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Management Accounting

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1 Management Accounting
Meaning:- According to the institute of management Accountants(IMA) It describes:- Management Accounting is a profession involves partnering in management decision-making, devising planning & performance management systems and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assit managemnet in the formulation.

2 Scope of Management Accounting:-
The scope of management accounting can be studied as follows:- 1.Financial Accounting. 2. Cost Accounting. 3.Budgeting & Forecasting. 4.Inventory Control. 5.Statistical Method. 6.Interpretation of Data. 7.Reporting to Management. 8.Internal Audit & Tax Accounting. 8.Methods & Procedure.

3 Functions of Management Accounting:-
These are as follows:- Forecasting & Planning. Co-ordinating. Organizing. Controlling. Financial Analysisis& Interpretation. Communications. Motivating. Decision Making.

4 Tools & Techniques of Management Accounting:-
Some of the important tools & techniques are briefly explained below:- Financial Planning. Financial statement Analysis. Cost Accounting. Fund Flow Analysis. Standard Costing. Marginal Costing. Budgetary Control. Revaluation Accounting. Decision making Accounting. Management information system. Statistical Techniques. Management Reporting. Historical Cost Accounting. Ratio Analysis.

5 Management Accounting V/S Financial Accounting:-
1}Management Accounting provides information to people within an organization. 1}Financial Accounting Is mainly for those outside it. Such as shareholders. 2}Management Accounting is not specific standards & formats may be required for statutory accounts such as in the international accounting standard. 2}Financial Accounting is required by law. 3}Management Accounting may be concerned with particular products or cost centres. 3}Financial Accounting covers the entire organizations. 4}Management Accounting is used preliminary by those within a company. Or management. 4}Financial Accounting is used preliminary by those outside of a company. Or organization. 5}Reports can be generated for any period of time such as daily, weekly or monthly. 5}Financial reports are usually created for a set of period of time, such as financial year.

6 Role of Management Accounting:-
A management account must work with competence, confidence, integrity & objectivity for the accomplishment of the following objectives. It helps in planning & formulation of future policies. It helps in organising. It helps in controlling performance. It helps in interpreting financial information. It helps in motivating Employee. It helps in co-ordination. It helps in communicating up-to date. It helps in decision making.

7 Nature of management Accounting:-
The following are the features of management accounting. It is advisory in nature. It is directed towards the nature. It collects and selects accounting information but does not preserve it. It is not continious in nature. Use of special tool & techniques. Icrease in Efficiency.

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