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Published byKelly Shepherd Modified over 7 years ago
Main events in the last year - Efficiency processes
UBANK merging The merger of UBANK ended successfully on 30/9/15, while maintaining the brand name – a leading brand in private banking PAGI merging The merger of PAGI ended successfully on 31/12/15, while maintaining the brand name – a leading brand in ultra-orthodox sector Improving the group synergy on the revenue side Dealing with regulatory barriers related to the activities of small banks Reducing employees in the headquarters Reducing group’s real estate space (about 1,400 SF)
Main events in the last year –Efficiency processes
7% Decrease in Expenses 7% decrease in operating and other expenses ,despite merger related expenses (excluding the effects of Leumi salaries agreement and the expenses related to the merger of UBANK – a decrease of 4.5%). 202 million NIS decrease in bank expenses: 151 million NIS decrease in salaries, effected by a salary decrease in Leumi salaries agreement (72 million NIS) that was partly offset with one-time expense of 25 million NIS for the UBANK merger. 5.2% decrease in number of employees during 2015 Decrease in other expenses as well: maintenance and depreciation and other expenses as a result of real estate reduction processes in the group. Regional HQ Integration Regional HQ (3 regions) integration to the retail division HQ in the beginning of 2016 Branch Deployment Efficiency Continued efficiency processes in branch deployment: Closure\merger of branches and savings in branch area –reduction of 7 branches in the group (4 last year) Cancellation of Cashier's positions in some of the group branches and improve efficiency processes in branches Labor Dispute Termination An agreement was signed with the bank employees union in which the employees commit to three years of “peace”
Main events in the last year – Growth
Credit Growth Growth in main activities of FIBI’s Group: 8% increase in credit to retail customers (excluding mortgages) Continued growth in mortgages – 10% increase 3% increase in commercial (Middle Market) credit In the 4th quarter, continued growth in all customer segments. 10% growth in corporate credit. Continued Growth in Clients’ Assets 30 Billion NIS growth (9%) in client’s assets portfolio to a total of 359 Billion NIS (average balance). OTSAR HA-HAYAL wins the ministry of defense tender Winning the tender for banking and loan services to the Israeli security forces. winning in this long term tender enables: Continued growth for OTSAR HA-HAYAL Establishing leadership in this growing customer segment Realization of efficiency measures and improvement in credit profitability in comparison with the pervious tender (interest adjustment).
Main events in the last year – Financial stability
Equity Capital (tier 1) Ratio Increase in equity capital ratio (tier 1) 9.81% vs. a ratio of 9.69% in The highest equity capital tier 1 ratio in the Israeli financial system (5 big groups). 4% increase in equity this year. The bank distributed 130 Million NIS on 2015 (2.6% dividend yield). Liquidity Coverage Ratio Average liquidity coverage ratio in Q4/15 was 104% vs. 99% in previous quarter. Maintaining credit portfolio quality and diversification Expenses for credit losses of 0.02% in 2015 vs. 0.13% in 2014. Provision for credit losses to impaired credit (including mortgages) rate of 107.9%, 93.5% (excluding mortgages). 22% decrease in credit risk due to problematic debt.
Net Profit and ROE (Millions NIS)
Non-recurring events effecting on ROE in Q3/15 After taxes effect on ROE (1.8%-) 23 ZEEVI lawsuit provision 9 One time expenses due to merging of UBANK ROE Average capital ** 6,910 3.6%+ 6,668 7,048 0.8%+ 6,989 2.8%+ 6,797 Common Equity capital (tier 1) to risk weighted assets ratio 9.81% 9.69% * Goodwill amortization amounts to 44 Million NIS and decreases ROE by 0.65% .
