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BOB Towards a Thinking School The Projects:

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1 BOB Towards a Thinking School The Projects:
PERLL, Learn2Inquire, ICT, BOB

2 Towards a Lynfield College Curriculum
The Projects: PERLL, Learn2Inquire, ICT, BOB

3 Involvement At least 50 staff have been involved in collaborative professional learning in the various projects. There is a shared focus in all projects on linking teaching and learning: Inquiry model. All projects engage teachers in reflective practice.

4 Involvement The values, key competencies and effective pedagogy from the NZC are all inherent in the focus of each project. Students are beginning to link their learning across subjects

5 Values PERLL, ICT Learn2Inquire, BOB Inquiry Innovation
Community and participation PERLL, ICT Learn2Inquire, BOB Excellence Integrity

6 Working effectively together
Key Competencies Working effectively together Uses assistive technologies to access information and communicate Relating to others PERLL, ICT Learn2Inquire, BOB Critically thinking Participating and contributing

7 Effective Pedagogy PERLL, ICT Learn2Inquire, BOB
Activities are cooperative and innovative Learning is authentic, personal and relevant PERLL, ICT Learn2Inquire, BOB Facilitates shared learning Encourages reflective thought and action Focuses inquiry

8 Learning Projects Lynfield College Teachers “Learn to Live”

9 thinking learning Learn2Inquire learning thinking

10 Learn2Inquire Goal To raise student thinking from lower to higher order and to increase the level of student achievement Collaboration with feeder intermediate & primary schools, initially Literacy. Now there are Numeracy and other subjects with PLT’s. Awareness Practice Use Integration Consolidation

11 PERLL Building relationships for learning
Effective Pedagogy ie: How the teacher promotes student learning: Creates a supportive learning environment Encourages reflective thought and action Enhances the relevance of new learning Make connections to prior learning and experience Developing questioning skills to promote higher order thinking has been a main focus.

12 Thinking school Thinking strategies SOLO Blooms Taxonomy

13 Next Steps The Thinking School
The work currently done under the banners of individual projects can be unified so that all teachers have the opportunity to explore the range of teaching strategies and new ideas. We can extend the successful current model of professional learning teams for sharing best practice and evidence about student learning.

14 Starters Analogy thinking maps

15 Thinking Tools Lubricates to reduce friction as
Cartilage Bone Oil Chain RF = Lubricates to reduce friction as Cartilage Bone Crumple zone Car RF = Reduces impact on contact as Tendon Muscle limpet rock RF = Attaches to

16 Starters A great one to learn names, review and promote questioning!
Answer a question……… ….Think of a question.

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