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Compensation of Department / Division Faculty Chairs

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1 Compensation of Department / Division Faculty Chairs
February/March CCA Campus Meetings

2 Timeline CCA and district discussions on chairs started in the last contract. Creation of Chair Assignment Review Taskforce (CART) was created as a result of language in the contract to review department/division chair structures, responsibilities, and compensation at each college.

3 CART Charge Article Five, F.3, Compensation for Faculty Chairs
3. The District and CCA shall jointly convene a Chair Assignment Review Taskforce (CART) to review the Division/Department Chair structure at each College. This Taskforce shall be charged with recommendations for the following: a. Review Chair Structure b. Chair duties and responsibilities c. Chair compensation to include but not limited to release time, stipends, and extra duty days.

4 CART Charge Article Five, F.3, Compensation for Faculty Chairs
A written report from the CART shall be received no later than March 15, The CCA President or designee and Vice Chancellor for Human Resources shall jointly chair the CART. The District and CCA IBB negotiation team shall reopen negotiations after the report is received. 4. Absent mutual agreement between CCA and the District to negotiate changes to the Chair reassigned time and extra duty days, the following Chair reassigned time and extra duty days compensation changes will take effect for fiscal year: a. The minimum reassigned time and extra duty guarantee for Porterville College and Cerro Coso Community College chair assignments shall discontinue. All three colleges will have the same formula applied for Chair reassigned time and extra duty days.

5 CART Charge Article Five, F.3, Compensation for Faculty Chairs
b. The use of overload assignment workload shall no longer be calculated in the FTEF determination formulas in F 1. c (Reassigned Time) and F.1.d. (Extra Duty Days). For purposes of calculating Chair Reassigned Time and Extra Duty Days, the consideration per full time faculty member shall not exceed 1.0 FTE or 100% counted in the determination formulas. c. The implementation deadline may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties, in writing, if the parties are close to reaching agreement to changing Chair reassigned time and extra duty days compensation.

6 CART created CCA started discussions this summer on CART. Representatives for each college were: Kathy Rosellini, chair of the Counseling Department at Bakersfield College. Richard Goode, professor, earth and physical sciences, and former chair of the Natural Science/Mathematics Division at Porterville College. Dr. John Stenger-Smith, professor chemistry/physical science and former chair of Science and Engineering at Cerro Coso Community College.

7 CART Chair Survey Besides meeting with CCA representatives, CART representatives worked with other college chairs to help design a district-wide survey of recent and current chairs. Survey had about an 80 percent response rate, with 60 of 75 chairs participating, and it provided exceptional feedback on how chairs view their jobs. Besides the chair survey, CART members assisted with gathering information on departments/divisions at each college as CCA negotiators met with the district team on Sept. 4; Oct. 2, 9, 23; Nov. 13; and Dec. 4.

8 What did the survey tell us?
Department chairs who have served for a long time said the duties and responsibilities have become more complex. Chairs were in favor of having more reassigned time over other forms of compensation. Chairs were not in favor of having reassigned time reduced. Many chairs have taught an overload because they need to fill a class that was unstaffed.

9 CART Report CCA presented the CART Report, which included the chair survey results, to trustees on Dec. 17, 2015, three months ahead of time. CCA began Interest-Based Bargaining in January regarding chair compensation. Both sides brought in an IBB mediator in February to help reach an agreement.

10 CCA and KCCD Common Interests
Both sides agreed to the following interests: Recruit and retain department/division faculty chairs and directors. Fair and equitable workloads. Fair and equitable compensation. Communication between faculty and administrators. Maximize benefits for faculty chairs with regard to CalSTRS. Maintaining experienced faculty in the classroom. Opportunity for faculty leadership development.

11 Agreement New FTEF formula was created for calculating chair-reassigned time. New FTEF table was created for determining reassigned time. Chair assignment is from August to July. Teaching assignment will be part of the regular workload and loaded first into SAS. Reassigned time will be loaded after the teaching assignment has been loaded.

12 Agreement Example of chair load:

13 Agreement Chairs who do not complete the 185–day assignment will not receive a full year’s retirement service credit. Chairs who fail to complete the 185-day contract will receive a proportional year of retirement service credit. Chairs of Counseling and the Library now will receive .1 reassigned time. If both chairs are in the same division/department, the division/department chair will receive a total of .2 reassigned time for librarians and counselors.

14 Agreement The minimum reassigned time of 0.3 at Porterville and Cerro Coso will sunset. The FTEF formula will remove the .7 reassigned time and 11-day guarantee for the BC Nursing chair. The FTEF formula will remove the additional 2- day guarantee in summer for the BC EIT chair. The new formula will be used starting in the 2017–2018 academic year. Updated FTEF charts for subsequent years will be linked to the contract from the KCCD website by March 1.

15 FTEF Formula The new FTEF formula for each department/division will be based on: Full-time faculty (not counting overload) Adjuncts Professional experts (Allied Health/Nursing will count these on an 18-hour base). Whenever direct supervision of professional experts is added to a chair’s duties, the impact on chair-reassigned time shall be negotiated. The formula will then be calculated by adding the FTEF for spring, summer, and fall and dividing that total by 2.

16 Cerro Coso chair travel
Cerro Coso chairs will be paid the portal-to-portal rate as stated in the current collective bargaining agreement for hours spent driving for chair-related duties at any campus, center, or other teaching site more than fifteen (15) miles from his or her regular teaching location. (For example, this rate is eight dollars ($8) per hour in the CBA. See Article 11, Appendix E, Other Non-Contract Services.) Chairs should submit the required travel and mileage forms on a monthly basis.

17 FTEF Formula To offset not counting faculty overload and the removal of the minimum reassigned time at Porterville and Cerro Coso, .1 FTEF has been added to the current reassigned table for all department/division chairs. Result: Most chair reassigned time at the three colleges stayed as is or increased under the new formula.

18 Reassigned Time Tables
Academic Year FTEF Reassigned FTE up to 3 >3 to 10 0.2 >10 to13 0.3 >13 to 17 0.4 >17 to 22 0.5 >22 to 28 0.6 >28 0.7 Reassigned Time Academic Year FTEF Reassigned FTE up to 3 0.2 >3 to 10 0.3 >10 to13 0.4 >13 to 17 0.5 >17 to 22 0.6 >22 to 28 0.7 >28 0.8

19 How will this affect a particular chair’s reassigned time?
See Excel chart handouts for a breakdown of chair reassigned time at each college. These charts also will be posted on the KCCD CCA website following campus meetings.

20 What’s next? CCA members at the three colleges will vote on these changes during the spring election. Only CCA members as of Feb. 22, 2016 will be able to vote on this and other election items. Chair changes will take the form of a MOU that will become contract language in the agreement. If approved by members, reassigned time for chairs will change to the new formula in If rejected by members, reassigned time for chairs stays as is with no change to the formula.

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