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Introduction to the Linux Commandline

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Linux Commandline"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Linux Commandline

2 What will be covered: Why should we use the commandline ? Basic commandline usage A bit more advanced usage Networking commands

3 What will NOT be covered:
Shell scripting More advanced commands like awk

4 Please interrupt me during the presentation if you have any questions.
Questions can be asked in English or Dutch. Answers will most likely be in English.

5 Why should we use the commandline ?
Most efficient way to communicate with your computer Less likely to fail Puts YOU in control instead of a GUI program that thinks it does what it thinks that you want

6 Basic commands: List files: ls Create a file: touch Delete a file: rm Change directory: cd Create directory: mkdir Remove directory: rmdir

7 Now lets see them in action ...
To reach the commandline: Press ctrl+alt+ F1...F6 Open a graphical terminal program. Usual icon:

8 Some more commands ..... See contents of a file: cat, more and less See type of file: file Search in a file: grep And yes, there they are: cut & paste :-) Lets give them a try ...

9 Combining commands: pipes
A pipe uses two or more programs. Output from the first program is used as input for the next. | is the pipe sign. program1 | program2 | program3

10 Networking commands: See config: ifconfig See routing: route Test connectivity: ping Others: netstat, nslookup, dig Some may require root priviledges !

11 Do you really have to remember all this ?
No but don't throw away your notes :-) man and info are your friends

12 The end Last time to ask questions :-) You can try it youself on the available computers

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