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#CANGSSRollout #CANGSS #NGSS Writing team acknowledgments:

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Presentation on theme: "#CANGSSRollout #CANGSS #NGSS Writing team acknowledgments:"— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Models: Developing a Comprehensive NGSS High School Program
#CANGSSRollout #CANGSS #NGSS Writing team acknowledgments: Kirk Brown, Director, The Office of STEM, San Joaquin County Office of Education Matt d’Allesio, Associate Professor, Geological Science, California State University, Northridge Nathan Inouye, Science Coordinator, Ventura County Office of Education Jennifer Janzen, Science Coordinator, Santa Clara Office of Education 1 Min

2 Session Goals To engage in deep and meaningful conversations about the different high school course models for NGSS. To deepen your knowledge of the intent of the CA Science Framework “Grades Nine Through Twelve” chapter and how it offers suggestions for designing NGSS pathways into 3-course and 4-course HS models. To analyze considerations and challenges for developing a comprehensive NGSS high school model. 2 MIN

3 Session Norms/Agreements to Maximize Your Learning
Fully participate, engage in dialogue, listen actively, and have fun! 2. Integrate new information Be open minded. This is not a decision-making session. This is a learning session. 4. Avoid sidebar conversations Use technology appropriately 1 MIN (STRESS Bullet #3 This is NOT a decision-making session. This is about the 3 models that are highlighted within the Framework.)

4 Introduction Activity
Ponder the following two questions below and write your answers on two separate sticky notes. Place your sticky notes under the appropriate labeled chart: New learning High School Considerations What do you hope to learn from this session? What are your top questions, concerns, considerations, priorities, and/or challenges that exist regarding NGSS implementation at your high school? (4 min. max.)

5 Comprehensive High School NGSS Vision
Quick Write: How would you define a comprehensive high school NGSS program? Share your vision with your table group. Acknowledge different circumstances - AP, continuation, etc. (3 min. for writing, 3 minutes to share)

6 NGSS Conceptual Shifts
The NGSS Conceptual Shifts & A Comprehensive High School NGSS Vision NGSS Conceptual Shifts 1. K–12 science education should reflect the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world. 2. The NGSS are student performance expectations – not curriculum. 3. The science concepts in the NGSS build coherently from K–12. 4. The NGSS focus on deeper understanding of content as well as application of content. 5. Science and engineering are integrated in the NGSS, from K–12. 6. The NGSS are designed to prepare students for college, career, and citizenship. 7. The NGSS and Common Core State Standards (English Language Arts and Mathematics) are aligned. (30 sec.)

7 A Comprehensive High School NGSS Vision & the NSGS Conceptual Shifts
Select one NGSS conceptual shift and think about how this is consistent with your comprehensive high school NGSS program vision. Share with your elbow partner your NGSS conceptual shift and how it might look in your high school context. (4 min.)

8 Comprehensive High School NGSS Vision - Reflection
Reflection: Based upon your conversation you just had around the conceptual shifts and your comprehensive high school NGSS vision in your quick write, take a moment to summarize your thoughts and what you will take back to your colleagues. Please revise your quick write. We are all in the same room, but all of us are in a different stage of implementation. The CA Science Framework offers three examples for implementing a comprehensive high school NGSS program. Each model has strengths and weaknesses. acknowledge different circumstances - AP, continuation, etc. (1½ min.)

9 Ca. Science Framework - High School Models
“Before schools and districts can implement the CA NGSS, they must organize the high school grade-banded performance expectations (PEs) into courses“ District/School NGSS Program Plan for all Students! CA Science Framework CA Science Framework: School/District Created Model: Every Science, Every Year ESS Integration Discipline Specific Every Science, Every Year, Integration, Discipline Specific 3 Year Model 3 Course Model 4 Course Model 3 Year or 4 Year Model 1-2 min.

10 More integration of science disciplines
middle school college & career Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Physics in the Universe Chemistry of the Earth System Living Earth Chemistry Biology Physics Earth & Space Science Order of courses is NOT prescribed More integration of science disciplines Every Science, Every Year 3 Year Model ESS Integration 3 Course Model Discipline Specific 4 Course Model (2 min.) Image by Dr. Matt d’Allesio

11 CA Science Framework 3-Course Model – Deeper Dive Activity
H2- H4 CA Science Framework 3-Course Model – Deeper Dive Activity H5 Take a look at The Living Earth, Chemistry in the Earth System, and Physics in the Universe storyboard handouts. Review each of the ESS performance expectations and indicate in the notes column where you might integrate them into each course. Where do you see the integration of engineering standards and the environmental principles and concepts occurring in each course? Record your ideas in the notes column.

12 The Living Earth Deeper Dive Activity
Take a look at The Living Earth storyboard handout (H2). Review each of the ESS performance expectations, engineering standards, and the environmental principles and concepts occurring in each course? We will watch an overview video of “The Living Earth” course from the CA Science Framework and record how the Earth and space sciences are integrated into the course. This video is produced by Dr. Matt d’Alessio, CA Science Framework author.

13 CA Science Framework The Living Earth Reflection
H6 – H7 CA Science Framework The Living Earth Reflection Discuss how the ESS and ETS performance expectations and the Environmental Principles and Concepts were integrated into each instructional segment in “The Living Earth” course.

14 Chemistry in the Earth System Deeper Dive Activity
Take a look at Chemistry in the Earth System storyboard handout (H3). Review each of the ESS performance expectations, engineering standards, and the environmental principles and concepts occurring in each course? We will watch an overview video of the “Chemistry in the Earth System ” course from the CA Science Framework and record how the Earth and space sciences are integrated into the course. This video is produced by Dr. Matt d’Alessio, CA Science Framework author.

