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KCSIE 2016: Ensuring implementation in your school or setting

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1 KCSIE 2016: Ensuring implementation in your school or setting
Dai Durbridge Browne Jacobson LLP

2 Welcome Partner in the education team at Browne Jacobson and lead on all things safeguarding. Draft and approve Optimus Safeguarding policies. Part of the Optimus expert panel.

3 This session Getting policy right Dissemination Meeting training needs
Engaging with the safeguarding governor and carrying out a safeguarding audit Evidencing actions

4 Top tips for effective policies

5 10 tips for effective policies
Content – cover what needs to be covered (guidance and Ofsted). Clarity and brevity are your friends (be accurate and succinct). Size is not important. Get the flow right (the right topics in the right order).

6 Top tips for effective policies
Review means review, not ‘bolt on’ new elements. Spin-out separate policies if needed, but only if needed. Disseminate to all staff Train staff.

7 10 tips for effective policies
Critically assess - if you don’t find it an easy read, your staff won’t either… Carry out a procedural review after a safeguarding issue: Did they work? Could they have worked better? What changes should you make. Do you need to engage the LSCB or other agencies? Record that you carried out a review.

8 Dissemination

9 Dissemination How accessible is your safeguarding policy?
Website Internally If you asked your staff, from where would they say they accessed it? Would the answers be consistent?

10 Dissemination How do you disseminate your policy once it has been approved? to staff Staff meetings Training update Short training video on the key changes No right or wrong answer, it’s about outcomes – do staff know your policy and where to find it?

11 Dissemination How do you evidence your effective dissemination?

12 Meeting training needs

13 Training needs Horse for courses – different staff need a different level of training and for it to be delivered in different ways: DSL Governors Cleaners Office staff Front line staff What do they need to know and what approach is required to help them know it?

14 Training needs Extension of dissemination
How do you train your staff on your policy and guidance requirements? Inset days Staff meetings Online training How do you measure and record the success of the training?

15 Training needs Record of attendance Post session quiz
Refresher training What evidence can you then present to Ofsted?

16 Engaging with the safeguarding governor and carrying out a safeguarding audit

17 Safeguarding governor
There to support and challenge Make best use of this relationship to review: policy implantation and staff training incident review audit check.

18 Safeguarding audit Review policy then carry out telephone interviews with: The DSL and the head One teaching staff member and one support staff member Safeguarding governor/Chair. Review the SCR

19 Safeguarding audit Review evidence of policy dissemination and safeguarding training. Make recommendations to ensure approach is in line with KCSIE requirements and Ofsted expectations. Evidence these actions!

20 Final tips to take away

21 Tips Keep your policy clear and concise Effective dissemination is key
Train staff in the right way for them and to the required standard Use your safeguarding governor Evidence your actions

22 Dai Durbridge | 0161 300 8037 |

23 KCSIE 2016: Ensuring implementation in your school or setting
Dai Durbridge Browne Jacobson LLP

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