Statements of Income 2015 –2014 ((Millions NIS
Change in % Gross change 2014 2015 (10%) (229) 2,331 2,102 Interest Income and Non-Interest Financing Income (including the effect of “ZE’EVI” lawsuit - 37 million NIS) (80%) (71) 89 18 Expenses from Credit Losses (0.02% in 2015) (7%) (158) 2,242 2,084 Interest Income and Non-Interest Financing Income after Expenses from Credit Losses - 3 1,375 1,378 Commissions (78%) (48) 62 14 Other income (last year includes the sale of FIBI LONDON and real estate) (6%) (203) 3,679 3,476 Total Income after Expenses from Credit Losses (202) 2,912 2,710 Total Operating and Other Expenses (8%) (151) 1,780 1,629 Salaries and Related Expenses (4%) (16) 444 428 Maintenance and Depreciation of Property and Equipment (5%) (8) 139 131 Amortization and Impairment of Intangible Assets (27) 549 522 Other Expenses (2%) (9) 455 446 Net Profit 6.8% 6.5% ROE (0.47%) 0.60% 0.13% Bank of Israel Average Interest Rate 9.69% 9.81% Equity Capital (tier 1) to risk components ratio (end of period) 77.3% 77.6% Efficiency Ratio (Total Operating Expenses to Total Income)
Main Changes in Net Profit (2015 - 2014 (Millions NIS
Net Change Gross Change 2014 2015 46 73 (1,749) (1,676) Decrease in Salaries and Related expenses (excluding compensation provision for the merger of U-Bank and Leumi agreement) 64 103 (31) 72 Decrease in Salaries due to Leumi Agreement 40 71 (89) (18) Decrease in Expenses from Credit Losses 10 17 2 19 Increase in the Reconciliations in Fair Value of Derivative Instruments 37 55 (1,132) (1,077) Decrease in Operating and Other Expenses (excluding Salaries) 3 639 642 Increase in Capital Markets Commissions השפעות חיוביות Main Positive Influences
Main Changes in Net Profit (2015 - 2014 (Millions NIS
Net Change Gross Change 2014 2015 (63) (101) 2,078 1,977 Decrease in Net Interest Income (71) (114) 257 143 Decrease in Profit Realized from Bonds and Equity Portfolios (23) (37) - Outcome due to “ZE’EAVI” Lawsuit (26) (31) 31 Capital Gain from the Sale of FIBI London (19) (30) Expenses related to the merger of U-Bank (10) (17) 14 Decrease in profit from selling buildings and others השפעות שליליות Main Negative Influences Total Decrease of 9 million NIS in Net Profit
Operating & Other Expenses (Millions NIS)
Excluding the effect of LEUMI Agreement and on time expenses due to merging UBANK – reduced by 73 million NIS 2015 2014 202- 6.9% 151- 8.5%- 27- 61- 8- * * Includes amortization of goodwill in 2015 in respect of subsidiaries in the amount of NIS 44 million (0.65% ROE), of which 34 NIS millions expected to be completed until 8/16 (effect of 0.5% on ROE).
FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities composite (*)
FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities Structure (NIS Billions) FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities composite (*) (NIS Billions) Public Deposits 103.3 Credit to the Public 72.6 Capital to Risk Assets Total Ratio equity capital (tier 1) to risk components ratio Deposits to Credit Ratio Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio 13.26% 14.24% 9.81% 9.69% 142.3% 138.0% 42.0% 40.2% Capital Available for Investments to Investment Capital Ratio 34.1% 31.5% State of Israel Bonds 8.4 Bank of Israel Deposits 27.1 Gov. & Bank deposits 2.1 Capital Notes 5.9 Capital Available for Investment 5.4 Corporate and banks Bonds (foreign & Israel currency) 3.6 Bonds of foreign countries 3.9 Liquidity Ratio (LCR) 104% Structures, Hedge Funds &Stocks 0.3 Market Risk in VAR(0.01) (*) For iIllustration only – not to scale
The highest equity capital (tier 1) ratio in the banking system
Equity Capital (tier 1) Ratio- Capital Adequacy Equity capital (tier 1) ratio target at 31/12/17 * 9.26% 10.75% 10.50% 9.15% 9.8% * 14.30% 14.57% 13.42% 13.42% * * The highest equity capital (tier 1) ratio in the banking system The data is updated to 31/12/15.
