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Head teacher presentation 2015

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1 Head teacher presentation 2015

2 End of Key Stage 2 Results Combined Results
RWM combined level 4+ has been above national average for the last two years. It is currently 85% (nat 80%), down 1% from previous year. RWM combined has risen from 78% to 85% over the past three years. The % of children achieving level 4B+ combined is well above national average in ( 78% V 69% nationally ) The % of children achieving level 5 + in RWM combined at 24% is in line with national average and slightly up on last year. The combined average point score was higher than national average ( 29.4 V 28.7 nationally )

3 Individual subjects All subjects were several percentage points higher than the national average at level 4+ and 4B+ in 2015 SPAG, reading and maths are higher or in line with national average at level 5+ Writing is 6% lower than national average at level 5+ All subjects in line or above at level 6+ Individual subjects: school achieved it’s best ever results at level 4+

4 Pupil progress measures from KS1 to KS2
The proportion making expected progress in reading was above the national average (97% V 91%) The proportion of children making expected progress in writing was higher than national average (97% v 94%) The proportion of children making expected progress in maths was above national average (93%v 90%) % of children achieving better than expected progress was substantially higher in reading and writing than national average (42% v 33% in reading and 56% V 36% in writing) and in line in maths (35%)

5 KEY STAGE 1 All of the subjects are in line with national average
We would be higher than national average but all children are included in KS1 results whereas in Y6 children who join in previous two years and whose English is not their mother tongue and have come from a school outside of England can be disapplied. 18 children joined Grange in Year 2, 9 of these came after April, 8 of these would have been below national average in reading and writing ( not necessarily in maths). All would count in results.

6 PRIORITES FOR Raise attainment in YR for children at the higher level Narrow the attainment gap for all pupil premium children in all classes including increasing the number of these children attaining at a higher level in all subjects Improve teaching and learning in maths through greater emphasis on using and applying, reasoning and use of concrete and pictorial and abstract methods Continue to improve attainment in writing- through the focus on developing creativity, the teaching and application of grammar, spelling and punctuation Transition move to new assessment without levels and introduction of mastery Ensuring new curriculum expectations are embedded so that pupils can rise to the greater challenge

7 Whole School literacy curriculum
Spelling- to implement and monitor a new spelling curriculum across KS2. Phonics- to continue to improve phonics teaching across EYFS and KS1 and establish ability setting in KS1. Develop Guided Reading, and promote reading for pleasure Grammar – to continue to improve the teaching and learning of grammar.

8 Maths To develop and strengthen children’s reasoning and problem solving skills To develop a curriculum that incorporates concrete and pictorial teaching prior to an abstract (CPA) element of learning To use lesson monitoring and teacher assessment to better inform planning and have a greater impact upon strengthening teaching and learning. To ensure pupils and teachers are well prepared for the changes to the end of key stage assessment tests.

Levels are no longer! Year 2 and 6 tests have changed and children will be given a scaled score with 100 as the national average. The raw score needed to get to 100 will be different each year Tests have increased in difficulty

10 Year 6 tests No mental arithmetic paper: replaced with an arithmetic paper ( sums). Weighting for this has increased form 20% to 35% Paper 2 and 3 are harder with more reasoning questions Reading test : similar to previous years but more inferential questions now Writing is still teacher assessed but if spelling and handwriting are not of a good standard you can not get national average

11 Year 2 tests Similar to year 6 changes

12 Challenges Teacher recruitment: far fewer teachers applying for jobs. Teachers are moving out of London if they are starting a family or looking to buy a house. School lost 3 good teachers last year because of this. Financial: Budgets are very squeezed and services that were previously free e.g speech and language, buildings services, school nurse and many more are now being charged for.

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