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GAME: Maths Rules. 4 teams (must be mixed levels)

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Presentation on theme: "GAME: Maths Rules. 4 teams (must be mixed levels)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GAME: Maths Rules. 4 teams (must be mixed levels) 2 points for the right answer (usually 1 point right answer and 1 point working out) (this may change if it states) I will choose the team that puts up their hand the fastest to answer the question. LOSE POINTS wrong answer -1 Yelling out -1 Bad sportsmanship or misbehaviour -1 Team with the most points wins prizes

2 1. Name the angles and say the degrees the angles are or in between e
1. Name the angles and say the degrees the angles are or in between e.g reflex more then 180 less then 360 (4 points)

3 2. Find the missing angle measurement in each set of complementary angles. Show working for the first answer (4 points) 3 ) A C D o 38 ? B 4 ) Q S T ? o 58 R 9 ) R T U ? o 73 S

4 3. Name these triangles A B.

5 4.Name these triangles

6 5. Name two properties for an equilateral triangle

7 6. Name 2 properties for the Scalene triangle

8 7. Find the value of the missing angle need to show working out

9 8. Find the value of the pro numerals Must show reasons

10 9. Find the value of x

11 10. Find the value of R and show working out

12 11. Find the value of X must show working out

13 12. Find the value of the pro numerals

14 13. Find the value of the pro numerals (five points)
B= C= D= E= F= G=

15 14. Find the value of the missing angle show working out

16 15. Find the missing angle for supplementary angles (5 marks) Show working out for A
A) 81, X?? B) 77, X??? C) 15, X??? D) 22, x????

17 16. Who am I? (Quadrilateral)
All sides are equal All angles =90 Diagonals insect each other at a right angle

18 17. Who am I? (Quadrilateral)
Opposite sides are parallel and equal Opposite angles are equal Diagonals bisect each other

19 18 Who am I (triangle) I have one 90 degree angle

20 19. Are these angles ALL complementary, ALL supplementary, both (all angles must be either supplementary or complementary) or nothing (angle/angles that don’t add up to supplementary or complementary) 81, 9 66, 114 7, 173 55, 125 70,20 88,82

21 20 Find the value of the pro numerals 5 marks
B= C= D= E= F= G=

22 21. Who am I Quadrilateral Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal
One pair of opposite angles are equal Diagonals intersect at right angles The longest diagonal bisects the shortest diagonal into two equal parts

23 22. Find the value of X

24 23. Find the value of the pro numerals (5 marks)

25 24.Name these angles

26 25.Name these angles

27 26. Name these angles

28 27. What angle am I? Less then 90 degrees Equal 180 degrees
More then 180 however less then 360 equal 360 DEGREES


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