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Human Culture United States & Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Culture United States & Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Culture United States & Canada

2 America

3 Brief

4 In the beginning… Native Americans 1500s – Europeans have arrived!!!
1776-Revolutionary War 1789- United States Constitution

5 America expanding through the years

6 …history continues… American Civil War

7 1914 (1917) -1918– World War I

8 Great Depression

9 December 1941- 1945 – World War II

10 1950s-1960s- Civil Rights Movement

11 Population

12 Immigration Industrialization and immigrants made the population more mobile and urbanized. immigration-explorer.html?_r=1&

13 Population How many people make up America? 315 million
How does that rank? 4th – after China, India and the European Union

14 US population by Age

15 Movement More people are moving to the Sunbelt Where is the sunbelt?
Why is this important?

16 movement More people are moving to megalopolis Megalopolis – Why?
a chain of roughly adjacent metropolitan areas Example: area between Boston and Washington D.C. Why? Economic opportunity

17 American Society & Culture

18 Melting Pot or Tossed Salad?
America: Melting Pot or Tossed Salad?

19 Diversity Due to immigration, the population of the United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world. This diverse population, coupled with the core value of religious freedom, contributed to the wide range of religions practiced today.

20 Family Though family remains an important part of society
More women are seeking careers and are earning higher degrees

21 Art & Music Developed by blending the influences of the country’s vast immigrant communities. Music Jazz The Blues -

22 Freedom from Want By Norman Rockwell, 1943

23 Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses, 1953.
Dark Sky Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses, 1953.

24 Diamond Dust Shoes Andy Warhol, 1980

25 American Economy

26 Free Economy Helped establish its great economic power.
The economy has evolved: From agricultural To manufacturing To the postindustrial

27 The good & the bad The Good: The Bad: Transportation
Reliable communications networks The Bad: downturn in 2008 caused by the subprime mortgage crisis is improving, but more growth is needed to return the United States to robust health

28 Canada

29 Did You know, eh? 10 Things Canadians do better than Americans


31 In the beginning… Inuit and First Nations French Colony
French and Indian War Seven Years War (1754) French becomes British The British loyalist

32 Lets continue… 1812-1814- The War of 1812
1841- Unification of Upper and Lower Canada parallel boundary extends to Pacific Ocean

33 …an onward… 1867- Confederate to become Dominion of Canada
1982- Canada gains a new Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms

34 1917- Halifax Explosion December 6,-The Mont-Blanc, ammunition ship collides with the Imo the explosion covered 325 acres windows were broken more than 50 miles away Killed: 2,000 people Injured: 9,000 people


36 Government Ottawa is the capital of Canada
There are three branches of government: Legislature- Parliament Executive- Prime Minister Judicial- Supreme Court Constitutional Monarch Who is in head of state? Queen Elizabeth II

37 Population

38 Population by numbers 35 million 25%- mixed origin
More or less than USA? 25%- mixed origin 90%- live within 100 miles of the US Border Why? Better climate Easier access of commerce

39 Cities 81% live in Urban Areas Top 6 most populated cities:
Toronto, Ontario Montreal, Quebec Vancouver, British Columbia Calgary, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Ottawa, Ontario

40 Culture & Society

41 Culture Immigration helped develop multiculturalism Languages
English French Family size: 3 Women in the workforce

42 The Arts The arts, music and theater are continuing to grow in Canada
Toronto- 3rd largest production center, in English-speaking world

43 Totem Walk at Sitka Emily Carr, 1907

44 Northern Lights Tom Thomson, 1916



47 Economy 58% exports- Natural Resources
Technology & reliable transportation systems has helped spur economic growth across the country. Canada is doing better than the US since the 2008 recession more conservative lending in the real estate market. Greater stability in housing prices lower unemployment rates than the United States or Europe.

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