15 CA Science Framework Chemistry in the Earth System Reflection
H8 – H9 CA Science Framework Chemistry in the Earth System Reflection Discuss how the ESS and ETS performance expectations and the Environmental Principles and Concepts were integrated into each instructional segment in the “Chemistry in the Earth System” course.

16 Physics in the Universe Deeper Dive Activity
Take a look at “Physics in the Universe” storyboard handout (H4). Review each of the ESS performance expectations, engineering standards, and the environmental principles and concepts occurring in each course? We will watch an overview video of the “Physics in the Universe ” course from the CA Science Framework and record how the Earth and space sciences are integrated into the course. This video is produced by Dr. Matt d’Alessio, CA Science Framework author.

17 Physics in the Universe Reflection
H10 – H11 Physics in the Universe Reflection Discuss how the ESS and ETS performance expectations and the Environmental Principles and Concepts were integrated into each instructional segment in the “Physics in the Universe” course.

18 More integration of science disciplines
middle school college & career Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Physics in the Universe Chemistry of the Earth System Living Earth Chemistry Biology Physics Earth & Space Science Order of courses is NOT prescribed More integration of science disciplines Every Science, Every Year 3 Year Model ESS Integration 3 Course Model Discipline Specific 4 Course Model Image by Dr. Matt d’Allesio

19 CA Science Framework 4-Course Model – Deeper Dive Activity
H12- H15 Create a group of 4. Assign each person a course to review. Review your assigned course in like-groups (ie. Chemistry Group, Life Science Group, Physics Group, and Earth Science Group). Discuss the content storyline and learning progression with your group and share how you will summarize the information to bring back to your original group. Chemistry Group Physics Group 10 minutes Life Science Group Earth Science Group

20 4 Course HS Model Reflection
Reform your group which includes a representative from each of the 4 courses. Share and discuss your summaries and discuss the connections and storylines between the courses at your table group. What is innovative about this storyline approach? 10 min.

21 3- vs. 4- Course HS Models Geometric Reflection
What sits “squarely” with you? What do you understand? What is still “rolling” around in your head? What questions do you still have? What are three points you want to remember? 5 min.

22 Session Goals Access to the CA Science Framework High School Chapter & Handouts: To engage in deep and meaningful conversations about the different high school course models for NGSS. To deepen your knowledge of the intent of the CA Science Framework “Grades Nine Through Twelve” chapter and how it offers suggestions for designing NGSS pathways into 3-course and 4-course HS models. To analyze considerations and challenges for developing a comprehensive NGSS high school model. 1 min.

23 High School Model Comparison Chart
Reflect on you your sticky note from the beginning of this session and add any additional local considerations to the chart. 3 min. Although all of the criteria on the comparison chart are important, think about which ones might be used for accountability. Highlight or star the first 4.

24 High School Course Sequence Considerations
The CA Science Framework does not prescribe a specific order for teaching the courses. For example, discuss the strengths for teaching integrated ESS courses in various sequences within 3- years: physics  chemistry  biology chemistry  physics  biology biology  chemistry  physics 1 min.

25 NGSS HS Models Analysis Activity
Select the CA Science Framework 3-Course Model (Red) cards and place them on your placemat. Use the “NGSS High School Models Comparison Chart” as a checklist to discuss the strengths, considerations, and challenges that might exist with this model. How is the pathway for student learning impacted if you change the sequence of the courses in the 3-course model? 10 min.

26 NGSS HS Models Analysis Activity
Select the CA Science Framework 4-Course Model (Blue) cards and place them on your placemat. Use the “NGSS High School Models Comparison Chart” as a checklist to discuss the strengths, considerations, and challenges that might exist with this model. Using the front or back of the placemat, create your own models. 10 min.

27 Top Ten High School NGSS Questions/Statements
8 min. Read your selected question/statement and think about how you would respond. “Stand up, hand up, pair up” and share your response with your partner.

28 Top Ten High School NGSS Questions/Statements Reflection
Why do we need to change anything to meet NGSS? I teach AP and honors students so I do not need to worry about NGSS? I am preparing these students for college if they pass the AP test. What will we do if students do not take three or four years of science? How do we fit all the NGSS into two years because students only need to take two years of science to fulfill their high school graduation requirement? You have to teach biology, chemistry and physics in that order. Why would you consider any other model? I teach freshmen so the students will have two more years to prepare for the NGSS assessment. Do I really need to worry about which performance expectations I teach? How will NGSS impact my elective science classes? How are STEM and NGSS classes different? Why are some of the performance expectations not grade appropriate? Do pathway (Career Technical Education) science courses meet NGSS? 14 min.

29 Session Reflection Revisit these two questions from your introductory activity and “Quick Write”. What do you hope to learn from this session? How would you define a comprehensive high school NGSS program? Session Goal: To engage in deep and meaningful conversations about the different high school course models for NGSS. To deepen your knowledge of the intent of the CA Science Framework “Grades Nine Through Twelve” chapter and how it offers suggestions for designing NGSS pathways into 3-course and 4-course HS models. To analyze considerations and challenges for developing a comprehensive NGSS high school model. 1 min.

30 “It's better to go slow in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction.” ~ Simon Sinek Take Time 1 min. “The decision you are being asked to make is nontrivial. We urge you to spend time on the decision” (CA Science Framework)

31 Acknowledgements Contributions to the development of this session include: Kirk Brown, Director, The Office of STEM, San Joaquin County Office of Education Matt d’Allesio, Associate Professor, Geological Science, California State University, Northridge Jennifer Janzen, Science Coordinator, Santa Clara Office of Education Nathan Inouye, Science Coordinator, Ventura County Office of Education 30 sec.

32 High School Models (HS Sequence Revisited)
Thank you! 32 Please provide us with feedback about this session and the last two days by filling out “Gots & Needs”. 30 sec. NGSS Rollout III

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