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I&L Advocacy Way Ahead General Faulkner, Generals, logisticians, and Fester. The first brief for today is on the Marine Corps Installations and Logistics.

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Presentation on theme: "I&L Advocacy Way Ahead General Faulkner, Generals, logisticians, and Fester. The first brief for today is on the Marine Corps Installations and Logistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 I&L Advocacy Way Ahead General Faulkner, Generals, logisticians, and Fester. The first brief for today is on the Marine Corps Installations and Logistics Roadmap or aka---the MahhhKilller. Before we wrote the MCILR we received guidance from the DC, which included looking at previous I&L, aviation, and ground roadmaps for best practices and ideas. There are similarities and there are differences between the MCILR and other documents that you have read in the past. The MCILR is not platform centric, nor is it highly prescriptive in nature. What the MCILR does is provide strategic level direction to develop logistics and logisticians for 21st century expeditionary operations. It also focuses on MAGTF logistics, vice being LCE centric. If you look at logistics across the MAGTF and Supporting Establishment spectrum, our 43,000 logisticians are located in every element of the SE and MAGTF---only 42% resides within the LCE. The MCILR is targeted at getting our collective arms around MAGTF logistics, so we can better right size, align, and advocate for these capabilities. 24 Apr 13

2 V-8 Engine that Drives Progress in Our Logistics Community
Purpose of Advocacy The MCILR that you have read and what we are talking about today is the result of your efforts. We solicited and incorporated your concerns, critiques, and recommendations during an eventful yearlong [two-way] dialogue. The MCILR is more descriptive, than directive because it describes the operating environment of the future in threat and fiscal terms. It is focused on the holistic “long view” and of pulling together the disparate logistical elements within the MAGTF and Supporting Establishment. The MCILR is designed as a start point for advocacy, because advocacy is going to move us forward together as a community. The MCILR is designed to: -Facilitate professional development of Marine logisticians who can effectively operate at the MAGTF, Installation, Joint, and Inter-Agency level. -Guide the development of an OAG construct that informs capability development. -Inform training, education, and doctrine development. V-8 Engine that Drives Progress in Our Logistics Community

3 Logistics and Logisticians
Ready Marines Right Things Right Capabilities We will enhance Navy and Marine Corps capabilities in a Sea-Basing construct by integrating Navy and Marine Corps logistics. Marine Logistics Integration (MLI) is an operational imperative designed to reduce supply chain redundancies within the MAGTF, especially when operating from an austere, forward deployed location. By aligning concurrent ground and aviation logistics initiatives into a single MAGTF logistics solution, we will optimize logistics performance by leveraging the best of both systems to include support provided by our installations. Within this framework, there are several logistics initiatives that promise to exponentially increase our expeditionary logistics capability. The new CH-53K heavy-lift helicopter with its increased lift capacity and extended reach will enable sea basing and movement directly to inland objectives. We will collaborate with DC, Aviation to fully integrate this platform into our future expeditionary logistics concept. The Cargo Resupply Unmanned Aerial System (CRUAS) in Afghanistan is breaking new technological ground and provides a reliable and accurate means to support distributed forces. In the future, unmanned air and ground logistics systems, operating from both sea and land bases, will be an integral component of the overall distribution network in support of Marine forces. Able to traverse non-linear lines of communication, they will provide complementary distribution capability to the MAGTF. The Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) will provide fast intra-theater transportation of Marines, military vehicles, and equipment. The JHSV is an extremely flexible asset designed for support in a wide range of operations including maneuver and sustainment, relief operations in small or damaged ports, or as the key platform for rapid transport in contingency response. Our agile bases and stations will ensure the necessary modifications to facilities, infrastructure, and training ranges are aligned. Man, Train, Equip, and Resource

4 Logistics Enterprise & Environment
Joint Training & Education Manpower OccField Sponsorship Advocacy Operating Forces POM TLCM & Sustainment Installations Guide Requirements CPM & Acquisition THIS IS THE ENVIRONMENT WE WILL OPERATE IN SHOWING THE VARIOUS STAKEHOLDERS THAT WE MUST ENGAGE WITH AND INFLUENCE. S&T Engage, Influence, and Advocate for Logistics, Installations, and Logisticians

5 Influence & Support UCP CCDR Demand Signals Marine Corps
National /Joint / Multi Service Strategy & Concepts GEF/JSCP GDF/JPG UCP OSD & Joint Strategic Guidance Joint Concepts CCDR Demand Signals Advocates Plans & Programmatic Roadmaps Program & Budget Cycles Implementation Planning Guidance Marine Corps Service Campaign Plan Informs / Informed By Directive and Aligned Capability Development Maritime Strategy Naval Operating Concept DOTMLPF Implications Marine Corps Operating Concept THESE ARE THE AREAS THROUGH DAILY STAFF ACTIONS AND ENGAGEMENT THAT WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE. IT IS A TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY THAT WE MUST TAKE WHILE BEING CONSTANT AND CONSITENT IN IT’S EXECUTION.