Deposits from the public
The Development in Balance Sheet, Equity, Credit and Deposits - consolidated, end of (period (Billions NIS Credit to the public Deposits from the public Capital attributed to the shareholders of the Bank Balance sheet Leverage ratio at 31/12/15 is 5.43% 7%+ 6% 5% 4% 9%+ 5%+ 4%+
Credit to the Public by Segment (Millions NIS)
Rates of Change compared to 31/12/14 30/9/15 31/12/15 7.9% 2.5% 18,489 Private Clients (excluding mortgage) 10.2% 1.1% 20,431 Mortgages 9.1% 1.7% 38,920 Credit to Private Clients (0.2%) 9.6% 20,302 Corporate 3.2% 1.8% 13,333 Commercial and Small Businesses 5.3% 3.8% 72,555 Total Credit to the Public () – 31/12/14
Decrease of 22% in credit risk due to Problematic Debt (Millions NIS)
31/12/15 31/12/14 Gross Change Balance -Sheet Off- Balance- Sheet Total Balance- Sheet Impaired Credit Risk 771 151 922 806 112 918 4 Inferior Credit Risk 220 45 265 484 183 667 (402) Credit Under Special Supervision Risk 770 262 1,032 1,136 143 1,279 (247) Total Problematic Credit Risk 1,761 458 2,219 2,426 438 2,864 (645) Ratio of the provision for credit losses to impaired credit to the public not accruing interest income accruing NPL coverage ratio 107.9% 109.6%
Rates of Change in Compared to
Deposits from the Public Breakdown by Segment (Millions NIS) Rates of Change in Compared to 31/12/14 31/12/15 10.7% 54,222 Total Private Clients 8.6% 33,402 Corporate 1.5% 15,638 Commercial + Small Businesses 8.5% 103,262 Total 26.5% 42,915 Of which: Positive Current Account Balance (16%) (52%) (32%) () – 31/12/14
Client Assets Portfolio (Deposits & Securities) present continued growth (average balances, Billions NIS) 359 9.1% 329 11.1% 30 8.4% 296 33 273 23 continued increase in client assets portfolio. Increase of 30 Billion NIS(9%) compared to 2014.
Of witch: Israel government bond
NOSTRO NIS millions Change compare to 31/12/14 30/9/15 31/12/15 NIS millions Wage in % NIS million 3,545 2,625 72% 9,085 74% 10,005 77% 12,630 Government bond 574 363 62% 7,818 59% 8,029 51% 8,392 Of witch: Israel government bond 109 6 17% 2,162 2,265 14% 2,271 Banks bond 282 191 8% 996 1,087 1,278 Corporate bond (50) 13 2% 311 248 261 stocks 3,885 2,834 100% 12,554 13,605 16,439 Total equity Negative capital fund available due to available for sale securities on 31/12/15 is 18 NIS millions. As of 22/2/16 20 NIS millions.
Net profit 2015 Millions NIS
Subsidiaries Net Profit Growth Centers Equity Capital (tier 1) to Risk Components Ratio ROE Net profit Millions NIS Specialization Winning the tender of the Ministry of Defense for the provision of loans and banking services to entitled customers in the coming years Expansion of the factoring activity Joining the Fund in cooperation with the Manufacturers Association - together with FIBI Winning the government tender for the provision of loans to SME together with institutional partner 9.6% 5.8% 65.6 Retail Clients Commercial/ Corporate Defense Forces Personnel Factoring Winning in the teachers loans tender during 2014 Growth in the teachers sector due to winning the tender Growth in the Israeli-Arab sector (6 branches) 13.8% 7.1% (10.2%)* 36.5 Teachers Sector Israeli-Arab Sector Increasing network coverage in the ultra-orthodox sector 12.3% 10.6% (13.6%)* 39.4 Ultra-Orthodox Sector Merged into FIBI On 31/12/15 while maintaining the brand name * ROE in accordance to average Equity capital (tier 1) to risk components ratio in the Israeli banking system
Main characteristics and strengths of FIBI group
√ Diversified growing high quality credit portfolio Level of credit loss provisions is low over the years Expenses for credit losses of 0.02% in 2015. 22% decrease in credit risk due to problematic debt Consistent growth in client assets portfolio as a result of our strength in private banking and capital markets activity. In 2015, 9% growth in client assets portfolio to 360 Billion NIS. High financial stability high equity capital and liquidity ratios Equity capital ratio (tier1) 9.81% (higher than the regulatory requirement) Liquidity coverage ratio 104% Tight expenses control and reduction to improve operational efficiency In 2015, a 202 Million NIS decrease in operating expenses (7% of total expenses) √ √ √
Distribution of up to 50% of net profit
Dividend policy Distribution of up to 50% of net profit (*) (*) Dividend yield
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