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DRAFT Annual Plan and Strategy 2013 to 2015

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1 DRAFT Annual Plan and Strategy 2013 to 2015
Board of Governors and Board of Directors- joint meeting 21 March 2012 Commercial in Confidence Not to be circulated 1

2 DRAFT Overview The purpose of this presentation is to describe the key features and proposed approach to CPFT’s 2013 – 2015 Strategy and Business Plan which will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval on 30 May In the light of the recent CQC concerns and the consequent focus on quality turnaround, this three year plan will be deliberately cautious and low key in terms of its aspiration. Its intention is to enable the Trust to focus on delivering sustainable improvements to essential standards of care and corporate governance whilst meeting the national CIP requirements (-1.5% deflator assumed for each of the next three years). Our vision and values remain unchanged at this stage in our development. We will review these next year as we exit turnaround. The 6 key priorities identified on slide 6 have been shaped by the factors driving demand; those key external Issues facing the Trust over the next 3 years. These 6 key priorities were developed at the CPFT Board of Directors Away Day in November The associated work streams fall logically out of these priorities and phase 1 of quality turnaround. They too cover a three year period. They show a determination to put in place the necessary people, systems and process changes (performance and health) to make fundamental change sustainable. We also remain committed to implementing the changes arising out of NHS Cambridgeshire and NHS Peterborough’s recent public consultation on the future of mental health services across the county. We must continue to deliver the national CIP target required of all Trusts over the next 3 years. The key risks facing the Trust in the light of this Business Plan are described in slide 15 Keith Spencer Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated Director of People and Business Development 2

3 DRAFT CPFT Vision and Values VISION
We deliver high quality health and social care that promotes wellbeing and independence and which we are proud to recommend to our families and friends VALUES We have high standards in all that we do We focus on the needs of the whole person We trust, value and develop each other We are good people to do business with Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

4 Factors Driving demand
DRAFT Factors Driving demand The next few slides describe the 8 key factors driving demand. These represent those key external issues facing the Trust over the next 3 years which are likely to directly affect service provision. Our key priorities as a Trust should reflect these drivers. These are inevitably dominated by the increased scrutiny under which the trust will have to operate from the CQC and Monitor, the increasingly stringent financial position of the local health economy and rising demand for services caused by population growth. Questions for consideration: Are there other factors that we should be considering as a Trust Are the proposed mitigations sufficient Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

5 Factors driving demand
DRAFT Factors driving demand Quality and corporate governance weaknesses identified within CPFT Reputational damage could lead to inability to win new business . Mitigation: Importance of implementing findings of quality and corporate governance review The intervention from CQC and Monitor will have an impact Referrals to CPFT estimated to increase by 15% over next 3 years Cambridgeshire population will rise by 13% over next decade Peterborough population will rise by 16% in next decade 22% of the population of Peterborough are living in the most deprived wards in the country Mitigation: Importance of implementing demand management schemes such as ABIC There will be rising demand for our services -1.5% contraction in income per annum from main commissioners over next 3 years NHSC and NHSP spend less than comparator PCT’s and East of England average on mental health Oversupply in acute sector leading to potential funding pressure on MH Mitigation: Importance of ensuring CIP programme and good relationship management is implemented/maintained There will be less money available Introduction of Payment by Results will enable commissioners to exploit price competition between providers Competition can be expected from independent sector due to impact of choose and book and ‘any qualified provider’ Mitigation: Importance of good relationship management There will be increased competition within the MH sector 1 2 3 4

6 Factors driving demand
DRAFT Factors driving demand Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated GP MH Leads already playing lead role in commissioning CPFT services Service Development opportunities for CPFT in Liaison Psychiatry and Dementia Care Formal Shadow commissioning arrangements in place from April 2012 Mitigation: Importance of good relationship management There will be greater influence for GP’s and LA commissioners Expansion in scope and value of CQUIN to 2.5% with penalties for poor care Greater GP demand for outcome data in MH services Implementation of Payment by Results in AMH during FY13 Mitigation: Importance of implementing Caerus Project and HONOS PBR There will be a greater focus on outcomes Focus on personalised care: right to a personal health budget Impact of Choose & Book and Any Qualified Provider in MH in FY13 Mitigation: Importance of ABIC implementation and implementing customer care/centricity programme There will be Increased patient choice Loosening of Private Patient Income cap Increased potential for mergers and acquisitions Increased accountability to Board of Governors Partnering opportunities with private sector organisations There will be greater freedom and opportunities for providers 5 6 7 8

7 DRAFT Key Priorities The proposed 6 key priorities set the tone for the entire business plan. All work streams and activities over the lifetime of the business plan should be focused on delivering these priorities. They should reflect the most important issues facing the Trust. These 6 key priorities were developed at the CPFT Board of Directors Away Day in November 2011. In order to measure our success in achieving these priorities, we have proposed a range of measures or key performance indicators. Questions for consideration: Are the priorities the right ones for CPFT over the next months? Are the proposed measures/KPI’s the right ones, are there others? Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

8 Our Key Priorities DRAFT Key Priority 1 Key Priority 2 Key Priority 3
To provide safe and effective care and an excellent patient experience Key Priority 1 Measured by: No CQC concerns in any Trust service 95% of Care plans across the Trust sustainably achieve 7C’s 85% of patients recommend CPFT to family and friends To provide services through empowered staff who have the right skills, attitudes and behaviours Key Priority 2 85% of staff will state that they are able to make the changes that they feel necessary for excellent patient care 85% of CPFT staff state they will recommend CPFT to family and friends as a place to work 98% of staff will have completed their mandatory training All shifts will have sufficient trained staff with the right skills, attitudes and behaviours. To provide an estate and IT infrastructure that is safe, modern and fit for purpose Key Priority 3 All premises achieve at least 4 stars of the 5S standard 90% of staff will describe IT support as good or very good Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

