9 Singapore Maths Last year Singapore Maths was introduced into the infants and lower juniors. The structure of the maths lesson allows children to investigate with resources talk to their partner and share ideas. This has been very successful and already as your children have joined Year 2 we are seeing an increase in confidence.

10 Investigating.

11 Singapore Maths Home Learning
Every Friday Year 2 will be sending home Singapore Maths Workbooks for Home Learning. Quickly scan the worksheets your child has done this week Identify 1 or 2 areas where your child has struggled, and discuss these with your child Encourage your child to make corrections in a different colour If you are unsure of the method taught, encourage your child to explain, but if they can’t recall, please don’t worry! If your child has shown a good understanding throughout the week, use the questions below to help deepen understanding Sign or initial worksheet discussed DO NOT complete any further worksheets in the book as they will be completed in class during the following week. Books MUST be brought in on Monday or your child will be at a disadvantage as we do not have any spare workbooks. If the book is lost or damaged there will be a charge of £20.00

12 By the end of Year 2 we want our children to be?
HAPPY ENTHUSIASTIC INQUISTIVE LEARNERS!!! Be able to work independently. Stay on task (30/40 minutes). Communicate and express themselves confidently within class. Develop an awareness of the needs of others in class, school and the wider world. Show empathy and willingness to help others.

13 How do we achieve this? As a year group we strive to create a positive atmosphere and can do approach by a system of rewards. Individual star charts. Star of the week. Weekly awards for Reading/ Maths/ Handwriting/ Values Stickers to reinforce teacher expectations. Also we have introduced a whole school house system

14 House Points System St. George 23rd April St. Andrew 30th November
St. Patrick 17th March St. David 1st March During Assembly on Friday a value will be introduced to the children and the winning house will be announced.

15 Year 2 SATS. The SATS this year have changed which the introduction of a spelling/Grammar/ Punctuation test.

16 Examples from Grammar and Punctuation Test.




20 Partnership None of this would be possible without the support of you the parents. Our aim is to work as a team in partnership with you to do the very best for the children in our care! We look forward to a HAPPY YEAR together. Thank you from all of us.

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