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How many congruent angles does a scalene triangle have

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2 How many congruent angles does a scalene triangle have
$100 1 A: B: 2 3 C: D:

3 A: 0 You just won $100!

4 Which figure does not have
congruent diagonals? $200 Rhombus Square A: B: Kite Isos. Trapezoid C: D:

5 C: Kite You just won $200!

6 Two perpendicular segments can’t form this many rt angles
$300 1 2 A: B: 3 4 C: D:

7 C: 3 You just won $300!

8 LL is the right triangle equivalent
of what? $500 SAS ASA A: B: SSS AAS C: D:

9 A: SAS You just won $500!

10 The point of concurrency for
medians is called what? $1,000 Orthocenter Circumcenter A: B: Incenter Centroid C: D:

11 D: Centroid You just won $1,000!

12 perpendicular diagonals
A rectangle ______ has perpendicular diagonals $2,000 Always Sometimes A: B: Never Happily C: D:

13 B: Sometimes You just won $2,000!

14 What quadrant is the point
(-1, 4) located? $4,000 I II A: B: III IV C: D:

15 B: II You just won $4,000!

16 In Triangle ABC m<A=x+1, m<B=x, m<C=x-1. Which side
Is the largest? $8,000 AB BC A: B: AC Can’t Tell C: D:

17 B: BC You just won $8,000!

18 The perimeter of a square is 32. How long are the diagonals?
$16,000 8 16 A: B: 8 sq root 2 16 sq root 2 C: D:

19 C: 8 sq. root 2 You just won $16,000!

20 Which pair of angles are not
Supplementary? $32,000 Alt. Exterior Linear Pair A: B: SameSideInt SameSideEx C: D:

21 A: Alt. Ext You just won $32,000!

22 What construction is used to Find the circumcenter of a triangle?
$64,000 Altitudes Perp Bisectors A: B: Angle Bisectors C: Medians D:

23 B: Perp Bisectors You just won $64,000!

24 The acute angles of a right
triangle are $125,000 Congruent Compl. A: B: Suppl. Parallel C: D:

25 B: Compl. You just won $125,000!

26 Find the slope of a line perpendicular to 2x-5y=10 $250,000 2/5 -2
B: -2/5 -5/2 C: D:

27 D: -5/2 You just won $250,000!

28 What is the distance between the
lines: y = 2x+1 & y = 2x-3 $500,000 About 2 About 3 A: B: About 1 About 1/2 C: D:

29 A: About 2 (1.8) You just won $500,000!

30 What do you get when you join The midpoints of an isos. Trapezoid
In order? $1,000,000 Trapezoid Rhombus A: B: Rectangle Kite C: D:

31 B: Rhombus You just won $1,000,000!

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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