6 I&L Advocacy Structure
Installations & Logistics Board (ILB) Marine Installations Board (MIB) Commander, MCICOM CG, MCIEAST CG, MCIWEST CG, MCIPAC CO, MCB Quantico/ CO, MCNRC CG, TECOM Cdr, NIC & Cdr, NAVFAC MAGTF Logistics Board (MLB) Dir, LP CG, MCLC CG, 1st MLG CG, 2d MLG CG, 3d MLG CG, 4th MLG Logistics Consolidated OAG (Log COAG) Installations Regional Board (IRB) Material Readiness OAG (LPC) Health Services OAG (LP/HS) Facilities and Land Management Training and Operations Military Construction (MILCON) Board Operational Contract Support OAG (LB) GCSS-MC OAG (LPC) Base & Station Logistics Services Installations Protection Base & Station Information Technology Engineering & EOD OAG (LPE) C2 for Logistics OAG (LPV) Energy Safety Contracting Family Readiness BPO/CPI/COLS Logistics Training & Education OAG (LPC) Transportation & Distribution OAG (LPD) Key: Food Service Civ Personnel = coordination = control 6

7 Advocacy Concept DC I&L issues Top-Down guidance to shape OAG & IAG actions. OAGs & IAGs establish procedures to address “community interest & regional issues” and utilize higher level boards to obtain required leadership decisions. OAG & IAG Issues must be properly prepared with sufficient rigor in the problem analysis, courses of action development, and coordination with other pertinent entities. All decisions need not go before the I&L Board for resolution. Must provide the MAGTF Log Board & Marine Installations Board with actionable deliverables of sufficient depth and rigor to influence future Marine Corps logistics capabilities. Provide for: Persistent & Integrated Engagement… THIS IS THE CONCEPT. IT IS ABOUT FOCUSED TOP-DOWN GUIDANCE TO THE OAG’S & IAG’S WHILE CREATING VENUES FOR COMMUNITY INTEREST ITEMS TO BE PRESENTED TO OUR SENIOR LEADERSHIP FOR DECISION.

8 Installations and Logistics Advocacy Process
MAGTFs MCLC Operational Advisory Groups Material Readiness (LPC) Transportation & Distribution (LPD) Engineering & EOD (LPE) Health Services (LP / HS) Operational Contract Support (LB) GCSS-MC (LPC / LPV) Command & Control for Logistics (LPV) Log Training & Education (LPC / TECOM) Log Consolidated OAG Define & Shape Inform MAGTF Logistics Board MCFDS CPM MCEIP PEBs PWG POM I&L Influences: Programming, FY+2 Planning, FY+3 I&L Informs: Current FY Execution Budgeting, FY+1 Coordinate & Monitor ACE GCE CE DC I&L Installations & Logistics Board Integrate & Evaluate Guide & Influence LF/ MCICOM Strategic Plan & Priorities Installations Advisory Groups Facilities/Land Management MILCON Board Safety / Energy Installations Protection Information Technology / Contracting Training and Operations / Food Service BPO and COLs / Civ Personnel Logistics Services / Family Readiness Marine Installations Board THIS IS THE PROCESS. MAGTF/LP FOCUSED OAG’S AND MCICOM/LF FOCUSED IAG’S WILL OPERATE IN PARALLEL WITH TASKS SUFFICENTLY DEFINED AND FRAMED -- BUT SHARING INFORMATION, WITH ISSUES THEN BROUGHT TOGETHER AT THE I&L BOARD. CHARTERS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED TO DEFINE THE DETAILS. Installations Regional Boards Define & Shape

9 OAG/IAG Process OAG/IAG Leads establish required membership Members (may vary by function) “An” example: Each MLG (4) Each MARFOR assigned Forces (3) LOGCOM (1) / MARSOC (1) as appropriate TECOM as appropriate OAG/IAG Leads establish temporary WGs for specific issues as needed Develop processes/procedures to address “community” specific issues and answer “assigned tasks” from DC, I&L Follow guidance in OAG/IAG charter Schedule and execute a consistent OAG/IAG process THIS IS THE BASIC OAG CONSTRUCT TO BE USED BY LP. MEMBERSHIP IS DEPENDENT ON THE SPECIFIC OAG – IT WILL VARY, BUT THE SIZE MUST BE KEPT INTENTIONALLY SMALL. THE OVERALL PROCESS MUST WORK BOTH TOP –DOWN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFIC ITEMS.

