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Sunday: Psalm 150.

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1 Sunday: Psalm 150

2 1 Hallelujah. Praise God in the holy temple;
1 Hallelujah! Praise God in the holy temple; * give praise in the firmament of heaven.

3 2 Praise God who is mighty in deed;
2 Praise God who is mighty in deed; * give praise for God's excellent greatness.

4 3 Praise God with the blast of the ram's-horn;
3 Praise God with the blast of the ram's-horn; * give praise with lyre and harp.

5 4 Praise God with timbrel and dance; * give praise with strings and pipe.

6 5 Praise God with resounding cymbals;
5 Praise God with resounding cymbals; * give praise with loud-clanging cymbals.

7 6 Let everything that has breath * praise the Lord. Hallelujah!

8 Great and glorious God, in your wisdom you created us, in Jesus Christ you came to redeem us, and through your Holy Spirit you guide and sanctify us.

9 Give us breath to sing of your majesty, and with all creation, praise you as the true life of all; through Jesus Christ, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit; one God forever. Amen.

10 Presbyterian Book of Common Worship Copyright 1993 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This video was produced by the Office of Theology and Worship

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