9 DRAFT Our Key Priorities Key Priority 6 Key Priority 4 Key Priority 5
To balance our books Key Priority 4 Measured by: A financial risk rating of 3 across all years To develop a culture of personal accountability and earned autonomy Key Priority 5 All staff will know what is expected of them and how well they are performing through clear objectives and targets and performance appraisal 85% of staff will state that they believe poor performance is addressed and good performance rewarded in CPFT To develop a reputation as a good organisation to do business with Key Priority 6 85% of GP’s will describe CPFT as a good organisation to do business with 85% of Commissioners will describe CPFT as a good organisation to do business with Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

10 DRAFT Work streams Questions for consideration:
In order to deliver the 6 priorities, key works stream will need to be put in place. The proposed work streams fall logically out of the 6 priorities and phase 1 of quality turnaround. They cover a three year period. They show a determination to put in place the necessary people, systems and process changes (performance and health) to make fundamental change sustainable. We also remain committed to implementing the changes arising out of NHS Cambridgeshire and NHS Peterborough’s recent public consultation on the future of mental health services across the county Questions for consideration: Are the work streams the right ones for CPFT over the next months? Are there others? Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

11 Key Priorities and Work Streams
DRAFT Key Priorities and Work Streams Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated To provide safe and effective care and an excellent patient experience Extend care planning (7c) and environmental work (5S) programme to all Community Teams Implement a Customer Centricity programme for all staff Roll out real time patient feedback to community teams Implement public consultations: ABIC; Ward Reconfiguration, New Pathway, Rehabilitation and Recovery, Complete Acute Care Review evaluation (particularly effectiveness of CRHT) and implement in South Develop Trust new service model Review and implementation of serious incident and complaints reporting To provide an estate and IT infrastructure that is safe, modern and fit for purpose Implement new Estates Strategy Rationalise estate including LVG, Gloucester Centre and Ida Darwin Complete outstanding ligature work Implement Caerus Project (new Electronic Patient Record) across Trust services Implement Mobile Working for community based staff Implement online Self Help and Management for service users as part of ABIC Implement new IT and Estates KPI’s and contract arrangements with SERCO To provide services through empowered staff who have the right skills, attitudes and behaviours Implement New Workforce Strategy Set optimum staffing levels in ward and community teams Review and implement new mandatory training programme Implement Lead Clinician model Implement competency framework for all staff Undertake Leadership Capability Assessment for all Trust managers and lead clinicians Implement new Clinical Leadership Development programme Implement Health and Wellbeing @ Work strategy for staff including review of occupational health Develop Flexible work models and patterns

12 Key Priorities and Work Streams 2013 – 2015
DRAFT Key Priorities and Work Streams 2013 – 2015 Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated A culture of personal accountability and earned autonomy Implement Quality and Corporate Governance Review Implement New Performance Management Framework Implement new Appraisal system, new induction system, new recruitment system Introduce revised capability processes Introduce new Reward and Recognition Schemes Implement Integrated Quality Dashboards Implement New Divisional Structure Review and Revise BAF Financial Balance Income growth through Business developments (£0.2m) Implement CIP Programme (over 3 years) In patient reconfiguration (£2.3m) Community services reconfiguration (£2.4 m) Estate Rationalisation (£1.0m) Non pay savings (£1.3m) Corporate support savings (£1.3m) R&D Contribution (£0.4m) Other (£7m) A reputation as a good organisation to do business with Implement Key Relationship Management Strategy Conduct GP/Commissioner Survey on bi annual basis Implementation of Payment by Results and development of outcome measures

13 DRAFT Financial Framework
The financial framework covers the three year period from 2012/13 until 2014/15. Plans identified to date will deliver an enabling fund of £2m next year. This will be used to complete quality turnaround and to pump prime future spend to save initiatives. There is currently an unmet savings target in future years (FY14 and FY15) of £2.5m. Work continues to identify schemes to bridge this gap. This will be completed before the business plan is presented to the Board of Directors for approval in May. It should be noted that proposed in patient reconfiguration savings plans for next year relate to the full year effect of the changes proposed under the PCT consultation. Community Service savings plans maintain current staffing levels and involve reconfiguration of current vacancies to establish sustainable services validated by Quality Impact Assessments. Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

14 DRAFT Financial framework
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15 DRAFT Key Regulatory Risks
Failure to deliver sustainable quality turnaround Failure to deliver FRR3 over the lifetime of the plan leading to financial turnaround Commissioners require further savings over and above national CIP Challenge to improve levels of clinical quality, particularly under the impact of financial pressures within the local health economy Further deterioration in the financial health of the local health economy Loss of reputation and ensuing risk that peripheral commissioners withdraw funding for services Focus on turnaround impacts on the successful delivery of longer term strategic objectives Failure to manage the risk of out of area spend within available resources New competitors entering the market and/or existing competitors diversifying their services Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

16 DRAFT Next Steps Formal Board of Directors discussion 28 March 2012
Board Development Session 25 April 2012 Board of Directors approval 30 May 2012 Submit to Monitor 31 May 2012 Commercial in Confidence: Not to be circulated

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