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Grand Rounds in the PLTW hospital

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1 Grand Rounds in the PLTW hospital
Cassidy Watson

2 Patient 4 Patient 4 is a male He is 55 His wife bring him here to see what is wrong with him

3 Slow movement Lost of balance Quiet Hand shaking Bad hand writing
symptoms Slow movement Lost of balance Quiet Hand shaking Bad hand writing

4 diagnose of patient 4 He has Parkinson There are other illness that he could of had some similar character to what he has, Bradykinesia, and gout

5 Symptoms of Parkinson Shaking Small writing Lost of smell Trouble sleeping Trouble with walking Constipation Soft talking No expression Dizzy Lost of balance

6 Who at risk People over 50 has a higher risk Males has a more change getting it People having a family history getting it Post menopausal who do not use hormone replacement therapy are at risk People who works around toxics Low vitamin b are at risk People with head trauma are at risk

7 treatment There are no treatment for Parkinson You need excise and eat healthy for Parkinson not to act up has much

8 The future If he does not work out or eat healthy he more likely be suffering with pain and not able to walk as much and can not write well

9 Careers that deals with Parkinson
Neurologist a doctor who studies and treats the nervous system One of the many problems that Neurologist work with is Parkinson Movement Disorder Specialist A doctor who studies the movement of a person and helps the person get around better

10 fact 1 out of 300 people has it

11 2013,symptoms,http://www. pdf
2013,symptoms, 2013,ten signs of parkinson, 2013, treatment for parkinsonhttp:// disease/tc/parkinsons-disease-treatment-overview 2013,the right doctor for Parkinson

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