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Mount Horeb High School

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1 Mount Horeb High School
AP Psychology JEOPARDY! When ready, please click to begin the game! Mount Horeb High School CLICK SCREEN TO CONTINUE >

2 NEXT ROUND $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300
Memory General Encoding Storage Retrieval LTMem $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 NEXT ROUND

3 Your parents’ clear, emotional memory of seeing the World Trade Center buildings fall.

4 Flashbulb memory Main Menu

5 Processing information into your brain…

6 Encoding Main Menu

7 Sensory memory that isn’t rehearsed does this. (so do dead bodies)

8 Decay Main Menu

9 Its capacity is 5 to 9 separate pieces of information

10 Short-term Memory Main Menu

11 How long iconic memory lasts for…

12 200ms, or 2/10 second Main Menu

13 This “effect” says it’s better to study 1 hour 4 times than 4 hours in a row

14 Spacing, or Distributed Practice
Main Menu

15 If you link what you’re reading to other things you know, you
are using _______ memory to hold everything in mind at once. Answer

16 Working Memory Main Menu

17 Give an example of both shallow and deep processing.
Daily Double!!! Give an example of both shallow and deep processing. Answer

18 Shallow – visual encoding (how many letters?) Deep – semantic
encoding (Relate the term to your life) Main Menu

19 Before something we hear must first be stored in …
can be encoded into short-term memory, it must first be stored in … Answer

20 Echoic Memory, lasts 3-4 seconds
Main Menu

21 Memory is improved more by retrieving information than by rereading it
Memory is improved more by retrieving information than by rereading it. This is the _______ effect. Answer

22 Testing Main Menu

23 If you study a list of items and immediately recall them, you’ll remember which items best, second best, and worst? Answer

24 (serial position effect)
last, first, middle (serial position effect) Main Menu

25 Organizing items into more manageable units, or an Asian food company

26 Chunking Main Menu

27 One-bun Two-shoe Three-tree… Which mnemonic method?

28 Peg-word Method Main Menu

29 Another term for implicit memory is…

30 Non-declarative Main Menu

31 where you learned. Thus, memory is…
It’s easier to remember if you recall where you learned. Thus, memory is… Answer

32 Context-dependent Main Menu

33 When your ex-girlfriend’s birthday interferes with your effort to remember your current girlfriend’s birthday… Answer

34 Pro-active Interference
Main Menu

35 Give an example to show the difference between recall and recognition.

36 Naming the capital of Alaska vs. recognizing it’s Juneau
Main Menu

37 After new memories are formed, they are strengthened by more firing of the relevant neurons, and these neurons become more sensitive to firing as a result. This is … Answer

38 Long-term Potentiation
Main Menu

39 Ebbinghaus learned that if he practiced a list of nonsense syllables (e.g. vox, lep, hoz, etc.) more on Day 1, the next day when he practiced them… Answer

40 He could relearn them in fewer attempts. (overlearning helps)
Main Menu

41 Remembering (when drunk) where you hid money when drunk, is an example of …

42 State-dependence Main Menu

43 Name a cognitive skill…

44 Main Menu

45 Being able to juggle is _______ memory
Being able to juggle is _______ memory. Being able to explain how to begin to learn to juggle is ________ memory. Answer

46 Non-declarative/Implicit/Motor Skill Declarative/Explicit/Facts
Main Menu

47 After a head injury, Jim lost his ability to form any new memories for facts or experiences. He damaged his _________ and now has __________ amnesia. Answer

48 Hippocampus/Frontal lobes
Anterograde Main Menu

49 Daily Double!!! Hermann Ebbinghaus’s famous forgetting curve showed that forgetting of nonsense syllables is initially ______ and then ______. Answer

50 Fast, Slow (or levels off)
Main Menu

51 The two brain regions involved in the processing of implicit, non-declarative memories.

52 Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia
Main Menu

53 Problem-Solving Solving Problems Language Research Ouch!! $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 FINAL JEOPARDY

54 When your car ran poorly last time, new spark plugs helped, so you try that again… and it didn’t help… Answer

55 Mental Set Main Menu

56 Follow my steps and you’ll be okay
Follow my steps and you’ll be okay. It may take longer if you’re not using a computer, but if I’m good, your solution is coming right up … Answer

57 Algorithm Main Menu

58 Thinking the female doctor must be the nurse and the male nurse must be the doctor…

59 Representative Heuristic
Main Menu

60 Being more afraid of flying than is warranted because of two recent, well-publicized crashes.

61 Availability Heuristic
Main Menu

62 Not realizing that your raincoat could be converted into a flotation device… and drowning

63 Functional Fixedness Main Menu

64 is close to it. is not. Answer

65 The prototypical table
Main Menu

66 If you want to find a solution, it would be best if you searched for evidence that your plan might not work. Try to overcome _______ ________ Answer

67 Confirmation Bias Main Menu

68 Answer

69 Framing Main Menu

70 Daily Double!!! The phenomenon of belief perseverance demonstrates that human thinking is flawed in that we tend to form beliefs _______ and change them _______. Answer

71 With ease Rarely and with difficulty, even when the evidence against them is clear Main Menu

72 Venturesome Personality A Creative Environment
Expertise Imaginative Thinking Venturesome Personality Intrinsic Motivation A Creative Environment These lead to… Answer

73 Creativity Main Menu

74 shown that all languages structure. He calls this:
Noam Chomsky has shown that all languages share an underlying structure. He calls this: Answer

75 Universal Grammar Main Menu

76 The first stage of language development, beginning around 4 mos. of age

77 Babbling Main Menu

78 It’s see spot run not run spot see

79 Syntax Main Menu

80 The word “dances” has ____ phonemes and ____ morphemes.

81 6, 2 Main Menu

82 If a child says only “mama” and “dadee” she’s probably ___ year(s)

83 1 Main Menu

84 the game-winning hit in a tee-ball game, but it didn’t happen.
You remember getting the game-winning hit in a tee-ball game, but it didn’t happen. You read it in a story… Answer

85 Source Amnesia Main Menu

86 When events that happen after an experience change the memory for the experience…

87 Misinformation Effect
Main Menu

88 your language determines
His theory says that your language determines the way you think… Answer

89 Benjamin Whorf’s Linguistic Determinism Theory
Main Menu

90 Instead of the availability heuristic, smart thinkers
should use this to determine risk Answer

91 The actual statistical probability
Main Menu

92 Answer According to research, if you don’t learn
the grammar of a language by age __, you’ll never truly master that language. Answer

93 7 Main Menu

94 Language Comprehension, Temporal Lobe

95 Wernicke’s Area Main Menu

96 Eureka!! Answer

97 Insight Main Menu

98 Approximate number of morphemes in English

99 100,000 Main Menu

100 Can’t talk right Answer

101 Aphasia Main Menu

102 If convergent thinking is digging the hole deeper, divergent thinking would be …

103 Digging more holes Main Menu

104 Final Jeopardy University of Tennessee’s Women’s Basketball team may have improved their free throw shooting by practicing… ANSWER

105 Mentally

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