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Bell Work What is a revolution?

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1 Bell Work What is a revolution?
A change of an old system, government, or way of thinking in favor of a new way. What do you think the Scientific Revolution is about? The scientific revolution was about using science to challenge & change the old, Catholic, ways of thinking about the natural world

2 SLO Pretest Directions
Test I.D. 1st Block: 2nd Block: 3rd Block: 4th Block: Student I.D. Look at the top of your bubble sheet where there is a long number bubbled in. It says Student I.D. If you can’t long into the computer you will do it with paper/pencil.

3 Scientific Revolution

4 7-2.2 Explain how the scientific revolution challenged authority and influenced Enlightenment philosophers, including the importance of the use of reason, the challenges to the Catholic Church, and the contributions of Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton.

5 Background Information
The power structure during the Scientific Revolution was shared by the Kings of European countries and the Roman Catholic Pope. The expectation was that the people gave their unyielding loyalty and much of their money to both groups. Both groups also desired that their subjects stay ignorant to the world around them and generally uneducated. By keeping your followers uneducated you can more easily control and take advantage of them.

6 What was the Scientific Revolution?
A time period (1500’s & 1600’s) following the age of exploration when new scientific & mathematical discoveries were made that challenged old ways of thinking.

7 Why is the Scientific Revolution important?
Scientists began using logic & reason instead of blind faith. Scientists began questioning teachings of the Catholic Church. Scientists demanded proof & evidence.

8 Who should I know from the Scientific Revolution?
Copernicus Galileo Isaac Newton

9 What did Copernicus do? Heliocentric theory
sun is center of solar system Brought church teachings into question The Catholic Church believed in the geocentric idea that Ptolemy came up with, and taught it as fact. Geocentric – Earth is the center of the solar system

10 What did Galileo contribute?
Proved the heliocentric theory experiments regarding motion observed space with a telescope he invented. Formulated hypothesis, conducted experiments, to PROVE his theories

11 What actions did the church take to stop scientists?
Scientists like Galileo were told to stop their scientific teachings and say the church teachings are right. If they didn’t, they would be kicked out of the church (excommunication). Galileo refused and was put under house arrest by the church because of his challenges.


13 What did Newton contribute?
Newton experimented with the laws of gravity & motion to challenge old theories.

14 Bell Work How did the Catholic Church respond to the new Scientific ideas? They were angry and tried to force the scientists to stop teaching their theories. Why did they respond that way? They didn’t want people to question the church teachings and lose followers.

15 What is the Scientific Method?
The scientific method was a major contribution of this time period. The Scientific Method is a logical procedure for testing theories by finding evidence & using reason, to prove an idea. This was the logical procedure for testing theories. The Scientific Method: question, forms a hypothesis that is then tested through experimentation, analyze data to reach a conclusion.


17 Bell Work Who were the 3 most important scientists during the Scientific Revolution and what were they famous for? Copernicus – Heliocentric Theory, first to challenge church ideas Galileo – Prove Heliocentric Solar System, invent new telescope, punished by the church for teachings Newton – Laws of Gravity and Motion, invented calculus

18 Why was the Scientific Revolution a problem?
New scientific ideas (based on proof & evidence) challenged church teachings (based on faith). The Bible was the authority for the Catholic Church and society before the SR. Political, social, and economic POWER was on the line for the church. The church may lose political power if people stop taking them seriously. The church may lose money if people stop following their teachings.

19 How did the Scientific Revolution impact society?
Scientific challenges to the Catholic Church encouraged political thinkers to challenge political authority.

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