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Presentation on theme: "LAW of KARMA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dedicated to: His Divine Grace A. C
Dedicated to: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swämi Çréla Prabhupäda Founder-Äcärya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness



5 We live in a world where each one of us is unique.

6 Some are born Fabulously Rich

7 Some are born Wretchedly Poor

8 Some are born Handsome

9 Some are born Ugly

10 Some are born Healthy & Strong

11 Some are born Weak & Handicapped

12 Some are born To Rich Parents

13 Some are born Impoverished

14 Why GOD is partial to some ?

15 Why do innocent children get killed ?
Another perplexing question … Why do innocent children get killed ? More so when many didn’t do anything wrong !!!


17 Gujarat

18 Palestine


20 Ahmedabad


22 Why GOD is so unkind ?

23 Why GOD is so cruel ?

24 God cannot be… ALL POWERFUL & ALL MERCIFUL simultaneously
Some argue… God cannot be… ALL POWERFUL & ALL MERCIFUL simultaneously

25 If God is… ALL POWERFUL…

26 …then He may not be ALL MERCIFUL…

27 as we see so many sufferings around us.

28 If God is… ALL MERCIFUL…

29 …then He may not be ALL POWERFUL…

30 …as He seems incapable of alleviating the suffering.

31 Scriptures inform that God is
The Supreme Powerful The Supreme Well-wisher &

32 In the Bhagavad-gétä (9.29), Lord Kåñëa personally declares:
samo ’haà sarva-bhüteñu “I am equal to all.”

33 Then why this discrimination ?

34 In a law court


36 …rigorous imprisonment to one…
…the judge awards… …rigorous imprisonment to one…

37 …and the same judge awards…
…lakhs of compensation to another.

38 Why is the judge giving different judgments?

39 Based on the activities of individuals, the judge gives different judgments, according to the law.

40 Is he partial?

41 No!

42 Likewise… karmaëä daiva-netreëa jantur dehopapattaye striyäù praviñöa udaraà puàso retaù-kaëäçrayaù

43 “Under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and according to the result of his work, the living entity, the soul, is given a particular type of body.”

44 Even Newton’s third law of motion states …

45 “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

46 But who is witnessing our activities?

47 The Lord is seated in our heart as the Parmatma as a witness to our activities.

48 Lord Kåñëa says in the Bhagavad-gétä (8.6),
yaà yaà väpi smaran bhävaà tyajaty ante kalevaram taà tam evaiti kaunteya sadä tad-bhäva-bhävitaù

49 Lord Kåñëa says in the Bhagavad-gétä (8.6),
“Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunté, that state he will attain without fail.”

50 In human form of life we have got developed intelligence to discriminate and lead responsible lives.

51 If we engage in sinful activities of

52 Illicit Sex Meat Eating Gambling Intoxication
…which are known as the four pillars of sinful life…

53 …we will suffer… … KARMIC Reactions

54 …and degrade to lower life forms.

55 If we lead responsible lives following religious principles & practicing …

56 Austerity

57 Sacrifice

58 Cultivation of Knowledge

59 Associating with Saintly Persons

60 We elevate gradually to the kingdom of God.


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