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Presentation on theme: "PSY.Forgetting."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSY.Forgetting

2 The Willpower Instinct
Independently read pg. 41 – 45 Explain one theory of memory retrieval. Before answering – do 15 jumping jacks.

3 The Willpower Instinct
Group read pg. 107 – 112 Reading Strategy: Read to answer these two questions: Why did rats press a lever to shock themselves on purpose? What is the reward system?

4 Bellringer: Why Do We Forget?
Based on what you know about memory, list three reasons why we forget. Try to be as specific as possible (terms, concepts, etc.)

5 Forgetting: Inability to retrieve information, due to poor encoding, storage or retrieval.

6 We cannot remember what we did not encode!
Why We Forget Encoding Failure: ineffective attention given to material We cannot remember what we did not encode!

7 Why We Forget 2. Retrieval Failure: Although the information is retained in the memory store it cannot be accessed.

8 Types of Retrieval Failure: Interference
Competing material causes forgetting Retroactive interference (new information interferes with ability to retrieve old information) Study Calculus – Study Psych – Bomb the Calculus Test Proactive interference (old information interferes with ability to retrieve new information) Older siblings cause teachers to call you by wrong name

9 Wrap-up: So How Do We Improve Memory?
When studying: Overlearn! Many separate study sessions. No cramming! Spend more time using elaborative rehearsal or actively thinking about the material. Make the material personally meaningful. Use retrieval cues. Recall memories when fresh, before you encounter misinformation Minimize interference.

10 Dementia: a progressive loss of cognitive function

11 Alzheimer’s the most common cause of dementia in older people
accounts for 65-75% of dementia in older individuals





16 Amyloid Plaques Define amyloid plaque .


18 Exit Ticket: The Alzheimer’s Project
Write down any evidence of dementia in each of these patients over the course of their diagnosis as we meet them: Fannie, 3 months Joe, 2 years Yolanda, 6 years

19 Announcements Unit 3 exam: December 15 & 16
“Still Alice” project DUE January 7 & 8

Date of entry Topic presented in class that may help you improve your memory Brief description of this psychological factor (To be conducted on your own using internet research) Identify and provide a brief summary of one psychological study that researched this topic in memory Explanation of specifically how you plan on using this knowledge to improve your memory in school, work, extracurricular, or everyday life. Please note this section must be specific. Discuss a specific class that you will use these strategies. Do not speak in generalities. Grades will be allocated based on the level of thought given to each entry, your understanding of each topic, and the impressiveness of your “memory improving strategy” for each topic that you come up with. DUE DECEMBER 16 & 17

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