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Voluntary Military.

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1 Voluntary Military

2 INDEX I Contents I Voluntary Military I Contents I Contents I Contents

3 01 Issue

4 I Voluntary military VS Military Conscription
Volunteer military system is not forced conscription, it is a system functioned by recruiting career soldiers who personally apply to the army. Conscription is a system where a Nation calls upon it’s people by enforcing compulsory military service system to defend the country.

5 02 Agreement

6 I Advantage Utilization of Talented people
In military they will only select the essential personnel like the corporations’ do, this will make the military Operate more efficiently and will significantly decrease in desertion (failing to return to base) and internal accidents especially suicide.

7 I Advantage 2. Decrease in violation of human rights
Since soldier is a public officer beating, abusing, Military absurdity, internal absurdity and rank-ignorance will significantly decrease and the organization will be more strengthened.

8 I Advantage 3. Corruption
A systematic irregularity for avoiding military service compulsory military service does not exist.

9 I Advantage 4. Welfares of Officers and Soliders
Soldiers equipment such as Clothings, Infantry Equipment, Personal Equipment, Combat Equipment, Military bags and so on can be improved and military can be more Modernized.

10 I Advantage 5. Professionalism
Since it is volunteer it’s more like to be very motivational, because they will usually serve the country longer than the NCOs and soldiers and also it will help to enhance professionalism. T his is important when the equipment handling takes a long time and be an expert of the equipment.

11 03 Article and quote

12 IReserch


14 03 Controversy

15 I Rich and the Poor controversy
The point is people have to spend 2 years in the Army by compulsory means but if you volunteer and join the Army you would get stable income, be familiar with skills that requires professionalism, Military commissioned education and a chance of getting university education and also get additional points which will be advantageous of getting hired by a public owned companies after your discharge.

16 I Rich and the Poor controversy
Many number of citizens’ volunteer for being a policemen or a firefighter but we do not call this community discrimination. But in other hand volunteering for the Army many people admit this being community discrimination which is not very convincing. It is just a career path for everyone. -Newspaper article spoken by Doohwan kim

17 I Academic Controversies
If volunteer military system was to be functioned it would be hard to see the citizen volunteering for the army if the person who finished university education is capable of finding a good work place. If I were to raise some objections about this topic, I have to point out about the entrance level of Korean university being unbelievably high.

18 I Academic Controversies
Currently almost all of the soldiers in Korea army has not Finished their studies in university yet, great number of them join the army while they are still attending university so it would mean them joining the army after only finishing the first year this would be the same as them only finishing high school because they have not “fitted in” yet in their universities.

19 03 Summary

20 I

21 I According to Wikipedia out of all of the Countries
in the world there are 24 Countries without military and there are 4 countries such as Canada Indonesia that won’t conscript if war was to break out. There are 70 Countries that abolished conscription system lately Germany, Sweden, Serbia etc. has abolished conscription system so this would make South Korea the only Country that still has this system out of all developed Countries.

22 I Country expected to abolish conscription
Republic of China : Planned on 2015 but was extended to 2017 because of short of volunteers Turkey : Expecting to abolish before 2020. Russia : Mid to long term expected to change to Volunteer System. Georgia, Kazakhstan : Expected to change to volunteer system on 2016.

23 I The historians of England are stating that struggles
and the damages done was the worst in WW1 and WW2 the main reason for this was because England had conscription system back then. Forces that require professionalism such as SAS special force are natives of England, England has the most studies and proof of conscription being inefficient.

24 I You cannot judge an army just by the number of their
soldiers, for example 1.3 million Iraq troops have lost to only 18 thousand troops of United States. Winning the war does not depend on the numbers but in modernized weapons.

25 I Rather than spending all of the limited defense budget
on large-scale troops maintenance, they should invest in strengthening professionalism and weapon modernization. We should walk on a path for a long-term of self-defense.

26 Thank You

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