10 Role of OccField Sponsors
Coordinate across the OAGs 8000s 8800s 0400s 2100s 3000s 3300s 1100s 1300s 2300s 3500s 3100s 0430 0431 Log Training & EducationOAG Health Services OAG Materiel Readiness OAG Engineers & EOD OAG Distribution & Transportation OAG GCSS-MC OAG C2 for Log OAG Integrate OccFld Managers into Functional OAG’s Operational Contract Support OAG INTENT IS TO HARNESS THE OCCFIELDS & MOS SPONSORS TO UTILIZE AS A RESOURCE. OCCFIELDS WILL SUPPORT A SPECIFIC FUNCTIONAL OAG AND ALL WILL SUPPORT THE TRAINING & EDUCATION OAG. IT IS ABOUT HOW TO MAN, TRAIN, AND EQUIP – THE OCCFIELDS ARE VITAL TO THIS EFFORT. Manning MOS Manual TFSMS EPAD TOECR Train T&R Manual POI validation CCRB reviews OPFOR interviews Equip TE review TFSMS WIPT’s CD&I Inputs MCSC PdM discussions

11 Way Ahead I&L provides initial guidance: signed MCILR
DC, I&L Issue Charter to Dir LP & Dir LF/Commander, MCICOM Dir LP & Dir LF/Commander, MCICOM issue charters to establish OAGs & IAGs Dir LP & Dir LF/Commander, MCICOM Report status of OAG to DC, I&L: 1 Sep 2013 WAY AHEAD. FINALIZE THE CHARTERS. I&L ISSUE GUIDANCE. START EXECUTING…NOW.

12 The Future is Now… The Marine Corps ability to rapidly generate combat power, deploy, and operate across the full range of military operations is driven by logistics and our installations. Our mission is to provide logistics to ensure an always ready and capable expeditionary crisis response force. We will enable 21st century expeditionary operations through professional logisticians, transformational logistics processes, innovative technologies, and a fully integrated logistics enterprise. The emerging challenges and threats of the global security environment generate clear requirements for lighter and leaner forces, capable of being rapidly deployed, effectively employed, and sustained over a greater distance. We will maximize the positive effects of existing technology while evaluating emerging solutions to improve how we support the war fighter. We will continue to examine how we organize, train, educate, equip, and employ our Marines. Throughout, we will maintain positive and productive relationships with the Supporting Establishment and our civilian Marines, while keeping faith with our families to ensure that quality of life remains high as we move forward. Our efforts will results in 21st century logistical capabilities prepared to operate across the ROMO. We will revitalize and integrate logistics training, education, and doctrine to develop logisticians that are prepared for the future operating environment. MCICOM’s role as the 5th element of the MAGTF will be solidified as the strategic link between Installations and Marine Corps readiness, training, and power projection capabilities. Finally, we will execute an advocacy construct for MAGTF and Installations logistics and logisticians that delivers ready people, the right capabilities, and responsive organizations. 24 Apr 13

13 Process Timeline – Programming, MCFDS, Advocacy
P&R Process PEBs Program Review (PR) Program Review (PR) PWGs POM POM Submissions Resource Management Decisions Resource Mgmt Decisions FY20XX FY20XX Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov* Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun* Jul* Aug* Sep Oct Nov Dec MCFDS Capability Investment Plan (CIP) Plan for CBA Wargame Capability Investment Plan (CIP) Marine Corps Enterprise Integration Plan (MCEIP) Plan for CBA Wargame Marine Corps Capability List (MCCL) Marine Corps Gap List (MCGL) Marine Corps Solution Planning Directive (MCSPD) Marine Corps Solution Planning Directive (MCSPD) Marine Corps Enterprise Integration Plan (MCEIP) I&L Advocacy Advocate Capability List (ACL) Advocate Gap List (AGL) Advocate Capability List (ACL) Calendar: Puts the previous chart on a monthly calendar that shows you when the various phases occur throughout the year. Also depicts when decisions are made by the TOG and when products are produced by the IPTs and TOG working groups. Questions? MAGTF Log Board MAGTF Log Board MAGTF Log Board Operational Advisory Groups Operational Advisory Groups Log Consolidated OAG Operational Advisory Groups I&L Board I&L Board Marine Installations Board Marine Installations Board Marine Installations Board Installations Advisory Groups Installations Advisory Groups Installations Review Board Installations Advisory Groups MCFDS is intended to replace MCO B (Expeditionary Force Development System, EFDS) *High OPTEMPO Months (PCS, Retirements, USMC Birthday, Holidays) 13

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