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I. Competent Authority Proceedings

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0 Current Developments in Competent Authority and APA Proceedings
Natalie Hoyer Keller Chicago Tax Club May 3, 2010 © 2010 Kirkland & Ellis LLP. All rights reserved.

1 I. Competent Authority Proceedings

2 FY 2009 U.S. Competent Authority Statistics
Received 158 new transfer pricing cases Only 24 cases (15%) involved U.S.-initiated adjustments Closed 85 transfer pricing cases 30 cases (35%) involved U.S.-initiated adjustments 329 transfer pricing cases in inventory at fiscal year end 724 total cases Average processing time for closed transfer pricing cases: 795 days Full double taxation relief granted for 96% of dollar adjustments 35% - correlative adjustments; 61% - adjustments withdrawn No relief in 1% of cases (down from 7%)

3 Foreign-Initiated Competent Authority Cases
Increase in foreign-initiated adjustments From FY 2005-FY 2009, foreign-initiated cases increased from 75 to 134, while U.S.-initiated cases declined from 34 to 24 In FY 2005, foreign-initiated adjustments = 70% of total CA cases (75 out of 109 cases) In FY 2009, 85% = foreign-initiated (134 out of 158 cases) Between FY 2008 and FY 2009, there was a 35% increase in foreign-initiated cases (from 98 to 134) Potential explanations

4 Mandatory Binding Arbitration Provisions
U.S. tax treaties with Germany, Belgium, Canada and France French protocol ratified 12/3/2009; effective 1/1/2010 Key provisions Baseball-style arbitration (with French twist) Process Eligible two years after case submission Panel of three arbitrators Impact on Competent Authority negotiations U.S. Treasury: no plans to make mandatory binding arbitration part of U.S. model treaty

5 Competent Authority Procedure
Taxpayer involvement Joint fact-finding sessions ACAP (Accelerated Competent Authority Procedure) U.S. experience (Rev. Proc ) Canadian experience (CRA Transfer Pricing Memorandum released 12/12/2008)

6 II. Advance Pricing Agreements

7 CY 2009 APA Statistics Received 127 APA applications (record number)
88 bilateral and 39 unilateral Executed 63 APAs (904 since 1991) 28 APA renewals and 35 new APAs 42 bilateral, 0 multilateral and 21 unilateral More than 70% = foreign parent/U.S. subsidiary Most common transaction = sale of tangible property into U.S. Most common method = CPM (with operating margin as PLI) Most common term = five years Average of 45.4 months to complete new bilateral APA Average of 18.5 months to complete new negotiating position

8 CY 2009 APA Statistics 321 pending requests for APAs at year end (submissions received) 99 bilateral APAs that have been forwarded to Competent Authority office for discussion with treaty partner 165 bilateral APAs for which APA program has not yet completed recommended negotiating position 57 unilateral APAs APA staffing 39 full-time staff v. 33 in 2008

9 APA Program Scope and Application
Rev. Proc expansion of scope Attribution of profits to PE and other issues for which transfer pricing principles may be relevant 10 APA submissions in CY 2009 under this Rev. Proc. APA fast-track pilot program Goal = resolution in 6 months “Handful” of cases selected (renewals only) Not likely to be expanded without additional staffing

10 Current Economic Conditions
Impact on APAs Taxpayer’s operating results Lag time for comparable data Taxpayer requests to reopen APAs Critical assumption triggered? IRS reluctant to renegotiate without corresponding upside for IRS Future APAs – build in flexibility upfront

11 III. Observations

12 Significant Transfer Pricing Cases
Cost sharing arrangements IRS has encouraged use of APAs to reduce uncertainty Taxpayers should leave sufficient “paper” and “conduct” trails to support APA position Not ruled out seeking APA before entering into CSA Xilinx, Inc. v. Comm’r, 598 F.3d 1191 (9th Cir. 2010) Three-judge panel of 9th Circuit reversed prior decision Stock option costs do not need to be shared to have qualified cost sharing arrangement Years involved were prior to 2003 amendment to regulations IRS request en banc review?

13 Significant Transfer Pricing Cases – CSAs
Vertias Software Corp. v. Comm’r, 133 T.C. No. 14 (2009) Tax Court held IRS calculation of buy-in payment ($1.68 billion) was arbitrary and capricious IRS position relied heavily on positions in 2007 CIP (even though 1996 regulations applied) IRS appeal to 9th Circuit?

14 Significant Transfer Pricing Developments
Reporting of Uncertain Tax Positions – Schedule UTP Must rank transfer pricing items by either (i) amount recorded as reserve or (ii) estimated adjustment if tax position not sustained Increase audits of sensitive issues, and thus CA proceedings? Increase desirability of certainty, and thus APAs? Transfer Pricing Audit Pilot Program IRS identifying handful of cases with high strategic importance IRS team to include internat’l examiners, technical advisers and economists (including National Office, Counsel and APA staffs) Joint Audits IRS seeking candidate for first case by end of fiscal year

15 Current Relationships with Treaty Partners
Canada 300 international auditors recently hired Record level of APA requests (32) and inventory (84) (FYE 3/09) Completed 10 APAs Completed 53 transfer pricing CA cases (FYE 3/09) ~80% of U.S./Canada CA cases involve Canadian-initiated adjustments “Pay to play” -- upfront payment (50%) to challenge assessment (currently under consideration) Strong criticism from ABA Section of Taxation (12/08 letter) Perception that “CRA operates to increase revenue at the expense of principle”

16 Current Relationships with Treaty Partners
India International tax reforms enacted in mid 2009 – mixed results Creation of dispute resolution panel Empower creation of safe harbor rules Clarify determination of arm’s-length price Expanded ability to enter into treaties Aggressive PE enforcement APA program under consideration Litigation – 15 to 20 years

17 Current Relationships with Treaty Partners
Japan Received 113 APA requests and has 270 pending CA cases (FYE 6/09) Focus on automotive and electronics industries China New transfer pricing regulations released early 2009 Expansion of APA program Wal-Mart received first U.S./China APA in 2007 More than 30 bilateral APAs pending

18 Current Relationships with Treaty Partners
Mexico New detailed transfer pricing questionnaires – must be signed by the taxpayer’s registered public accountant Segmented financial statements Disclosure of transfer pricing methods Adjustments made to comply with arm’s-length principle Transfer pricing studies Aggressive transfer pricing audits

19 Chicago Kirkland & Ellis LLP 300 N. LaSalle Chicago, IL 60654
United States +1 (312) (312) fax Hong Kong Kirkland & Ellis International LLP 8th Floor, ICBC Tower 3 Garden Road  Central Hong Kong fax London Kirkland & Ellis International LLP 30 St Mary Axe London EC3A 8AF United Kingdom fax Los Angeles Kirkland & Ellis LLP 777 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA United States +1 (213) (213) fax Munich Kirkland & Ellis International LLP Maximilianstrasse 11 80539 Munich Germany fax New York Kirkland & Ellis LLP 153 East 53rd Street New York, NY United States +1 (212) (212) fax Palo Alto Kirkland & Ellis LLP 950 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 United States +1 (650) (650) fax Mailing Address: P.O. Box 51827 Palo Alto, CA 94303 San Francisco Kirkland & Ellis LLP 555 California Street San Francisco, CA 94104 United States +1 (415) (415) fax Washington, D.C. Kirkland & Ellis LLP 655 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C United States +1 (202) (202) fax

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