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Intro to Culinary Arts Mrs. Lynch

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1 Intro to Culinary Arts Mrs. Lynch
Microwave Cooking Intro to Culinary Arts Mrs. Lynch

2 Microwave Basics Cooks quickly Low-fat method
Retains water-soluble vitamins (B, C) Few vitamins destroyed by heat (Vitamin C, Riboflavin, etc.) Read owner’s manual

3 Power Settings Higher power settingfaster cooking
% systems (50%-100% power) Description (low, medium, high) Chart on page 395 Check owner’s manual

4 Microwaves Produced Microwaves produced at each setting vary
Power ratings are based on watts (electrical units of power) Higher wattagemore microwaves produced at various settings Find wattage on back of microwave Collegepossibly less wattage

5 Under what circumstances would you want more/less wattage?

6 How do microwaves cook food?
Magnetron produces microwaves Microwaves bounce off walls Microwaves penetrate food (1 ½ in. deep) Causes food molecules to vibrate Produces a domino effect (Conduction) Friction causes heat to move throughout the food, therefore cooking it!

7 Which foods cook best? Best choices Food composition is a huge factor
Moist foods Foods that can be cooked in moist heat Food composition is a huge factor

8 Food Composition High water contentcooks faster
Fat, sugar, and salt attract microwaves Concentrated areas cause “hot spots” Baby bottles Jelly doughnuts Others? Salt foods after cooking

9 Food Composition cont…
Some foods absorb liquids to cook Pasta, rice No time saved Some foods have tough skin Examples? Steam builds up and cannot escape Kaboooooooooom!!! Pierce with fork Give examples of food that would explode if not pierced with fork.

10 What other factors matter?
Food Density Denser food____ Cook Time Shape and size Uneven thickness…thinner edges____________ Larger or whole pieces____ Cook Time Starting temperature of food Colder food ____ Cook Time Amount of food More food____ Cook Time What are some examples of foods with these characteristics? What experiences have you had with these factors?

11  Metal in the Microwave 
Microwave Cookware  Metal in the Microwave  Microwaves are reflected by metal Pass through glass, plastic and paper material Metal or foil in micro. cause ARCING, electrical sparks Can cause damage or fire

12 Microwave Cookware Glass/glass-ceramic Stoneware, China, Pottery
Test if microwave safe Stoneware, China, Pottery No metal trim or metallic glaze Plastic Ensure “Microwave Safe” Paper Microwave safe No recycled material-metal fragments

13 Size and Shape of Food Affect the way food cooks and the cooking time
Shallow pans with straight sides Round pans = Even cooking Square and rectangle pansrounded corners

14 Microwaving Techniques
Food Placement Best arrangementRING shape Microwaves enter food from as many sides as possible Leave Space between pieces Arrange thickest pieces to the outside Middle of microwave cooks slower Examples of spokes of wheel, thickest out, thinnest in.

15 Covering Food Covering food… Cover tightly for steaming
Keeps food moist Holds in steam Shortens cooking time Prevents Splattering Cover tightly for steaming Cover loosely for drier food

16 Microwave-Safe Covers
Glass Plastic Waxed paper Parchment paper Paper towels Inverted plates-use a potholder

17 Stirring, Rotating, and Turning
Microwaves may not distribute evenly After half the cooking time Dense foods (meat & poultry) should be turned over May have turntable, yet still need rotating, stirring and turning

18 Determine Cooking Time
Two parts On- microwaves are being produced Off- heat trapped in food continues to cook it (standing time) If cooked uncovered, cover during standing time Check food for doneness after standing time.

19 Microwave Recipes Includes….. Size and shape of cooking container
How to arrange food for even cooking Whether or not to cover the dish A range of cooking and standing times.

20 Accident Prevention Rules
Never turn on unless food is present Follow manufacturer’s directions for use Don’t eat food if package turns brown Don’t reuse containers Loosen covers or caps or EXPLOSION Don’t attach magnets to microwave Have professionally checked for leakage

21 Glass Safety Explosion can Occur Safety Tips Weakened structure
Over use Cracks Misuse Cold Surfaces Water on Surface Safety Tips Wear oven mitts Avert eyes and face Wear shoes at all times Set on dry surface Allow dish to cool Set down gently Do not broil with glass Do not set directly on element

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