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The Nordic Welfare Model and Basic Income

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1 The Nordic Welfare Model and Basic Income
Nordic conference on Basic Income Pilots, Christiansborg, København, September 22-23, 2016 Nanna Kildal Uni Research Rokkansenteret, Bergen Uni Research Rokkansenteret

2 The hallmark of Nordic welfare states is expressed in terms of some essential traits:
social rights are of a universal nature based on residence; social policy is comprehensive; redistribution makes for relatively equal income distributions; work orientation is strong

3 Universal welfare schemes
allocate welfare provisions to all members of society as a matter of right Selective policies include both insurance-based reciprocal policies, restricted to the working population, and means-testing policies targeted at the poor The main principles of welfare: universalism, reciprocity and targeting

4 The new welfare contract 1990s
Social rights should be closely linked to certain duties that the citizen should be obliged to meet as a condition of eligibility. “The needy should receive aid, but only in return for some contribution to the society” (Lawrence Mead 1997)

5 Change i social policy discourses
1970s - social policy discourses were about social rights and what kind of individual needs the society should take responsibility for. 1980s and 1990s - discourses were about balancing citizens’ rights and duties and the personal responsibility for the citizens’ welfare.

6 The work approach The Basic Income
Tightens the link between work and income by introducing a duty to work through obligatory work- or activity programs. Costly, inefficient, unfair and humiliating. Loosens the link between work and income by introducing a right to income for all. Dissolves the unemployment trap, reduce administrative costs, increases job possibilities and income security, protects human dignity.

7 Universal Basic Income Supports the financial sustainability of the welfare state by securing the citizens’ income and work. Supports the moral sustainability of the welfare state by an equal treatment and protecting the citizens dignity. It will be in full accordance with core principles in the Nordic welfare states, the work orientation and the egalitarian principle of universalism.

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