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GI-GS-RAD.-PATH. conference

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1 GI-GS-RAD.-PATH. conference 06-10-09
경희의료원 내과

2 윤○병 (M/72) Adm Case 1. (C.C) Epigastric discomfort o/s) 내원 약 3달 전 (P.I) M/38. 평소 특이병력 없이 건강하게 지내던 환자로 내 원 약 3개월 전부터 epigastric discomfort 있어 06-7 -14 local에서 시행한 건강검진 (AP sono) 상 cecum 에 submucosal tumor 소견 보여 본원 IM (Prof. 김효종) visit, abd. CT 및 colon double-contrast barium study, small bowel study 시행 결과 ileal cystic dilatation 발견되어 r/o intestinal duplication impression 하 Op.위해 본원 GS (Prof. 이길연) adm.

3 (Past Medical History)
HTN (-) DM(-) Hepatitis(-) Pulm. Tb. (-) Op. Hx(+) : ’02 HIVD repair Op. (Discectomy) ’03 Herniorrhapy, Rt. (Family History) Unremarkable

4 Review of System General Fatigue(-) Febrile sensation(-) Chill(-) Wt. Loss (-) Skin Rash(-) Pigmentation(-) H&N Headache(-) Sore throat(-) Respiratory Cough(-) Sputum(-) Dyspnea(-) Cardiac Chest pain(-) Orthopnea(-) Palpitation(-) G-I A/N/V/D/C (-/-/-/-/-) Abd. discomfort(+) : Epigastric Renal Dysuria(-) Urgency(-) Frequency (-) Hematuria(-) B/Ext Upper back pain(-) Lower back pain (-)

5 Physical Examination (V/S) 120/80mmHg – 96/min – 20/min - 36.3°C (G/A)
Alert consciousness Not so Ill-looking appearance (Head & Neck) No cervical LN enlargement No neck vein engorgement No thyroid enlargement (E & ENT) Isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) Pinkish conjunctiva with Clear sclera

6 Physical Examination (Chest)
Clear breathing sound without rale or wheezing Regular heart beat without murmur (Abdomen) Soft & flat abdomen Normoactive bowel sound Tenderness(-) Rebound tenderness(-) Shifting dullness(-) Hepatosplenomegaly (-) (Back & Ext.) CVA tenderness (-/-) Pretibial pitting edema(-/-)

7 Initial lab. findings (CBC/DC) (Chemistry) (U/A)
23800/mm3 – 13.8g/dL – 41.8% - 324K/mm3 (aPTT : 33.0 C PT : 13.4 C INR 1.01) (Chemistry) TB/DB / 0.26 mg/dL Prot./Alb. 6.6 / 3.7 g/dL AST/ALT 35/ 30 U/L ALP U/L BUN/Cr / 0.7mg/dL Na/K/Cl / 3.8 / 105 mmol/L T-Chol mg/dL (U/A) RBC 0-1 / WBC 0-1

8 Evaluations <Abd. CT> : 06-8-16 <Colon study> : 06-8-18
<Small bowel study> : <Op.> :  Laparoscopic small bowel segmental resection & Adhesiolysis distal ileum

9 Intestinal duplication (True diverticulum, ileum)
Diagnosis Intestinal duplication (True diverticulum, ileum)

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