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What is Sex? Sexual union between human beings, involving physical union of the sexual organs.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Sex? Sexual union between human beings, involving physical union of the sexual organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Sex? Sexual union between human beings, involving physical union of the sexual organs.

2 Types of Sexual Contact
Vaginal – penetration of the vagina Anal – penetration of the anus Oral – mouth to genital contact

3 Abstinence Abstinence – to refrain (not do) an at risk behavior.
It is a choice that only you can make

4 Consequences of not abstaining
Pregnancy STDs or STIs Cancer Death

5 Pregnancy 1. Fertilization – sperm & egg unite.
2. Implantation – developing cells attach to the uterine wall. YOU ARE NOW PREGNANT Pregnancy is the time when the new cell formed during fertilization grows & develops into a baby in the uterus

6 Time Line From fertilization until the end of the 8th week it is called the embryo. From 8th week until birth it is called a fetus. Normal pregnancy last 9 months about 40 weeks. Doctors divide the nine month pregnancy into 3 month periods called Trimesters. If the baby is not born until the end of 9 months the pregnancy is considered full term.

7 Body Changes during Pregnancy
Production of special hormones Sometimes cause nausea (usually 3 months) Enlarged breasts & prepare to produce milk Uterus stretches Emotional changes Difficulty sleeping Stretch marks Clumsy Blotchy skin Hemorrhoids Legs, feet, hands, & fingers swell

8 Nourishing the fetus Placenta is an organ that grows in the women’s uterus during pregnancy and allows nutrients, gases, and wastes to be exchanged between mother & fetus. Everything taken in by the mother passes through the fetus

9 Do’s and Don’ts of a mother nourishing her fetus
Take special vitamins Eat Right Don’t do drugs Don’t drink alcohol Don’t smoke Don’t have caffeine

10 Labor & Birth Labor- The process that lasts from the time contractions start until the delivery of the child and the placenta. Birth- The passage of a baby from its mother’s uterus to outside the body. After birth- The stage where the mothers uterine contractions push the placenta out of her body. Caesarian- The procedure when doctors surgically remove the baby and the placenta from the mother’s uterus.

11 The 3 stages of Labor Stage 1- first contraction until cervix is open enough for the baby’s head to pass. Stage 2- cervix completely open until the baby is delivered. Stage 3- The placenta is delivered.

12 Teen Pregnancy: Risks for Fetus / Newborn
Lack of adequate nourishment Lack of adequate prenatal care Premature Birth(37th week & earlier): Low Birth Weight: less then 5 lbs 8 oz. Abused by parents Less Likely to have medical and dental care Twice as likely to become a teen parent

13 Risks for Teen Mom Anemia: decreased RBC count, which provide Oxygen to the body. Toxemia: High Blood Pressure (heart disease/stroke,) Protein in urine (sign of kidneys being damaged) Premature birth Drop out of school Less likely to meet career goals Limited social opportunities Low income$$$ More likely to Abuse child

14 Risks for Teen Dad Pay child support Financially stressed
Drop out of school to get a job Change in college/career plans Lack of contact with child More likely to abuse child Limited social opportunity

15 Babies are very cute but they are the biggest responsibility anyone can take on!

16 The best things in life are worth waiting for!!!

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