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Modern Physics for Scientist and Engineers 4th edition

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1 Modern Physics for Scientist and Engineers 4th edition
By Thornton/Rex

2 Physics? 자연 현상을 (수학적인 방법으로) 이해 자연현상 : 측정 (실험)  Truth
수학적인 방법으로 이해 : 이론  Interpretation (이론을 바탕으로 예측) Units, references frames, eqn of motions A theory is right as far as it is consistent with all the measurements.

3 Some thoughts… 대학원 입시 면접 Newton’s mechanics/gravity
양자역학에 대한 view Newton’s mechanics/gravity Based on observation. A right theory is what is consistent with the observation. Laughlin’s statement “Physics is not on the blackboard. It is out there” Prejudice Theory often plays the role of prejudice. Breaking the prejudice

4 Geocentric model 자연현상 (관측) 이론 새로운 관측 새로운 이론

5 배경 - Before 1895 Mechanics Electromag Thermo- dynamics Kinetic theory
Galileo ( ) Newton ( ) Lagrange( ) Hamilton( ) Coulomb ( ) Oersted ( ) Young ( ) Ampère ( ) Faraday ( ) Henry ( ) Maxwell ( ) Hertz ( ) Electromag Thompson ( ) Carnot ( ) Joule ( ) Clausius ( ) Thompson ( ) Thermo- dynamics Boyle ( ) Bernoulli ( ) Charles ( ) Dalton ( ) Gay-Lussac ( ) Avogadro ( ) Brown ( ) Maxwell ( ) Boltzmann ( ) Gibbs ( ) Kinetic theory of gases/Atoms Waves/Ptls Newton ( ) Huygens( ) Young ( ) Fresnel(1788 – 1829)

6 Radiative power density
Unresolved problems Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution Heat capacity Measured Thermo+Kinetic theory Electromag+Light Speed of light c’ = c + v Michelson-Morley experiment Maxwell’s equations Thermo+Light Radiative power density (Rayleigh-Jeans) Stefan-Boltzmann Wien’s law

7 Other problems Gas spectral lines Photoelectric effect (Hertz)
Solids (due to high electron density)

8 New Horizons Unresolved questions of 1985
Two clouds on the horizon: electromagnetic medium and blackbody radiation (Lord Kelvin (1900)) Lead to special relativity and quantum mechanis. New horizons.

9 Relativity & Quantum mechanics
Speed Size Classical theory Quantum mechanics Relativity Q.E.D. Speed Size Classical theory Quantum mechanics Relativity Electro Dynamics

10 Goal of the class is NOT on simply solving problems but is
to understand why scientists had think the way they did. to be able to have the view required in physics research. to be able to have the proper view of the nature.

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