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SCOPE-CM: Project 03 (SCM-03) Land surface albedo from geostationary satellites (LAGS)
A. Lattanzio, R. Roebeling (EUMETSAT) J. Matthews, K. Knapp, W. Hankins (NCDC) M. Takahashi (JMA)
Land surface albedo from geostationary satellites
GEO DATA GAP MODIS MODIS: MCD43C deg quality flag 0,1 (min 75% full inversion retrieval) GSAL3 DHR30 (or black sky albedo BB ( μm) Grid: 0.25 deg - Period: 1-10 of May 2001 (Prob > 80%) Satellites: GMS-5, MET-5,MET-7,GOES-8 and GOES-10
MSA: Retrieval strategy
The Meteosat Surface Albedo (MSA) is based on a method proposed by Pinty et al. in 2000 which: - relies on a daily sampling of clear sky radiances - assumes applicability of the reciprocity principle - performs the inversion with a fast RTM - ingests TCWV and TCO3 as input parameters MSA retrieves jointly albedo and aerosol load MSA processes single VIS band images Spatial resolution 2-3 km (instrument pixel size) Run time Assessment of measurement error Estimation of the retrieval uncertainty Final product: 10-days composite (minimizing the impact of cloud coverage)
SCOPE-CM Initiative SCOPE-CM is “customer” of GSICS
Sustained Co-Ordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring What: Coordinated international network Why: produce CDRs from multi-agency mission data in operational environment addressing GCOS requirements Who: Operational Satellite operators: - NOAA, JMA, CMA, EUMETSAT Stakeholder: - WMO Space Programme, GCOS, CEOS, CGMS/GSICS, WCRP/GEWEX, ESA (observer) SCOPE-CM is “customer” of GSICS Phase 1: Establish the Network through 5 Pilot Projects one was the Land Surface Albedo retrieval from GEO satellites (EUM, NOAA, JMA). Cooperation efforts summarised in a paper appeared on BAMS in February 2013. Phase 2: CDR Generation, more ECVs processed, partnership extended (new Implementation plan: Call for projects to be started in 2014)
Calibration activity GOES-W GOES-E MET-000 MET-063 GMS5 Test Period
(1-10 May 2001) NGUYEN (inter-calibration) LE BROGNE SSCC (bright desert targets) In House (inter-calibration with MODIS) PP Period ( ) ISCCP (inter-calibration with AVHRR) NWP data NCEP ECMWF JRA-25 (TCWV) TOMS (TCO3) Image Sampling(*) Varying (DAM 45 images) Full disk: ½ Hour (DAM 25 images) Full disk: Hourly
Calibration activity: Test period ToA-BRF analysis
GOES-10 GOES-8 GOES-8 MET-7 MET-7 MET-5 MET-5 GMS-5 Comparison for pixels along the longitudinal transect with identical viewing angles and differences in sun zenith angles less than ±2°.
Calibration activity GOES-W GOES-E MET-000 MET-063 GMS5 Test Period
(1-10 May 2001) NGUYEN (inter-calibration) LE BROGNE SSCC (bright desert targets) In House (inter-calibration with MODIS) PP Period ( ) ISCCP (inter-calibration with AVHRR) NWP data NCEP ECMWF JRA-25 (TCWV) TOMS (TCO3) Image Sampling(*) Varying (DAM 45 images) Full disk: ½ Hour (DAM 25 images) Full disk: Hourly
What about the period before 2000
Calibration activity What about the period before 2000 Homogeneous calibration coefficients for all GEO GOES-W GOES-E MET-000 MET-063 GMS5 Test Period (1-10 May 2001) NGUYEN (inter-calibration) LE BROGNE SSCC (bright desert targets) In House (inter-calibration with MODIS) PP Period ( ) ISCCP (inter-calibration with AVHRR) NWP data NCEP ECMWF JRA-25 (TCWV) TOMS (TCO3) Image Sampling(*) Varying (DAM 45 images) Full disk: ½ Hour (DAM 25 images) Full disk: Hourly
Phase 2 Schedule: 2014-2018 Task Year Actors
Updates to retrieval scheme including inclusion of common cloud mask approach, utilization of common method of inter-calibration, e.g., DCC method, implementation of common NWP data, implementation of other product output changes such as temporal resolution and format; Adaptation of retrieval scheme to the SEVIRI and other instruments; Set up of validation procedures for Level-2 product. 2014 EUM EUM, JMA, NOAA Technical assessment of the improved retrieval scheme; Implementation of updated retrieval scheme at all three agencies; Processing of data with existing validation counterpart; Validation of test products. 2015 Adaptation and re-implementation of algorithm following validation exercise; Processing of Level-2 data product for GEO tapestry; Establish user documentation and prepare for public distribution; Development of Level-3 product inclusive of user consultation. 2016 EUM, NOAA Produce and validate Level-3 product and redistribute to partners; Perform user driven studies on usage of the product to increase utilization; Arrange distribution of L2 and L3 products from European, Japanese and US sites. 2017 EUM , JMA, NOAA Update common calibration with results from SCOPE-CM inter-calibration project and rerun full data record; Study product improvements with respect to utilization aspects. 2018
Phase 2 Schedule: 2014 Task Sub-Tasks Period Actors
Change of Level 2 product specifications Generation of a daily product instead of a 10 days composite NetCDF4 format, Climate Forecast standard compliant: full definition and implementation of data and metadata Q1 EUM Residual Cloud Removal Investigate different approaches for cloud detection and removal (usage of the IR channel, seasonal variation, surface type, etc.) that could be included in the GSA retrieval scheme. Investigate available cloud mask products at the proper spatial and temporal resolution for all GEO platforms involved. Q1-Q3 EUM, JMA, NOAA Inter-calibration Apply common methods for inter-calibration of the VIS channel. Existing GSICS methodology such as Deep Convective Clouds will be examined to allow progress with the production of an albedo time series. At a later stage, results from the SCOPE-CM project on inter- satellite calibration will be used for further improvements. EUM, JMA, NOAA NWP Data Establish a common set of NWP data (see Table 2) Q2 Inclusion of other GEO instruments Investigate available options for best usage of the SEVIRI instrument in the current retrieval scheme Investigate potential inclusion of further instruments. Q3-Q4 Implementation of changes to the GSA software Implement potential changes to the input image data ingestion due to new methods for residual cloud removal, inter-calibration and new instruments. Develop software changes as needed. Q4 Validation Start development of a common protocol for evaluation of the resulting time series (see for instance Fell et al., 2012), encompassing: methods, validation datasets, software. Reporting and Planning Report to SEP, establish web content and create work plan for 2015. Q1,Q3 and Q4
Summary LAGS exploits the VIS band of instruments on board GEO platforms Land Surface Albedo is a TCDR and as such it relies on a FCDR (radiance) Currently the different agencies use not homogenous or common approaches for the VIS band calibration. Even if those methods are correct this is not the best approach to follow GSICS supporting SCOPE-CM: Definition and development of a standard and homogenous calibration method/approach to be applied to all VIS band on board (at least) MET,GOES,GMS. Different part of the radiance dynamic range may request different calibration sources. Generation of calibration coefficients (or corrections) Extend this method and generate the coefficients as much as possible back in time
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