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Science- Chapter 4.

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1 Science- Chapter 4

2 More Vocabulary Quick Questions More Quick Questions Vocabulary Explanations 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Vocabulary– 100 What is used to carry a long distance through a system of channels, pipes, and tunnels

4 100 aqueduct

5 The careful use of a natural resource
Vocabulary- 200 The careful use of a natural resource

6 200 conservation

7 Water that collects in spaces and cracks in rocks and soil underground
Vocabulary- 300 Water that collects in spaces and cracks in rocks and soil underground

8 300 groundwater

9 The process where salt is removed from salt water to make fresh water
Vocabulary- 400 The process where salt is removed from salt water to make fresh water

10 400 desalination

11 A place where water is collected and stored
Vocabulary- 500 A place where water is collected and stored

12 500 reservoir

13 What is used to supply fresh water to farms and fields
More Vocabulary- 100 What is used to supply fresh water to farms and fields

14 100 irrigation

15 An underground layer of rock or soil through which water moves easily
More Vocabulary- 200 An underground layer of rock or soil through which water moves easily

16 200 aquifer

17 The recycling of waste water so it can be used again
More Vocabulary- 300 The recycling of waste water so it can be used again

18 300 water reclamation

19 A region of land that drains into a river
More Vocabulary- 400 A region of land that drains into a river

20 400 watershed

21 A hole dug or drilled into an underground area saturated with water
More Vocabulary- 500 A hole dug or drilled into an underground area saturated with water

22 500 well

23 Where is most of Earth’s surface water found
Quick Questions- 100 Where is most of Earth’s surface water found

24 salt water found in oceans
100 salt water found in oceans

25 What is the source of freshwater for much of southern California
Quick Questions- 200 What is the source of freshwater for much of southern California

26 200 the Colorado River

27 What type of body of water covers much of Earth’s surface
Quick Questions- 300 What type of body of water covers much of Earth’s surface

28 300 oceans

29 What kind of water do oceans have
Quick Questions- 400 What kind of water do oceans have

30 400 salt

31 In which source is fresh water found
Quick Questions- 500 In which source is fresh water found

32 500 glaciers

33 How much water on Earth is salt water
More Quick Questions- 100 How much water on Earth is salt water

34 100 97%

35 What is the source of most groundwater
More Quick Questions- 200 What is the source of most groundwater

36 200 rain and melted snow

37 What do you called water in the ground
More Quick Questions- 300 What do you called water in the ground

38 300 groundwater

39 True/False: The only fresh water available for us to use is 3%
More Quick Questions- 400 True/False: The only fresh water available for us to use is 3%

40 only .6% is available to use
400 False 3% is all freshwater only .6% is available to use

41 What two kinds of water are located on Earth?
More Quick Questions- 500 What two kinds of water are located on Earth?

42 500 salt and fresh water

43 Explanations- 100 What can you infer about the level of the water table if your well runs dry during a drought

44 The level of the water tables has dropped below the depth of the well
100 The level of the water tables has dropped below the depth of the well

45 Explanations- 200 How does the process of distillation produce fresh water from salt water

46 200 Salt water is heated, the water evaporates leaving behind the salt. Then, the water vapor is cooled until it condenses back into liquid fresh water

47 What is an example of water conservation
Explanations- 300 What is an example of water conservation

48 300 Answers will vary

49 Why can recycled water not be used for cooking or drinking
Explanations- 400 Why can recycled water not be used for cooking or drinking

50 400 Recycled water is not clean, water for cooking of drinking needs to be clean, fresh water

51 What can recycled water be used for
Explanations- 500 What can recycled water be used for

52 Watering lawns, washing cars
500 Answers will vary. Watering lawns, washing cars

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