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The Italian experience

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1 The Italian experience
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The Italian experience Introduction: Why ? In Italy the new process “Europe 2020” is very soft for: 1 – Three governments in three years; 2 – The NPR is the result only from economic ministry with low or absent consultation with social partners, NGOs, etc; 3 – The observation, proposals or recommendations from NGOs completely ignored by Government; 4 - The proposal of alternative report and the its large diffusion is a high way to influence the process How? The first elaboration is a experimentation

2 The results of Italian NPR 2013
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The results of Italian NPR 2013 A little update after the initial considerations: The target of poverty reduction decided by the government in the year 2010 is person but from the NPR 2013 is detected the augmentation of poverty of person; for this the new target of poverty reduction is person. The only real measure of the Italian government to combat poverty not have real efficacy and is limited only to a social card: The monthly benefit will be € 231 for households with two persons, to maximum € 404 for households with five or more members. The good news is the new social card is a benefit that also EU and non EU citizens that are long – term residents can claim.

3 National pro active actions
Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the experimentation of anti poverty program in Basilicata Region On basis of the Lisbon strategy and of the OMC process: 1 – The Cilap Basilicata with the support of Province of Potenza print, in the year 2004, the first report on poverty and social exclusion in Basilicata Region and the first study on presence of social services in the municipalities of the Province of Potenza 2 – The Region Basilicata in the year 2004 join the anti poverty objective into the regional programs ; 3 – for to join this objective, in 2004/2005 put in place an anti poverty program whit a experimentation of minimum income (cittadinanza solidale) with FSE resources ; 4 – this first limited experience have solicited a reflection on a universal measure finalized to combat poverty; 5 – In 2008 the program change name in COPES ( Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion) whit ambitious objective of active inclusion of person and family touched by the program, also with support of FSE funds; 6 – At this state the program have resources to the end 2013; 7 – Transformation from COPES to Minimum income programm

4 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective In the summer of year 2011: 1 – The CILAP Basilicata whit the collaboration of Province of Potenza print the “Report on poverty and social exclusion in Basilicata Region”; 2 – In the report are this request and solicitation: “The challenge faced by the regions could start right from the establishment of the "Regional Platforms against poverty" that are based on the guide lines identified by the Commission: Delivering actions across the whole policy spectrum such as the labour market, minimum income support, healthcare, education, housing and access to basic banking accounts, (creation of a regional strategy and effective actions); Greater, better and more effective use of EU funds in support of social inclusion; The promotion of social innovation based on experience; Work in partnership and harnessing the potential of the social economy; A more and effective participation of persons living in poverty; Greater and better coordination of policies between the different departments of regions and between Region and the central Government. 3 – The president of Region organize a meeting with the NGOs and other actors (politics and social) finalized to comprehension of situation and to put in place a strategy to combat poverty and exclusion.

5 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective After other meeting whit political actors, NGOs, administrative people etc.: 1 – Put in place a transversal working group representing divers actors ( Region - NGO (CILAP) and ISTAT) finalized to prepare a first draft of the “Report on social cohesion in Basilicata Region”; 2 – The conclusions of the report solicit the Region to elaborate a regional strategy to combat poverty by the organization of a effective “Regional Platform against poverty and social exclusion” with a utilization of methodology of OMC; 2 – after this draft of the Report is submitted to the President of the Region for organize a large presentation of the report to the representing of locals administrations, social partners, organizations of voluntary sector, Banks, Cooperatives, Caritas, economics actors and others actors interested. 3 – this large presentation is very participate and all actors declare the effective volunteers to participate in the Regional Platform.

6 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective Results from the presentation: 1 – Organization of 5 transversal working group relate to the next themes: a – employment; b – effective access to the rights; c – financial inclusion; d – children and Youth people; e – governance of social politics; The proposal of the politics sorted to the conclusion of these groups, coordinated by of authors of the Report, will be presented in a large “Regional Conference against poverty and for a social inclusion”; 2 – after the first state of the working groups the coordinators preparing a first draft of the results of the work and the proposals on politics sorted by the working groups; 3 – in the next month is preview the new meeting of working groups for the finalization of politics proposals for submit to the Regional parliament .

7 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective The first's proposals: 1 – The official start of the “Regional Platform on poverty and social exclusion” 2 – Developing the current program Copes to a real “minimum income”. In a first step, you might think of being limited to a tool for young unemployed, flanking it with instruments of active labor market policy based on activation support in finding employment, in an accompanying self-employment and / or the establishment of social cooperatives, etc. ; 3 – convening, on a yearly basis, of a "Regional Conference against poverty and for social inclusion" that is based on the contribution of all active stakeholders and representatives of social organizations, social partners, local communities, people living in poverty and exclusion, operators and experts, through commissioning feet of annual thematic working groups;

8 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective The first's proposals: 4 – Continue the analysis of social phenomena with a “Report on Social Cohesion” integrated with annual surveys carried out at the local level with the support of the voluntary sector; 5 – Revitalization, including through greater promotion of the knowledge of the instrument and a drastic simplification of access to the fund by the applicants, the micro-credit system, supported by the support and assistance during the start-up; 6 – Creating business incubators on different areas, with limited resources, to promote the growth of businesses, for the young people or person received minimum income, perhaps financed by the micro-credit system; 7 – improve home care social assistance services, aiming to reduce to a minimum the structured services, both for reasons of cost and greater well-being of the clients;

9 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: the new perspective The first's proposals: 8 – aim at the creation of a market of the social, through which stimulate the development of the third sector, with implications for employment in the field of cultural and leisure of the elderly, in the awareness that the aging population will create a regional demand for specific services for the elderly, in line with the parameters of the Silver Economy; 9 – invest massively in improving school and university education to improve educational standards, but also stimulate university education especially in science subjects; 10 - the brain drain requires improving the system of innovation and research by encouraging entrepreneurial innovation in connection with university research and innovative companies, especially start-ups university, a greater number of training activities should be paid to those specifically dedicated the first insertion into the labor market;

10 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: Conclusions 1 - This experience confirms that in the absence of a process at the national level, due to a variety of difficulties, you can start of effective processes of knowledge and participation from below, it is a long way, more difficult, requiring a great job of activation sensitivity, political pressure, the involvement of different stakeholders (partnership), but that can be effective and open new avenues and opportunities; 2 - In cases in which local authorities are responsible or co-responsible for social inclusion policies is a necessary way to promote awareness of political responsibility, which is not isolated but part of a large process that involves all EU countries that from this process and from the experiences of others (good practice) you can learn a lot and often difficult issues have already been imported to and settled by others for which can be replicated at the local level, that the participation of all stakeholders is a important aspect that brings innovative ideas and solutions;

11 The regional experience:
National pro active actions Pro-active Social Report: ITALY – 25/10/2013 The regional experience: Conclusions 3 - The knowledge of a European process that stops at the level of central government but that can be replicated at the local level and widespread at all levels to be traced from the bottom opens policies and innovative experiences, policy makers and local officials, new perspectives, interests and solutions; 4 - An important aspect was, by the various regional departments, awareness, in the light of the knowledge of WTO that has been lacking and missing dialogue on governance and policies that will be necessary to implement all actions for you to activate a process governance with equal dignity among all the departments that may be affected activation of social cohesion policies and the fight against poverty;

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