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Quick Overview of the US History

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1 Quick Overview of the US History

2 RECAP How does the US compare to other countries regarding movement of the social ladder, especially compared to Canada? Are there immigrants from certain countries that “perform” better than other groups of immigrants?

3 RECAP How has the American Dream historically relied on the oppression of different groups? (ie. Slavery, unpaid house labor) Should the immigrants return to their countries to ensure that their family has a good life?

4 RECAP Should the 21st century society accept the Constitution as a living, flexible document (as mostly seen by liberals) or a rigid one (as seen by conservatives)?

5 Establishment of 13 colonies
War of Independence US Constitution American Civil War Industrialization and Trusts WWI and the Great Depression World War Two McCarthyism and 20th ct. conflicts Civil Rights Movement

6 Establishment of 13 colonies
Who established the 13 colonies? What were their names? What happened to the first nations and what has been their influence?

7 War of Independence What were the underlying causes of the American Revolution? Which immediate events led to Revolution? Who were the leaders of the War of Independence?

8 US Constitution How is the US Constitution structured ? Explain the concept of checks and balances Choose the 3 most significant amendments and explain their significance

9 US Civil War How did the US expand between Independence and 1860? What were the causes of the US Civil War? What were the outcomes of the US Civil War? What was the post-war situation in terms of human rights?

10 Industrialization and Trusts
What were trusts and why were they a problem? How was immigration in the 2nd half of 19th century tied to trusts? What did the US government do to deal with trusts? Who were the biggest trust-busters?

11 WWI and The Great Depression
What was the reason for US’ involvement in WWI? What were its the effects? What were the causes of the Great Depression? What economic innovations did the Great Depression bring to the US?

12 World War 2 What was the reason for US’ involvement in WW2? What were its the effects? What was the situation of Japanese inhabitants of the US? To what extent was it necessary to use atomic weapons on Japan?

13 McCarthyism and 20th ct. conflicts
Who was Senator McCarthy and what did he do? What are “proxy wars”? Give at least 3 examples between US and Russia throughout the post-war 20th century What were the global effects of proxy wars?

14 Civil Rights Movement What were the 3 most important events in the 1950s to end racial discrimination in the US? How did the status quo change in 1960’s Compare Martin Luther King and Malcolm X


16 New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

17 7. Influence of Native Americans
What/Who did the first settlers encounter? Influence of Native Americans Relationship Settlers vs. Indians – how was it in South America?

18 British Legislation Navigation and Molasses Acts – prohibition of trade with Britain’s rivals (until 1763) Proclamation of 1763 Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Acts, Stamp Act Townshend Act and the Tea Act ( ) Quebec Act and the Intolerable Acts ( )

19 American Revolution 1775 – 1783 Events in Concord and Lexington
Declaration of Independence


21 US Expansion

22 Events leading to the US Civil War
Missouri Compromise (1820) – slavery parallel Tariff of abominations (1828) Nullification crisis (1832) Underground slave railroad Compromise of 1850 – Fugitive slave act, D. Scott Uncle Tom  Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Bleeding Kansas (1861)

23 Outcome of the US Civil War

24 Reconstruction 1862 – 13th (1865), 14th (1868), 15th (1870) Jim Crow
1875 – Civil Rights Act – unconstitutional Voting rights Separate but equal Anti-discrimination legislation Plessy vs. Fergusson (1896)

25 The Gilded Age

26 World War One

27 World War One Immediate causes Woodrow Wilson US presence in WWI
Herbert Hoover FDR Keynes

28 Pearl Harbor Reasons for the bombing (1940, 1941 deliveries)
US-Japan negotiations Incomplete intelligence December 7, 1941

29 Geopolitical implications
Atlantic Charter – 1941 No territorial gains by the US or the UK Right to self-determination Lowering trade barriers Global economic cooperation Disarmament of the aggressors

30 Geopolitical implications
Teheran Conference – 1943 preliminary agreement to the UN Yalta Conference – February 1945 dealing with Germany Potsdam Conference – July-August 1945 war reparations


32 Civil Right Leaders Martin Luther King (1968) Malcolm X (1965)

33 Thank you for your attention 

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